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Pakistans Nuclear Arsenal ?? A Handicap OR Strength

lol that's a good one 'TTP has capacity bla bla bla to steal nukes.. could you be more propagandist than this? I didn't lol'd much.

of-coures you have nothing to back this up besides purely banal assumptions, speculations nothing new here it's been over a decade Indians babbling about how insecure Pakistan is that TTP can buckle up steal nukes oh yeah its that easy essentially you're confusing the lack of knowledge with expertise which is disappointing but clearly fallacious.

As I said before, there is every proof that TTP has the capability to take on high security installations. PNS Mehran and the recent attack on the Air force base prove this.
As I said before, there is every proof that TTP has the capability to take on high security installations. PNS Mehran and the recent attack on the Air force base prove this.

are you an idiot or do just pretend to be one?
Do you know how nuclear weapons work?
you don't just pull a trigger and it explodes.
you need scientist and engineers to prep and launch a nuke from purpose built facilities.
Tell me, how many scientists and engineers are part of the Taliban?

the level of stupidity is too damn high here.
are you an idiot or do just pretend to be one?
Do you know how nuclear weapons work?
you don't just pull a trigger and it explodes.
you need scientist and engineers to prep and launch a nuke from purpose built facilities.
Tell me, how many scientists and engineers are part of the Taliban?

the level of stupidity is too damn high here.

:lol: Ever heard of "Dirty Bomb"

The "Dirty Bomb" Scenario - TIME

ever heard of a deluded fantasy?
tell me, how many "dirty bombs" have ever been created?
There are estimated to be thousands of nukes in central Asia that got lost after the Soviet union disintegrated. Tell me, how many of them were turned into "dirty bombs"

These are just fantasies to fool low IQ people and making them scared.
Clearly worked on you ;)
ever heard of a deluded fantasy?
tell me, how many "dirty bombs" have ever been created?
There are estimated to be thousands of nukes in central Asia that got lost after the Soviet union disintegrated. Tell me, how many of them were turned into "dirty bombs"

These are just fantasies to fool low IQ people and making them scared.
Clearly worked on you ;)

Yes the world is fool and you are intelligent. It remind me of a story...never mind
ever heard of a deluded fantasy?
tell me, how many "dirty bombs" have ever been created?
There are estimated to be thousands of nukes in central Asia that got lost after the Soviet union disintegrated. Tell me, how many of them were turned into "dirty bombs"

These are just fantasies to fool low IQ people and making them scared.
Clearly worked on you ;)

Well , all those Soviet were buys by intelligence from Western /Chinese. one wonder how come nuclear curse missile ended in china ? those didnt able to made to wrong hands because western intelligence. in PAk things are diff,
So you are agreeing that Pakistan is defense force.

Indeed, it would be suicidal for Pakistan to take the war inside India. A simple calculation of Math would tell you that India is 7 times bigger than Pakistan, their is simply no comparison. Its like saying that Georgia can take the fight against Russia inside Russian borders. But that being said, Pakistan does retain the conventional capability to strike inside India. Pakistan has invested heavily in stand off weapons, it can fire weapons at targets inside India with pinpoint accuracy.

How many time nukes have been used since they are discovered some 80 years back? So what is juvenile about this?

Just because out of pure blind luck we were lucky enough to have prevented the use of nukes does not mean we should gloat about it. Do you know how many times the USSR and USA came close to nuking each other? They cocked their nukes for God's sake, only lady luck saved the nuclear annihilation of humanity.

What makes you think Kashmir is far from settled? Do you think Pakistan has the capability to wage a war against India, then win it and then take over Kashmir? If you think Pakistan can do this, then I have to say “Only juveniles think so”

As long as the Kashmiris are not contempt with this current status quo, than Aeronaut is right it is far from settled. Indians were under the illusion that Kashmir was a settled fact, but than the 90's hit and Kashmiris rose up.

Instead of writing “Ignorance is a bliss 2.0”, care to explain why TTP cannot steal nukes? There is every proof that TTP has the capability to take on high security installations.

