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Pakistan's Missile Technology

theres no meaning in the thread third in missile technology in what way
you dont have a ICBM(INDIA is developing AGNI 5)
you dont have BMD(INDIA has PAD & AAD)
you dont have surface to air missile(INDIA has AKASH)
you dont have a supersonic cruse missile(INDIA has )
you dont have a submarine launched missile (INDIA has SAGARIKA)
you dont have a anti tank missile(INDIA has NAG third generation)
you dont have a air to air missile(INDIA has ASTRA)
may be some missile are not inducted but are sucessfully tested
so in what way you are ahead of even india in missile technology
missile technology doesnt mean having just IRBM & MRBM
Will some one reply all of above ?:tdown:
Talent/expertise is not an issue for Pakistan, it has it locally and can certainly acquire it from abroad if necessary. The main issue Pakistan has is finances and lack of foresight - by politicians of course. I hope things change fundamentally in the political and economic department, but for now focus in Pakistan will likely be given to the following:

1. Further improvement of cruise missile technology: namely extended range, ability to utilize it from land, air, sea and sub-sea and nuclear warheads. I think the Ra'ad ALCM will see further changes in its airframe - i.e. stealthier like Storm Shadow/Black Shaheen. We should be seeing another type for use on submarines and potentially even future frigates via VLS. While satisfied with its inventory of AShM, Pakistan should consider long-term development of a longer-range AShM with Turkey - for post 2020 use.

2. Tactical air-to-surface missile technology. It is imperative for Pakistan to develop its own series of AGM - i.e. our own Maverick. The recent deal with Brazil's Marcom for the MAR-1 ARM w/ToT (PakDef) is a clear step towards that direction. Minus its seeker, it is essentially a standard air-to-surface missile, and Pakistan would only need to change its seeker, guidance, etc. This should not be an issue as it would have developed this technology earlier via the Ra'ad, H2 & H4, etc.

3. Another possible step in tactical development would be the development of our own JAGM-type missile. Essentially an air-to-surface missile that is light enough to be carried on attack helicopters, fighter aircraft and armed-UAV. Again, this shouldn't really be an issue as Pakistan has not only the know-how, but also doors of cooperation with South Africa, Brazil, Italy, Turkey and of course, China.

4. Development of next-generation air-to-air missiles. This is a clear requirement as it is an integral aspect of ensuring JF-17 & FC-20's full lethality. IMO a likely avenue to pursue this would be with South Africa and Brazil, initially with the A-Darter WVRAAM, and then later the T-Darter BVRAAM. The A-Darter and T-Darter are AIM-9X and Meteor standard systems, respectfully.

5. Surface-to-Air Missiles. Not much has happened in this department, but there is some movement. Namely the interest in further developing FT-2000/HQ-9 long-range SAM. However, Pakistan should also look into developing a solid medium-range VL-SAM with South Africa - perhaps based on Umkhonto-R - with an aim range of 30~40km. Not only would it bolster land-based AD, but also naval-based as this system could be integrated on frigates & corvettes via VLS.

6. In strategic terms. The development of ICBMs and MIRV will continue in its theoretical and capacity scope - i.e. the ability - but the physical development may not occur for some time. In fact, its development may have been synchronized with the Satellite Launch Vehicle programme. Nonetheless, it is clear that WMD-development is in due course; recent news of Pakistan switching over to plutonium-based nukes, arming cruise-missiles, etc.
PAKISTAN is depending on other countries for SAM's ,air to air missiles , air to surface missiles , anti tank missiles ,anti ship missiles and many more so in what way you can call Pakistan third in missile technology .It is still behind from INDIA
PAKISTAN is depending on other countries for SAM's ,air to air missiles , air to surface missiles , anti tank missiles ,anti ship missiles and many more so in what way you can call Pakistan third in missile technology .It is still behind from INDIA

Comeonman, cool down, they do know that fact.... And it is not too far from the surya ICBM , which will be evolved from PSLV and Agni, and ofcourse the AGNI-5......

India is the fourth country with anti-ballistic capability after the United States, Russia and Israel. Amid rising regional tension, in 1995 the country purchased the S-300 air defense system from Russia to protect New Delhi and other cities. It intended to purchase the Arrow II missile defense system jointly developed by Israel and the United States after an armed conflict broke out between India and Pakistan in Kargil in the disputed territory of Kashmir in 1999. When the United States rejected its demand, India decided to develop its own missile defense system. The Department of Defense under India's Ministry of Defense created a committee in August 2004 to take charge of the research and development of the country's missile defense system, marking India's formal incorporation of the development of a missile defense system as part of its military strategy.

Building a Missile Shield -- Beijing Review
yes india has developed BMD capabilities and its radar used in it is developed by india and israil which is also used in arrow missile defence
A lot of defense projects will be done in high level secrecy. And no country will disclose its true capabilities.
On that note how can we give ratings?
If pakistan feels it is more advance than India in missile tech the its ok for us no offence :agree:
Pakistan has more nukes than India. And if I am not mistaken their missile program is more advanced (probably because they obtained tech from china/NK). Underestimate pakistan at your own peril.
Pakistan has more nukes than India. And if I am not mistaken their missile program is more advanced (probably because they obtained tech from china/NK). Underestimate pakistan at your own peril.

Pakistan having more nukes than India doesn't mean anything.
Look at the size of India. Look at Pakistan.

Who would NEED more nukes?
Not that i'm saying you know :agree:

Also, who is underestimating Pakistan? they're the ones underestimating US. I think it's funny how they have arguments about the PAF beating the IAF, PAK army squishing Indians. Cool to know.
Pakistan has more nukes than India. And if I am not mistaken their missile program is more advanced (probably because they obtained tech from china/NK). Underestimate pakistan at your own peril.

i dont know how the hell do you think pakisthan have more nukes than india . India is making nukes from 80's whereas pakistan is making nukes after 1998 and what if pakisthan got techs from china and nk the are still far behind in missile tech you say of china , china still dont have ABM tech
Lot of bullshit being spewed by indians - unicorn in particular. Pakistan is ahead of india in missile technology, and anyone who has any idea about what they are saying would know that. I am not gonna waste time replying because I got other stuff to do.
Lot of bullshit being spewed by indians - unicorn in particular. Pakistan is ahead of india in missile technology, and anyone who has any idea about what they are saying would know that. I am not gonna waste time replying because I got other stuff to do.

if you can prove your claim you words the show some proof otherwise dont just throw words to satisfy your ego
if you can prove your claim you words the show some proof otherwise dont just throw words to satisfy your ego

USA claimed that pakistan has more nukes than pakistan, there is an anotehr thread on this site, look for it.
i dont know how the hell do you think pakisthan have more nukes than india . India is making nukes from 80's whereas pakistan is making nukes after 1998 and what if pakisthan got techs from china and nk the are still far behind in missile tech you say of china , china still dont have ABM tech

you may be having nukes so what that doesnt mean you have supeior missile tech

you own post stated tht pakistan had less nukes.
i didnt say you have more nukes i said you may be having nukes i think your a bit poor in english and stay on the topic and if you have proof to claim your words
show it

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