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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships


Jan 3, 2009
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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships

The chief of Pakistan's naval staff Noman Bashir said he looks forward to see more cooperation in the submarine field between China and his country yesterday during a press interview in the Pakistani embassy in Beijing. The visiting navy chief already met with Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie in Beijing on Friday last week, according to Xinhua News Agency.

In addition to submarines, the admiral told China Daily yesterday that he has talked to Chinese officials buying bigger ships than the current F22P frigates. Pakistan ordered the F22P frigates from China in 2005 and the first one began sea trials last year. According an earlier story on the website of the People's Daily, Pakistan ordered four more F22P frigates in 2007, which means there will eventually be eight such warships in the Pakistani Navy

"The F22P frigate is about 3,000 tons, and now we are talking about 4,000-ton ships. .These are very big projects and we think the cooperation is important for both countries, especially Pakistan." Bashir highly praised the Chinese military technology, saying he's happy to say that China is keeping pace with the changing world and efficiently adopting new technologies.

He said the warships are of the latest technology, and have the all-round capability to target surface ships, aircraft and submarine. "The F22P frigate can be deployed to complete multitasks. The ship is balanced for offense and defense, and can be used in both peace and war time, if there is a war." The first of the four F22P frigates ordered by Pakistan was delivered in July this year and is already in service.

The admiral stressed that this was his third visit to China this year because Pakistan attaches great importance to its cooperation with China not only on naval matters but in other fields. He said the F22P and JF-17 Thunder fighter plane are the two major projects in addition to other projects including development of ammunition, design, equipment and weapons.

The admiral said his country plans to buy more weapons from China in the future, such as bigger ships and missiles.Zhai Dequan, deputy director of China Arms Control and Disarmament Association said that Pakistan's proposal in submarine cooperation is likely aimed at its sea border protection.

"The initiative may invite concerns from its neighboring countries. But the doubts are unnecessary." Zhai said it is normal for an independent country such as Pakistan to actively seek military defense, and meanwhile India also has large projects with the US and Russia. "India's aircraft carrier has already cost it billions of US dollars." He added.

China Daily
i hope this cooperation do not come as an alternative to the U214 deal..
infact a cooperation in submarine building after PN have experienced the Agostas and the U214 will be more fruitfull for both countries. U214 are, without any doubt among the best conventional submarines of the present times...
well i sincerely wish that PN, some how do get there hands on that ship and after that the Pak-China submarine project will work wonder for us!
what do you think about it??

Hope it will happened, great news.

One thing I am not sure is Pakistan had experienced with Agosta 90Bs (PNS Saad & PNS Hamza) including 'Transfer of Technology' from France, does Pakistan capable to make it own submarines?

Perhaps if you said, resources not enough in Pakistan, it costs more prices if ordering more parts from France.


Making the sub won't be a problem, issue is the combat systems and other stuff inside the submarine which we did not got. We only got the ToT for making the structure and some other stuff, some of the issues left, which are critical to operating the sub.

Pak needs to stay away from chinese subs---german or french that is the only option---surface ships we can deal with---but submersibles are in a totally different league.

Pak needs to stay away from chinese subs---german or french that is the only option---surface ships we can deal with---but submersibles are in a totally different league.
How about keeping both of them. The French + Chinese + German. And for the French subs why do we need to buy more. The last sub was built in Pakistan. Right? So we have the tech to build subs.

Pak needs to stay away from chinese subs---german or french that is the only option---surface ships we can deal with---but submersibles are in a totally different league.

Well there is nothing bad for the time being in checking out the Chinese subs for the time being, atleast PN should know what Chinese newest capabilities are compared to western subs as we have been using french subs for quiet sometime and must have known about U-214 quiet a bit in the time when PN was evaluating it. We all know China has been on a hunting spree for its military programs since a decade or more and having acquired some blue prints of sub technology from western countries may be a possibility.

Atleast we will know where they stand if checked out their latest Yuan class sub, said to be a good platform as per Chinese and western defence sources, i know they may be rumors, but we can get a chance to check them out and compare it with our Agosta's and see is it superior or inferior to it.

Pak needs to stay away from chinese subs---german or french that is the only option---surface ships we can deal with---but submersibles are in a totally different league.

What about Type 039 & 41 submarine (NATO code name Song class & Yuan class)? are they better then Agosta 90b?
What about Type 039 & 41 submarine (NATO code name Song class & Yuan class)? Is it better then Agosta 90b?

There is Type 041 submarine Yuan Class submarine which is more advanced then the Song 039 class. Said to be having AIP system too.