Pray tell me how will the TTP steal nukes? Your own security planners don't seem to think so and the Americans don't seem to think so, but you Mr. Security analyst seem to think so. So please give me a detailed scenario on how you think the TTP will steal nukes? Do you know that there is a force of 10 000 men guarding those nukes, along with back up of Brigade Level that can be mobilized within minutes.

There is no proof to say that TTP can take on high security installations, so far they have only penetrated the outer security layers and never actually made inside the bases. The only damage they caused PN at Mehran was through firing an RPG from the outer layer security zone, PN was just stupid enough to park the Orions out in the open. TTP cannot muster a war fighting force against PA, they know that they will get annihilated. That is why they specialize in Guerrilla Warfare Fighting, their sole purpose is to cause damage and nothing else. How exactly do you explain can TTP muster enough force to fight their way through a PA highly guarded base, pick up a nuke and make their way out. The only person who can do that is Sunny Deol, but i don't think he has any sympathies with the TTP, so Case Closed. I would definitely agree with Aeronaut here, 'Ignorance is a Bliss'.
Yes the world is fool and you are intelligent. It remind me of a story...never mind

not the world, just you
you are too stupid to realize that "dirty bomb" is just a word to scare lemming like you.
There has never been a dirty bomb and it is so impractical and useless that terrorist don't even want to bother with it.

so again, it is impossible for a terrorist group to get a hold of a nuke and use it. You need technical and scientific knowledge to do it.

Well , all those Soviet were buys by intelligence from Western /Chinese. one wonder how come nuclear curse missile ended in china ? those didnt able to made to wrong hands because western intelligence. in PAk things are diff,

1. learn how to write.
your grammar is atrocious.
2.... well I don't actually know what you are trying to say, so I guess I don't need a 2.
@Aeronaut, @Jade

Good day gentleman

Its funny how pakistani and indienne posters are talking about nuclear weapons like they are nothing, it really does scare me about the future of the world. I have a question for you 2 since you guys are active right now, why hasn't your countries respectively signed the NPT treaty. On to second point, an indienne member brought up the kashmir topic , your countrie and pakistan will not get away with the alleged heinous crimes, there is evidence and further allegation that there was torture conducted on both sides though considerably less on pakistani side and even unlawful usage of force by police on the indienne side. There should be a through UN investigation and investigate the claims of kashmiri people and further a referendum given to the people oppressed on both sides whether they want status quo, pakistan, india or independant state. Also for some indienne members reading this, there is lately been a trend on this forum where you have begun acting holier than thou, please get rid of that attitude as you lied to our governmentè about the CANDU reactors. Your leaders are a bunch of liers in that era atleast but candienne public while skeptic are willing to look over that, however @Rusty might have a different opinion as i do not represent the entire population.
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@Aeronaut, @Jade

Good day gentleman

Its funny how pakistani and indienne posters are talking about nuclear weapons like they are nothing, it really does scare me about the future of the world. I have a question for you 2 since you guys are active right now, why hasn't your countries respectively signed the NPT treaty. Second question that an indienne member brought up was about kashmir , your countrie and pakistan will not get away with the crimes, there is open evidence that there was torture on both sides though considerably less on pakistani side. There should be a UN investigation and further a refrendum given to the people opressed on both sides whether they want status quo, pakistan, india or independant state. Also for some indienne members reading this, there is lately been a trend on this forum where you have begun acting holier than thou, please get rid of that attitude as you lied to our governmentè about the CANDU reactors. Your leaders are a bunch of liers in that era atleast but candienne public while skeptic are willing to look over that, however @Rusty might have a different opinion as i do not represent the entire population.

1. India and Pakistan have never used nukes on a civilian population. you want to talk about holier than thou, look to your southern border to the only country in history to have used nukes against civilians.
Pakistani and Indian nukes don't scare me, it's the thousands of nukes in the arsenal of a country that has proven that it will use nukes that scares me.
Of course the reality is much different than porpoganda.
2. What benefit does NPT bring?
you give up your sovereign right for what? a handshake and a promise?
Iran signed the NPT, where is the promise to them? Where is the civilian tech that was promised to Iran?
No thank you.
You cannot trust the west as they are snakes and will always back stab you at the drop of a hat (ask the natives, they will tell you all about it).

