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Pakistan's "Mother Teresa" Harrased in US

I could care less about it being a crime or not, what it more important is that such things should not happen again.

As long as most terrorists are conservative muslims, i'm afraid we really don't have a choice.

Almost all terrorists try to hide their identity. They would want to blend in, not stand out, because like I said before they will be caught.

A terrorist doesn't necessarily mean a suicide bomber. It could be a propagandist, a preacher, a facilitator...

As far as the ordinary airport guy is concerned, I honestly dont expect him to know anything, but the part which is disturbing is that he was questioned 9 long hours. In this time they should of must a background check, which takes probably 1 hour,2. It doesn't take that long.
Can you please give me the reasons why Muslim countries are under advisory?

Well, as I said, its a matter of precaution.
If you look at the profiles of the most recent bombers, a lot of them are educated, and seemingly well-adjusted moderate folks.
For an airport official, Edhi could might as well be a terrorist masquerading as a social worker, or a social worker who has recently been influenced by radical propaganda.

I'm quite sure that travel advisories are not reserved for only muslim countries. A lot of African, and some Asian countries are also on that list i believe.
Maybe you should try and understand why each country is considered unsafe instead of jumping to blanket conclusion.s
Shows what value our people (good or bad) have in US!

Perfect case of Racism!

Muslim + Pakistani = May be Terrorist

Its not racism. Please define racism for me.

Its just a first line of defence. Try to understand rather than accuse.

Also, please look at the "values" in your own Pakistan before accusing us americans of not having any
I'm quite sure that travel advisories are not reserved for only muslim countries. A lot of African, and some Asian countries are also on that list i believe.
Maybe you should try and understand why each country is considered unsafe instead of jumping to blanket conclusion.s

The only non-Muslim countries I can recall that are on that list are Cuba, Vanuzuela and North Korea. Only Muslim and countries which speak out against U.S. inperialists policies are on that list. The U.S. is trying to root out terrorism, but they dont understand we the ordinary muslims can fight terrorism. The U.S. must convince the ordinary Muslim that these people are not Muslims, but terrorists who belong to no religion. The example we have is in South Africa. The fact is the U.S. has a religious agenda behind it, but you wont see that because you are just brainwashed into thinking whatever the U.S. does is right. Only if i had time I would give a more detailed analysis, but if you read some of my other posts you might get an idea of what I want to say.
Its not racism. Please define racism for me.

Its just a first line of defence. Try to understand rather than accuse.

Also, please look at the "values" in your own Pakistan before accusing us americans of not having any

What Values!

You have none in your society!

Do they stop any White like that on airports!

Now, donot say that white's are not terrorists!

Now and then we hear news regarding such things only happening with Pakistani or with middle east people and sometimes with Indonesians. Mostly this happens with Muslims and Pakistanis. Why?

EDHI is a well known figure in Social works .... all around the World!
The only non-Muslim countries I can recall that are on that list are Cuba, Vanuzuela and North Korea. Only Muslim and countries which speak out against U.S. inperialists policies are on that list. The U.S. is trying to root out terrorism, but they dont understand we the ordinary muslims can fight terrorism. The U.S. must convince the ordinary Muslim that these people are not Muslims, but terrorists who belong to no religion. The example we have is in South Africa. a.The fact is the U.S. has a religious agenda behind but you wont see that because you are just brainwashed into thinking whatever the U.S. does is right. Only if i had time I would give a more detailed analysis, but if you read some of my other posts you might get an idea of what I want to say.

Kenya, Mali, Sudan, Fiji, Somalia, Nigeria, Nepal, Sudan, Colombia...don't tell me all these are Muslim Nations.

I'm sorry, but the US is in no position to preach to muslims about their own religion. If muslims want to root out terrorists, they will have to disown them.
Till now, so called moderate muslims have shown no inclination to fight the radicals.

Again, don't assume that people are brainwashed, or your yourself will appear to be so.
I don't consider everything that US does as right...that absolute nonsense.
What Values!

You have none in your society!

Do they stop any White like that on airports!

Now, donot say that white's are not terrorists!

Now and then we hear news regarding such things only happening with Pakistani or with middle east people and sometimes with Indonesians. Mostly this happens with Muslims and Pakistanis. Why?

EDHI is a well known figure in Social works .... all around the World!

Come on man. We are so stupid we should be aware that the word "Terrorist" is only reserved for Muslims. The IRA, FARC, LTTE, Zionists, Shiv Sina, and other non-Muslims organizations are not called terrorist organizations, they are call seperatists, rebels, gurellas and etc but not terrorists, this word is only reserved for Muslims.
What Values!

You have none in your society!

Do they stop any White like that on airports!

Now, donot say that white's are not terrorists!

Yeah, rite, Americans have no values. No wonder we are one of the poorest, least educated, and most unsafe nations on earth.

No comments for the rest of your post.

