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Pakistan's Musharraf in U.N. appeal to try to halt treason trial

Camel Urine as allowed by Prophet Mohammed? Come back to the topic which is why is Commando begging the UN for his life?
no one is begging to UN, which is just a play club of superpowers?
its just to let them remember, when they were in pain, same musharaf helped them & how?
Musharraf's suicidal statement. He is certainly not being advised well.

I think its unfair that Honorable Musharraf shahib has to go thur this situation

a) He provided economical stability to Pakistan in late 90's to most of 2000's
b) He helped revitalize the agricultural and trade centers of Pakistan
c) He helped bring in revolutionary ideas for managing civilian hired workers of high education on merit
d) Helped steer Pakistan out of dangers of Post Terror days
e) He presented Pakistani interest with boldness and helped keep Pakistan safe

Sure , his only mistake was his confusion with the Supreme court judges however it can be overlookd considering the circumstances the nation was going thru due to terrorism at those stages / years

If he has to go thru trial , so do other politicans should go thru trial as well who stole from Pakistan
Musharraf was army General and elected President, he has immunity in either case!
I don't think Nawaz Government would be that foolish to Hang Musharraf. He should learn from Zia's example , if nothing else.

Please , assume no " rationality " . Well this kind isn't known to learn lessons from the past which is precisely why the history has a high probability of repeating itself if the Americans or Saudis cant evacuate the former President on time .
Please , assume no " rationality " . Well this kind isn't known to learn lessons from the past which is precisely why the history has a high probability of repeating itself if the Americans or Saudis cant evacuate the former President on time .

Evacuate from what? from a unlawful trial! cheap justice, which freed his attackers and current TTP cheif!
Do not worry, he is here to stay and it seems US has already nodded Mr. Nawaz Sharif for Musharraf's trail, due to him going on world tour and presenting Pakistan's case!
Actually, when TTP use to attack Musharraf, US was not willing to call it a terrorist organization, enough for sensible to understand.
Of course Saudi Arabia respect Musharraf, for his role in clearing Mecca from scumbags.
Do not worry, he is here to stay and it seems US has already nodded Mr. Nawaz Sharif for Musharraf's trail, due to him going on world tour and presenting Pakistan's case!

Mate , even if the Pakistanis do not realize it , the West knows General (r) Pervez Musharraf as a rational man who had the ability to act decisively and do what was necessary as well as keep the religious extremism to as low as he could , you think the friend of U.S. would go to trail , maybe get a life sentence or death penalty ( hypothetically ) and the Yanks wouldn't interfere ? No , brother . As for Nawaz Sharif being popular to Americans , the less said the better . He wanted the drones to stop , could he do it - just a little thing ?

Evacuate from what? from a unlawful trial! cheap justice, which freed his attackers and current TTP cheif!
First things first . I spoke of the worst case scenario . I know of no country except my own , where terrorists launch petitions in Court of Law against law enforcement personnel(s) / military leadership all under the " accountability " mask whilst the criminals/terrorists roam free cleared of all charges and freed by the same judiciary . Whilst the terrorists are carried onto arms and paraded in public despite admitting to their crimes/acts of terrors openly - the Mumtaz Qadri case is one such example , do read on it . Was the blasphemy laws being used for personal gains and settling scores ( misused/abused ) , yes it was . But the Pakistani Madarsa boys indoctrinated with extremism as they are , couldn't see it , as they showered petals over a killer and chanted slogans in his favor and the God's viceroy ( the local Mullah ) lead the proceedings - despite the law of the land giving him death sentence for the murder he committed made even worse by the fact that he was incharge of security of the same person , he killed for a misunderstanding . What would have Musharraf done if it had happened during his era ? I do not think it will take a genius long to guess .
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I dont get,the only time Pakistan did good was when Musharraf was in charge,still many want to see him hanged.
What was Asif Ali Zardari doing watching terrorists go and extending service of cheap justice.
His son has already shifted all the money which he took to free terrorists to Australia and montecarlo.
We should hang Musharraf and be done with it, army should not come in politics and government, only when there are country wide protests and people want the government to go.
ha ha ha hang him for what my Son!
Musharraf rejects U.N. inquiry on Bhutto| Reuters

Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf ruled out a U.N. inquiry into the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, as demanded by her party, saying that Pakistan should not be compared to Lebanon. It is not possible. Is another country involved?" he said in an interview with Le Figaro newspaper published on its website on Friday. "Pakistan is not Lebanon."

he was absolutely right! media politicians courts were all hostile to Musharraf, all of them were at same page so why needed UN? what UN has done so far in BB mout case? tell me? Well What Musharraf said at a time was true, Everything was independent and political parties should have put their faith in courts. By hiring UN was making Pakistan look like banana republic ESPECIALLY WHEN FAIR INVESTIGATION WAS DONE. now coming to Musharraf's supporters reaching out to UN on their own! Well even though if Musharraf himself have gone to UN for overseeing Free and Fair trial it is again right thing to do. You break constitution day after day on every step against Musharraf where as you claim to be the champions of constitution, By baring Musharraf from election for life where as Constitution say that you can only bar anyone for MAX of 5 years. then bails were denied on every single case for 6 months, then finally we won cases, then this article 6 for 3rd nov 2007? No law was broken that day. according to the constitution of 1973. for those dumbs who say constitution was broken by keeping constitution in abeyance by imposing emergency, for those morons there is one sentence is enough go buy the original book of 1973 or the book up to 3rd nov 2007. Abeyance was not extra constitutional act and emergency was legal by 1973 constitution until 2010, it was the amendment in law back in 2010 which declared it unconstitutional after amendment. for example you are driving on motor way, the speed of motor way is 120km until today 28/12/13 but there is an amendment done and speed has been reduced on motorway from 120km to100km on 27/12/16 and after this change in law punjab government started to calan anyone and everyone who has traveled on motor way at the speed above 100km any time of their life in past, so tell me if this is fair or legal? when law is passed anywhere in the world including pakistan, you impose it from the date onward of the resolution not backward. I hope my example was easy enough for everyone to understand the fake charges of article 6 on Musharraf, as he have said if you want to try me under article6 then try me from 1999 not 2007 i mean 2007 has no legs to stand and if you are totally planing to hang me for 2007 which was lawful act then yes indeed we have right to go to anywhere in the world because Justice is being denied to us, especially its sad when PTI stand for these fake charges because PTI means Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf, AKA Pakistan JUSTICE MOVEMENT"
if this is true, I certainly dont like it.

Pakistanis must learn to resolve their internal matters internally. Involving foreigners is not a good thing to do. If Musharraf cant stand trial, no matter how fake the trial is, he should not have come back.

This tradition of involving foreigners or foreign bodies in local matters is an ugly thing to do.
Is baat pe 1 sher arz kiya hai....... (IRSHAAD to kaho)

Gaand fati to laakhon paaye. Lautke Parvez UN ko Aaye.

Waah Waah Waah Waah

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