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Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become world’s third-biggest: report

Whats the point of counting after 10, or 50 or even 100....who will be left to use the rest and who will be left to see how many more left.
Killing of any innocent people is prohibited in our religion. However, in case of self defense, we are permitted to apply the heaviest degree of encounter. Any tripe must be avoided on this topic.
the most advanced abm of india has 80 km of altitude while shaheen 2 not 3 has altitude of 100 - 300 km
shaheen 3 would even have greater than this
and ofcourse when pak is almost finshed than they will use nukes eg kargil war
How many Indian cities are there??

1 nuke for each city, that'd be enough .

Wow! All hail your vision and verdict!

War moger, do you realise what you're even asking for? The amount destruction to human and animal life gor your 72 virgins? :disagree::disagree:
Nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan "apologized" for having transferred nuclear secrets to other countries

My dear ladies and gentlemen: Assalam-o-Alaikum [peace be upon you].
It is with the deepest sense of sorrow, anguish, and regret that I have chosen to appear before you in order to atone for some of the anguish and pain that has been suffered by the people of Pakistan on account of the extremely unfortunate events of the last two months.

I am aware of the vital criticality of Pakistan's nuclear program to our national security and the national pride and emotions which it generates in your hearts. I am also conscious that any untoward event, incident, or threat to this national security draws the greatest concern in the nation's psyche.

It is in this context that the recent international events and their fallout on Pakistan have traumatized the nation. I have much to answer for it.

My dear brothers and sisters, I have chosen to appear before you to offer my deepest regrets and unqualified apologies to a traumatized nation.

The recent investigation was ordered by the Government of Pakistan consequent to the disturbing disclosures and evidence by some countries to international agencies relating to alleged proliferation activities by certain Pakistanis and foreigners over the last two decades.

The investigation has established that many of the reported activities did occur, and that these were inevitably initiated at my behest.

In my interviews with the concerned government officials, I was confronted with the evidence and the findings. And I have voluntarily admitted that much of it is true and accurate.

It pains me to realize... that my entire lifetime achievement... could have been placed in serious jeopardy.

My dear brothers and sisters, I have chosen to appear before you to offer my deepest regrets and unqualified apologies to a traumatized nation. I am aware of the high esteem, love, and affection in which you have held me for my services to national security. And I am grateful for all the awards and honors that have been bestowed upon me.

However, it pains me to realise in retrospect that my entire lifetime achievement of providing foolproof national security to my nation could have been placed in serious jeopardy on account of my activities, which were based in good faith, but on errors on judgment related to unauthorized proliferation activities.

I give an assurance, my dear brothers and sisters, that such activities will never take place in the future.

I wish to place on record that those of my subordinates who have accepted their role in the affair were acting in good faith like me, on my instructions.

I also wish to clarify that there was never ever any kind of authorization for these activities by the government.

I take full responsibility for my actions and seek your pardon.

I give an assurance, my dear brothers and sisters, that such activities will never take place in the future.

I also appeal to all citizens of Pakistan, in the supreme national interest, to refrain from any further speculations and not to politicize this extremely sensitive issue of national security.

May Allah keep Pakistan safe and secure. Pakistan Paindah Baad [Long Live Pakistan].

How many Indian cities are there??

1 nuke for each city, that'd be enough .
You are an Idiot. Nukes are not the toys by the way

Pakistani scientists may have offered assistance to a number of countries not only in uranium enrichment but also in nuclear weapon design and fabrication. The possibility that Pakistanis offered assistance in designing and building nuclear weapons to many countries, including Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, and Syria, is an extremely disturbing new development. This possibility must be investigated thoroughly.
Whats the point of counting after 10, or 50 or even 100....who will be left to use the rest and who will be left to see how many more left.

Rajni Kant and all those south Indian movie heroes, may be Saif Ali Khan too after Panty film of his.
Let's hope that nuclear war never happens. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Interesting that the article in the OP says that Pakistan is moving to plutonium production. This will increase the yields of Pakistan's nuke warheads and put it on a road to develop thermonuclear weapons (if it already has'nt done so). My guess is that both Pakistan and india have a larger nuclear arsenal then they let on.
I don't know how having an ABM, will be miscalculating risk. As I said ABM is a defense weapon that destroys an incoming missile before it explodes. But in these circumstances where Pakistan is increasing its nukes, the best strategy for India is to increases the effectiveness of its ABM.

A bomb on Mumbai or Delhi or Bangalore is enough to destroy India. Hence, India will fear only the first bomb, there after none. So Pakistan having 300 nukes over 100 nukes will have marginal impact on India.

Defender and aggressor both can miscalculate..

Having ABM can make other side touchy. A small power play on your side can be mistaken as aggressive gesture and may prompt touchy side to take even more aggressive stance.. side without ABM is likely to launch nuke strike first and launch massively as one of counter measures against ABM is overwhelming attack...

Also it leads to inevitable improvements in aggressor missiles ..faster and stealthier and manouverable missiles lead in reduction of own response time..

Also its easier to improve aggressors than to create defences...

There are other scenarios also but all lead to one final outcome...
WOW third biggest stockpile of nuclear weapons
Defender and aggressor both can miscalculate..

Having ABM can make other side touchy. A small power play on your side can be mistaken as aggressive gesture and may prompt touchy side to take even more aggressive stance.. side without ABM is likely to launch nuke strike first and launch massively as one of counter measures against ABM is overwhelming attack...

Also it leads to inevitable improvements in aggressor missiles ..faster and stealthier and manouverable missiles lead in reduction of own response time..

Also its easier to improve aggressors than to create defences...

There are other scenarios also but all lead to one final outcome...
Its easier to improve aggressors than to create defences............ Don't you think than bieng agressor with defensive power is more benificial or in another way to have both sword and shield rather than have sword withour any shield.
True if you can stop every blow..
Aggressor just have to fire more missiles than your defencive launchers...
Gives aggressor incentive to increase numbers massively...
Thats how russians and americans went into thousands of bombs...
To Overwhelm possible defences
I think the number of nuclear of pakistan is over estimated which have calculated the number of arsenal on the basis of the uranium imported which includes the the fissile material for the fuel in nuclear reactors. Secondly the number of nuclear weapons should be judged by the number of the security personal for the security of the nuclear weapons which is around 15000 in Pakistan thats makes around 60 warhead.
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