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Pakistan's Naval Fleet Docks in Southern Iran, Joint drills to be held

Friendship among Pakistan and here western neighbors mean so much to the Muslims of SA. Only when the SA Muslims can view Pakistan as an advance element of a re-entry of Muslims into SA, only then will atrocities by Hindu extremists end.
What you said is the usual perception in Pakistan but no one wants to blindly trust them any more . Mulla can go out of control anytime We have to be careful now our enemies are increasing day by day ..
Anymore nonsense posts, and you will find yourself removed.
One of your countrymen said Pakidtan is Sunni and Iran Shia and we can not be friends. He also mocked Shia's and the history of Shia and I answered him. What is wrong with it?
Pakistan is Sunni majority but not Sunni we have second largest Shia population after Iran they are equal Pakistanis and i dont like people to give sectarian colour to Pakistan
Iran has so called Mulla government which creates only fushad (destruction )in the region on one end Iran is anti Zionist on the other hand Iran is biggest ally of India which makes it a contradictory "biggest contradiction of the Universe ".
Iran is working on Indian lines to destroy balochistan sea pact and the gwador port and emphasizing that Chabbar is only less than < 50 km away which is a much better alternative trade route . On the other hand Pakistan in the past helped Iran even to captured Jandola leader and stop the terrorist insurgence in the Iran part of Baluchistan. Iran is also involved in terrorism in karachi by supporting uzair baloch and calling him his citizen . Pakistan army understand now there is an un declared war on Pakistan being imposed by Iran and Afghanistan complicit with India . Now we can not Iran and Afghanistan any more
. The last thing if Pakistan decided to convert Iran in to a rubble we will do it
because we are living with Iran for ages and we know better than (Greeks, Arabs, British and Mongols) where to hit them and where it will hurt them more ^^

Its also a shame on Hassan Rouhani for helping Indian in fulfilling its desired .
Pakistan helped Iran in the war against Iraq provided logistic support .During Musharraf erra Iran was supplied with Nuclear centrifuges . But instead of being thankful to Pakistan . Iran back stabbed its own brother its a shame on Irani dictatorship . Pakistan need to close the border with Iran and make a army cantonment there with atleast 5 k solider stronger border patrol along with helicopter tanks and light infantry further deploy naval vessel to keep an eye on any interference from Sea to Gwader . Time has come to give a strong message to Iran be in your limit otherwise Pakistan will react ...................( you pro Zionist Iran )

You've chosen your name wisely .. bla bla bla bla.
This is not strictly a war exercise, these ships are on a goodwill visit. Hopefully it will open further doors of cooperation between Pakistan and Iran in Naval warfare arena.
I am not sure how people of Pakistan view with my suggestion...But the best way of Iran and Pakistan relation is not about how much military relationship you maintain rather how much trade and bussiness you do among each other to uplift your economy...And Pakistan can easily complete the Iran Pakistan pipeline with help of China and make a win win deal for both Iran and Pakistan...

So in this modern age, leaders of each nation think about how much trade and economy can be done to have a long lasting friendship with each other.
What about Saudi and UAE friendship ?

They are our friends too.. You have a problem with that? Lol
Ask Iran to give same rights and recognition to sunni muslims in Iran.

Both Iranian and Arabs can't dine togather make to choice and remmember your leaders find refuge in KSA and UAE not in Iran. Further Iranians hosts Indian spy master do they give any explaination why?
Its their internal issue

We should celebrate the fact that corrupt leaders get refuge in Europe and GCC,s?
Both Iranian and Arabs can't dine togather make to choice

None of our concern .. We have always proposed peaceful negotiations and helped as mediators.
And remmember your leaders find refuge in KSA and UAE not in Iran

That didn't stop Pak from being neutral on Yemen or Syria .. Did it? This exercise,IPP & offer to joint CPEC and other economic etc ventures all prove you wrong (the point you are trying to make)..

Further Iranians hosts Indian spy master do they give any explaination why?

Dear indian friend we know Iran has nothing to do with the indian terrorist with the fake visa ..

Ask Iran to give same rights and recognition to sunni muslims in Iran.?

We should first ask you to have some shame .. Have the courage to put the indian flag on your profile and stop pathetic trolling .. Cause nobody gives a shyt about you.
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I can't believe a thread like this is derailed in a way beyond my imagination!

This is great news and everyone should be happy about it. Cooperation between two neighbors, friends and more importantly the biggest nations in the region can only be a good thing.
I can't believe a thread like this is derailed in a way beyond my imagination!

This is great news and everyone should be happy about it. Cooperation between two neighbors, friends and more importantly the biggest nations in the region can only be a good thing.

It won't get derailed anymore bro. I agree, great news. Pak/Iran zindabad.
I do love this mix of partnerships & interests.. although it is hard to read what will happen.
Iran & India have been informally allied for awhile as have Pakistan & Saudi Arabia. but now the Indians and the Saudis are warming up to each others as are the Iranians and Paks.
how this could change Asia's power balance, we need to wait 5 years to know.
but for now. regardless of preference
Pak-Iran Friendship zindabad
I can't believe a thread like this is derailed in a way beyond my imagination!

This is great news and everyone should be happy about it. Cooperation between two neighbors, friends and more importantly the biggest nations in the region can only be a good thing.
Its funny whenever there is a thread about improving relationship between Pakistan and Iran, some weird profiles come forward and try to give it a sectarian angle, like the one on this thread, the poster's display name was "blabla", I mean wtf, I have been on PDF since 2007, never seen this profile before, but out of nowhere it becomes active in trying to give it a sectarian colour. Pakistan and its people are united against this mindset, countless sectarian radicals were killed and arrested by Pakistan's law enforcement agencies as part of Operation Zarb-e-Azb and National Action Plan (NAP), these sectarian fanatics are enemies of the state and humanity, so my request to Iranian friends here is if you see some one carrying Pakistani flags and bashing Shias , be assured that he/she does not represent the majority of Pakistanis and breathing space for people like these is being reduced with every passing day !!!
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