3. Kashmir is a separate issue so lets not go down that road here.

4. Not to defend India, but please, it's not like Canada is never lied to anyone about anything.
Look up the 6 nations people in Ontario, Hamilton Ontario is legally native land.

5. And finally, every child knows that our leaders are liars and thieves, you are not telling us something new.
The problem is that the British left us this legacy and we are still suffering from it. Eventually the system has to fix itself or there will be insane amounts of problems for both countries.
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1. India and Pakistan have never used nukes on a civilian population. you want to talk about holier than thou, look to your southern border to the only country in history to have used nukes against civilians.
Pakistani and Indian nukes don't scare me, it's the thousands of nukes in the arsenal of a country that has proven that it will use nukes that scares me.
Of course the reality is much different than porpoganda.
2. What benefit does NPT bring?
you give up your sovereign right for what? a handshake and a promise?
Iran signed the NPT, where is the promise to them? Where is the civilian tech that was promised to Iran?
No thank you.
You cannot trust the west as they are snakes and will always back stab you at the drop of a hat (ask the natives, they will tell you all about it).

3. Kashmir is a separate issue so lets not go down that road here.

4. Not to defend India, but please, it's not like Canada is never lied to anyone about anything.
Look up the 6 nations people in Ontario, Hamilton Ontario is legally native land.

5. And finally, every child knows that our leaders are liars and thieves, you are not telling us something new.
The problem is that the British left us this legacy and we are still suffering from it. Eventually the system has to fix itself or there will be insane amounts of problems for both countries.

Dude what do you mean you can't trust the west, every state looks out for its interest. Please don't bring the native issue as there was not significant native population to begin and believe me natives have the easiest time in college from MBA to medschool literally every opportunity is available to them. As far as nuclear warheads go, nearly 90% of the countries in the world has signed this treaty because they know that having nuclear weapons is a bigger liability(remember the kargil territorial skirmish, where both sides brought out the nuclear weapons to the border literally). Do you not think canada could have acquired nuclear weapons on it's own by now based on the technology we have available at our disposal. Also do correct your anti-west attitude, we have made some mistakes on our side but we have corrected them and are biggest aid donaters out there and as a person that follows islamic values, no wonder lord has blessed us as we are giving. We have opened the door to generation of immigrants accross all racial make up, if you do not like our system then make a change at voting poll or dont complain. But that being personal, as far as anglais go, I do understand but the victors get to decide the terms. The french to this day complain about the battle of abraham, we lost simple as that , you can't change the history. Also you should thank the anglais for giving a countrie because as far as I remember inde was made up of Martha confederacy(correct me if i am wrong) and some other princely states that were not exactly angels before anglais arrived.

As far as the system fixing it self , dude the pakistani diaspora(i am partial so i count by blood) raised alot of money and send Dr.Qadri to bring change and he did to a certain degree in pakistan's case atleast. The change will come when the countrie becomes secure and you will see educated people come back to pakistan as everybody wants to see their motherland being some what stable.

If Japonaise can rise from the ashes, pakistan sure as hell with the current crop of talent and definitely inde with their labor force will be super powers in couple of decades. However the question my proff in sophmore year brought up was how will the l'asie powers be different from the west?
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Dude what do you mean you can't trust the west, every state looks out for its interest. Please don't bring the native issue as there was not significant native population to begin and believe me natives have the easiest time in college from MBA to medschool literally every opportunity is available to them. As far as nuclear warheads go, nearly 90% of the countries in the world has signed this treaty because they know that having nuclear weapons is a bigger liability(remember the kargil territorial skirmish, where both sides brought out the nuclear weapons to the border literally). Do you not think canada could have acquired nuclear weapons on it's own by now based on the technology we have available at our disposal. Also do correct your anti-west attitude, we have made some mistakes on our side but we have corrected them and are biggest aid donaters out there and as a person that follows islamic values, no wonder lord has blessed us as we are giving. We have opened the door to generation of immigrants accross all racial make up, if you do not like our system then make a change at voting poll or dont complain. But that being personal, as far as anglais go, I do understand but the victors get to decide the terms. The french to this day complain about the battle of abraham, we lost simple as that , you can't change the history. Also you should thank the anglais for giving a countrie because as far as I remember inde was made up of Martha confederacy(correct me if i am wrong) and some other princely states that were not exactly angels before anglais arrived.

