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Pakistans nuclear arsenal comparable to Indias

I beg to differ there bro. The basic idea of a secular India isn't working anymore.
Gujerat became the first state to introduce 'Anti Conversion' law, others will follow if BJP gains power in other states.
This may not be a big threat to Muslims or Christians but both evangelical religions are being restricted into spreading 'The Word'.

This is not what I call a democracy.

Just my $0.02

The problem simple, i will not defend Modi and I am disgusted with the Hindu population especially in Gujurat. But you are taking the case of one state or maybe three and comparing it to the whole of India. it does not even make a sample size. The only reason Modi is in power is cuz of corrupt politicans and a slow judiciary. And I will never offer any defence there.

But at the same Muslims have the habit of trying to knit their community and isloate themseleves from other, attack other religions and also have a history of doing so. Every chance of belittling and attacking another religion and only thinking from their point of view.

There are forced conversions happenin India. My own mother during the drought of 1962-63 was told my christian missionaries that they will give her water and food if she converts, when she and her family refused they left without giving water and food. Muslims themseleves dont allow anyone to convert from their religion, isnt that forcing too. Muslims are known to give money and forcing to convert people. You can say it is conspiracy theory but it is a reality. Most conversions in Pakistan and India was done by the sword at the same time in southern India they were converted by Arab traders as well as in Indoensia and malayasia.. they know the true sense of Islam in my understanding, Than the bomb wielding people of the north.
I beg to differ there bro. The basic idea of a secular India isn't working anymore.
Gujerat became the first state to introduce 'Anti Conversion' law, others will follow if BJP gains power in other states.
This may not be a big threat to Muslims or Christians but both evangelical religions are being restricted into spreading 'The Word'.

This is not what I call a democracy.

Just my $0.02

Neo,If a muslim converts to Hinduism what punishment would be meeted out to him?
The problem simple, i will not defend Modi and I am disgusted with the Hindu population especially in Gujurat. But you are taking the case of one state or maybe three and comparing it to the whole of India. it does not even make a sample size. The only reason Modi is in power is cuz of corrupt politicans and a slow judiciary. And I will never offer any defence there.

But at the same Muslims have the habit of trying to knit their community and isloate themseleves from other, attack other religions and also have a history of doing so. Every chance of belittling and attacking another religion and only thinking from their point of view.

There are forced conversions happenin India. My own mother during the drought of 1962-63 was told my christian missionaries that they will give her water and food if she converts, when she and her family refused they left without giving water and food. Muslims themseleves dont allow anyone to convert from their religion, isnt that forcing too. Muslims are known to give money and forcing to convert people. You can say it is conspiracy theory but it is a reality. Most conversions in Pakistan and India was done by the sword at the same time in southern India they were converted by Arab traders as well as in Indoensia and malayasia.. they know the true sense of Islam in my understanding, Than the bomb wielding people of the north.

i can not understad when indian says most of muslims in subcontinent converted to islam with sword . if it is true then hindues are minority in india becouse muslim govern india more then 600 years with absolute power.2nd thing hindu culture never be democratic wher milions of thier felow hindu are untouchable
i can not understad when indian says most of muslims in subcontinent converted to islam with sword . if it is true then hindues are minority in india becouse muslim govern india more then 600 years with absolute power.2nd thing hindu culture never be democratic wher milions of thier felow hindu are untouchable

If you dont know Indian History please dont comment on the post. Understand the extend of Mughal Influence as well as their weakness, Muslims were never absolute, have u heard about Cheras, Cholas and the Pandiyas..I guess not. Most Indian Mughal rulers were very nice except for Aurangazeb,and i have lot of respect for the rest them. Akbar is revered in our text book as the Great, next only to Ashoka, I am living in a state where Muslims is not a negilgble minority, its called Kerala, where muslims were in the forefront of Independence Movement called Mappilla Movement


Grab a sword, get on a horse and show us how martial you are ......

Just joking.

Seriously where do you get your education from ?
If you dont know Indian History please dont comment on the post. Understand the extend of Mughal Influence as well as their weakness, Muslims were never absolute, have u heard about Cheras, Cholas and the Pandiyas..I guess not. Most Indian Mughal rulers were very nice except for Aurangazeb,and i have lot of respect for the rest them. Akbar is revered in our text book as the Great, next only to Ashoka, I am living in a state where Muslims is not a negilgble minority, its called Kerala, where muslims were in the forefront of Independence Movement called Mappilla Movement


i think i know much better indian history then you wher i am living 70 percent population belong to rajputs. if you know indian history that rajputs are ruling cost in hindu culture.according to my region history no one convert in islam by force.preaching of noble sufies convert these brave peapole in islam.i give you an example if you ever read history of mongol and tatars how they converted to islam. they are qunceror of more then 60% of known world . you qout here akbar at end of his days he invent a new religion. so indian muslims not consider akbar as a muslim.

Grab a sword, get on a horse and show us how martial you are ......

Just joking.

Seriously where do you get your education from ?

a simple respond for you are rightly fit in italian term ,MEZZO SANGUE,,
i think i know much better indian history then you wher i am living 70 percent population belong to rajputs. if you know indian history that rajputs are ruling cost in hindu culture.according to my region history no one convert in islam by force.preaching of noble sufies convert these brave peapole in islam.i give you an example if you ever read history of mongol and tatars how they converted to islam. they are qunceror of more then 60% of known world . you qout here akbar at end of his days he invent a new religion. so indian muslims not consider akbar as a muslim.

Do you know how the SATI came into existence in the Rajput culture? I guess not.
The thread is about Pakistan's nuclear arsenal, everybody please back to the topic!
Did you not understand what Neo said? Stay on topic.

If you want to discuss your topic, feel free to create a thread in appropriate section. Stop hijacking the thread.
Do you know how the SATI came into existence in the Rajput culture? I guess not.

since the rajputs tried to kill off the muslims since they were converting all of their low class ppl into islam.......

But back to topic, what nuclear arsenals are we comparing here......Shaheen, Ghauri, Hatf, What?
bobolaw, didnt u see the example of the previous post of webby??

I believe it is the number and type of warhead rather than delivery systems.
I am not too sure about the delivery systems. Is there types of delivery systems for land based launching?

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