Now and then we hear news regarding such things only happening with Pakistani or with middle east people and sometimes with Indonesians. Mostly this happens with Muslims and Pakistanis. Why?

EDHI is a well known figure in Social works .... all around the World!

Because frankly South East Asian muslims have shown considerably less inclination to turn radical as compared to middle eastern ones.

Edhi is not well known in USA. Sorry.
Kenya, Mali, Sudan, Fiji, Somalia, Nigeria, Nepal, Sudan, Colombia...don't tell me all these are Muslim Nations.

I'm sorry, but the US is in no position to preach to muslims about their own religion. If muslims want to root out terrorists, they will have to disown them.
Till now, so called moderate muslims have shown no inclination to fight the radicals.

Shows how much you know of the world. Sudan, Somalia are Muslim countries while Nigeria has a majority Muslim population. I am not sure about Kenya, but they have a lot of Muslims.
The U.S. has no right to preach my religion to me. You are right that rooting out terrorism in Muslim society must be done by Muslims. Their are three ways of fighting this war social, economical and militarily so far the U.S. has relied on the military, but over time I gaurantee you the U.S. policy of not negotiating with terrorists will be abolished. As far as moderate Muslims are concerned, it is the moderate Muslims who have been fighting so far.
Shows how much you know of the world. Sudan, Somalia are Muslim countries while Nigeria has a majority Muslim population. I am not sure about Kenya, but they have a lot of Muslims.

So you turn a blind eye at the massacre and atrocities happening in these countries, obviously making them unsafe, and accuse the US of picking on them because they have muslim citizens?
So you turn a blind eye at the massacre and atrocities happening in these countries, obviously making them unsafe, and accuse the US of picking on them because they have muslim citizens?

No I am not under any circumstances trying to defend the atrocities or these elements who have a goal of creating chaos. What I am saying is that so far it seem to me this is a war against Islam. Only Muslim countries are singled out, Iraq and Iran cant have weapons while Israel has weapons. the U.S. is willing to negotiate with North Korea while Iraq was doing the same thing and war was declared. If you think this really is a war against terror then, give me reason to believe. Until people like myself believe in this war it will never succeed. Now again I am not defending these terrorists and if you read my post I am a very out spoken critic of them, but at the same time I I the U.S. is fight a religious war here.
mujahideen, i do not understand your logic. You say that Americans have a travel advisory against countries that speak out against it, and view its citizens coming to America with suspicion, well boss, what the hell else are they supposed to do ?

Immigrants and visitors do not have the RIGHT to enter America, its a privilege granted to them by the government of US. And they have the RIGHT to revoke that privilege at their discretion. Personally i don't get why Americans even need to justify or defend this.

Its their country first and foremost. They make the rules about entering it. If someone doesn't like them, don't go there !!
mujahideen, i do not understand your logic. You say that Americans have a travel advisory against countries that speak out against it, and view its citizens coming to America with suspicion, well boss, what the hell else are they supposed to do ?

Immigrants and visitors do not have the RIGHT to enter America, its a privilege granted to them by the government of US. And they have the RIGHT to revoke that privilege at their discretion. Personally i don't get why Americans even need to justify or defend this.

Its their country first and foremost. They make the rules about entering it. If someone doesn't like them, don't go there !!

There is the concept of innocence until proven guilt. Revoking someone's citizenship (or harrassing them) based on what they look like doesn't sound very tolerant to me.

"Edhi is not well known in USA. Sorry."

That was the concern I expressed in my initial post - all this money spent on detecting terrorist threats, the Patriot Act, tougher VISA restrictions (Edhi was a permanent resident from what I can tell, so he went through an even tougher process and background checks) - and at the end of the day, with all this information available, the guy is pulled over and grilled for nine hours because of how he looks?

Unless some more information comes out about why red flags went off on this particular trip of his to the US, I will have to assume that it was a simple case of racial profiling and possibly prejudice on the part of the airport authorities. None of this helps in "winning hearts and minds" overseas.

Once again, the US public may not be expected to know Edhi, but the government and immigration authorities, who issued this guy his permanent residence, are. So your system is highly flawed to say the least.
mujahideen, i do not understand your logic. You say that Americans have a travel advisory against countries that speak out against it, and view its citizens coming to America with suspicion, well boss, what the hell else are they supposed to do ?

Immigrants and visitors do not have the RIGHT to enter America, its a privilege granted to them by the government of US. And they have the RIGHT to revoke that privilege at their discretion. Personally i don't get why Americans even need to justify or defend this.

Its their country first and foremost. They make the rules about entering it. If someone doesn't like them, don't go there !!

Right but then what do you think happens when an American is treated according to procedure in India and Pakistan? Why do the local embassies and state department get involved in cases (as in the gum chewing episode in Singapore)?

So things are not as black and white and by the book as you'd like to believe. Courtesy that you expect for your nationals should be reciprocated and not assumed to be a one-sided deal.

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