As far as the system fixing it self , dude the pakistani diaspora(i am partial so i count by blood) raised alot of money and send Dr.Qadri to bring change and he did to a certain degree in pakistan's case atleast. The change will come when the countrie becomes secure and you will see educated people come back to pakistan as everybody wants to see their motherland being some what stable.

If Japonaise can rise from the ashes, pakistan sure as hell with the current crop of talent and definitely inde with their labor force will be super powers in couple of decades. However the question my proff in sophmore year brought up was how will the l'asie powers be different from the west?

you are looking at it with western eyes.
Think of of a thief
He goes and steals someone's smartphone, to him it's not a big deal, he just took a phone.
But to the person who's phone it was, it was their entire life. They have their contacts, emails, agenda, etc on that phone.
So when someone says to that person "it's not a big deal you lost your phone"
How do you think that person would feel?
So to us brown sub human (you are part brown therefore you are also a sub human in their eyes), when the West makes and breaks their "promises", sooner or later it looses all value. And lets not get into the native issue because again, we will be here all day if we did.

Having a nuclear weapon ensures that Nato does not invade your country. If Afghanistan and Iraq had nukes, they would not be facing the genocide that they are facing now. For Pakistan, one of the largest Muslim countries on earth, we would be stupid to not have them as Nato clearly has it in for us sub humans.

Please tell, which mistakes have you corrected? What did the Afghan people have to do with 9/11? what did Iraq have to do with it?
Canada's government 1000% supports the murder of palistinians and has kicked out Iranian diplomats and does everything in it's power to vilify it.
Tell me, what lessons did you learn?
And the lord didn't bless you with anything, you took it all from the barrel of a gun. Canada is built on the bodies of the innocent native Americans.

And yes, victors make history, but that doesn't mean I have to swallow it. I am able to use my own brain power to free myself from the western hegemony and realize that they erased my past to make me a slave to them in the future.

Also please don't talk about Pakistani politics unless you know what is actually going on there.

My main reason for disliking the west is due to the hypocricy. They have shown over and over again that if it's in their interest they will break any contract, kill any human (even babies) and do just about anything else.
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We, don't need to. We are not going to Invade India,and our current resources suffice to provide a credible conventional deterrent.

Only juveniles think so.

We have been primarily a defensive force.


Kashmir is far from being settled.

I, have never compared the US with Pakistan on equal terms, there is something wrong with your comprehension.

Ignorance is a bliss 2.0
Please don't peddle lies that Pakistan army wasa ev a defensive force. It was always an offensive force with the SOLE exception of 1971.

It has been India which has strengthened Indian military to such an extent that today Pakistan army is forced to be a defensive force not because of the benevolent nature of Pakistan.
Please don't peddle lies that Pakistan army wasa ev a defensive force. It was always an offensive force with the SOLE exception of 1971.

It has been India which has strengthened Indian military to such an extent that today Pakistan army is forced to be a defensive force not because of the benevolent nature of Pakistan.

Please don't peddle lies that indian army was a defensive force. It was always an offensive force in EVERY war with Pakistan.
Indeed, it would be suicidal for Pakistan to take the war inside India. A simple calculation of Math would tell you that India is 7 times bigger than Pakistan, their is simply no comparison. Its like saying that Georgia can take the fight against Russia inside Russian borders. But that being said, Pakistan does retain the conventional capability to strike inside India. Pakistan has invested heavily in stand off weapons, it can fire weapons at targets inside India with...


India had the numbers but never hadtheinfrastructure to field them in the western border at once. We could never bring the majority of the military against Pakistan..only the corps already based in the west. PA was thus always an offensive force which even had the military capability to take Kashmir till the 60s and still make more than tactical offensives in Indian territory till a couple of decades back.

Today all that has changed. But notorious don't try to say that Pakistan army was ALWAYS a defensive force. That is a white lie
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