This one we should check and see what it is like.
This is raising doubts in my minds over the U214 deal. We were so close to strike a deal and if it can’t be done right now it would be really a sad news. Although nothing confirm for now, but U boats are the way to go. It is also plausible that due to Indian motives of building at least six nuclear subs and more conventional subs, the Pakistan Navy is trying to expand its sub fleet in response. Coming few weeks will clear up the situation. Even if U 214 deal doesn’t work out (thanks to bugs bunny, Zardari), France is there to provide us with a decent package of Merlin.
Any how a deal with china for subs should be seen as a positive step, towards more self reliance and building of new capabilities. When ever in the past the west has denied us any weapon or technology we ended up building it our self with china, successfully, like thunders and Al-Khalid. So the future is bright, and we should be happy and contended in this regard.


This is raising doubts in my minds over the U214 deal. We were so close to strike a deal and if it can’t be done right now it would be really a sad news. Although nothing confirm for now, but U boats are the way to go. It is also plausible that due to Indian motives of building at least six nuclear subs and more conventional subs, the Pakistan Navy is trying to expand its sub fleet in response. Coming few weeks will clear up the situation. Even if U 214 deal doesn’t work out (thanks to bugs bunny, Zardari), France is there to provide us with a decent package of Merlin.
Any how a deal with china for subs should be seen as a positive step, towards more self reliance and building of new capabilities. When ever in the past the west has denied us any weapon or technology we ended up building it our self with china, successfully, like thunders and Al-Khalid. So the future is bright, and we should be happy and contended in this regard.



Recent indications and the ambiguity in making the decision gives a lot of credibility that U-214 deal is nearly dead, and if that happens don't expect French to be offering a good deal as they know we won't have anywhere else to go to, so they will raise their demands and we already know french sell very expensive military equipment, they are known for it through out the world.

Best option for PN is right now to atleast check out the Chinese newest sub if China gives the go ahead as the new Type-041 is said to be influenced by the Improved Kilo class design and some features from the Chinese Song class sub, mixture of both. So checking it out is not bad for health, who knows it might prove good enough for PN.

And Merlin is just on the papers, no one sure how long it will gonna take for them to develop it and a completely new platform gives problems too, plus PN would be only its operator, with U-214 we had many options for spares, as U-214 is being inducted by many navies, Turkish gonna make it, South Korea already inducted it and making it in their own country.
Recent indications and the ambiguity in making the decision gives a lot of credibility that U-214 deal is nearly dead, and if that happens don't expect French to be offering a good deal as they know we won't have anywhere else to go to, so they will raise their demands and we already know french sell very expensive military equipment, they are known for it through out the world.

Best option for PN is right now to atleast check out the Chinese newest sub if China gives the go ahead as the new Type-041 is said to be influenced by the Improved Kilo class design and some features from the Chinese Song class sub, mixture of both. So checking it out is not bad for health, who knows it might prove good enough for PN.

And Merlin is just on the papers, no one sure how long it will gonna take for them to develop it and a completely new platform gives problems too, plus PN would be only its operator, with U-214 we had many options for spares, as U-214 is being inducted by many navies, Turkish gonna make it, South Korea already inducted it and making it in their own country.

agreed, i think we are on the same line. My point about Merlin was, that western tech is still available, for the money.

There is Type 041 submarine Yuan Class submarine which is more advanced then the Song 039 class. Said to be having AIP system too.

This one we should check and see what it is like.

Song class,Type-039

Yuan class,Type-039A(AIP)
Recent indications and the ambiguity in making the decision gives a lot of credibility that U-214 deal is nearly dead, and if that happens don't expect French to be offering a good deal as they know we won't have anywhere else to go to, so they will raise their demands and we already know french sell very expensive military equipment, they are known for it through out the world.

Best option for PN is right now to atleast check out the Chinese newest sub if China gives the go ahead as the new Type-041 is said to be influenced by the Improved Kilo class design and some features from the Chinese Song class sub, mixture of both. So checking it out is not bad for health, who knows it might prove good enough for PN.

And Merlin is just on the papers, no one sure how long it will gonna take for them to develop it and a completely new platform gives problems too, plus PN would be only its operator, with U-214 we had many options for spares, as U-214 is being inducted by many navies, Turkish gonna make it, South Korea already inducted it and making it in their own country.

compare yuan and kilo










Recent indications and the ambiguity in making the decision gives a lot of credibility that U-214 deal is nearly dead, and if that happens don't expect French to be offering a good deal as they know we won't have anywhere else to go to, so they will raise their demands and we already know french sell very expensive military equipment, they are known for it through out the world.

I hope its just 'checking', we can cooperate with Chinese for subs but I WANT U-214
No French Subs at all & no Chinese Subs for now, we must get U-214
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Pak needs to stay away from chinese subs---german or french that is the only option---surface ships we can deal with---but submersibles are in a totally different league.

i would rather prefer joint development for bigger and better subs. Expertise gained by Augusta and possible U-214 and Type 093 094 095, kilo and other Chinese Platforms will certainly help Chinese and Pakistan creating better generation of subs

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