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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

On top of that I believe this is going to win accolades for the TTP from many Pakistanis including the mullah brigade.

Thats a bharati twisted view. TTP is a terrorist organisation. TTP has killed everyone from religious Muslim figures to Muslim ministers to civilian public.

We all are against TTP terrorists and NO Pakistani is supporting this terror organisation.
SO Keep your bharati chalaki cunning field day over sad killing of YET another PAKISTANI Minister.
Simple and to the point solution.

Remove the blasphemy law, let these savages come out on the streets and get a man like Gen Azam Khan to deal with the backlash.

Gen. Azam opened fire on Mullahs and their followers in 1953 and he dealt with them in such a good manner, that they stayed quiet for decades.

Enough is enough of this nonsense, this way they will kill everyone.
A few people have said similar things, so let me respond in one shot...

This one carries an inbuilt death sentence that more & more people end up justifying.

You are quite wrong. Drug trafficking is one of the most ruthless enterprises out there and those guys don't think twice before blowing someone's head off, including government officials.

Nothing ends up silencing an opponent quicker in a debate than a bullet. These guys aren't interested in debating anything, something that I think that people who consider themselves as moderately religious are going to find to their disadvantage. There is no middle way possible when a bullet with one's name on it is a serious possibility.

You are just proving my point. The reason these guys think with the gun is because they can get away with it.

Look at the abortion debate in the US. It gets just as ugly as the blasphemy debate in Pakistan -- even worse. And there are occasional wackos who go and kill a doctor. But most of them don't do it because they know the law will get to them. And even the most ardent pro-lifers make sure they don't collaborate with the wackos, again because the law will hold them accountable.

So, what we need in Pakistan is a strong arm of the law because, even if we control the mullahs, tomorrow it will be the drug traffickers, or the land mafia, or political parties, or anyone else who thinks he can settle scores with a submachine gun...
stinking enemies of Pakistan should stop cashing dead body of our Pakistani minister .
Ok let me put it this way.

People are hearing but are they listening?

Who are 'they'? There is not one Pakistani thought. Some favor the Blasphemy Law, some speak vehemently against it. But one thing is certain: the quiet moderate masses of Pakistan are waking up from their deep slumber, and speaking out against the brutality of the Blasphemy Law. No one even thought this was an issue before. You might not hear about these things in the media, but the masses are already getting revitalized.

The solution to this problem is for everyone to sit together, and talk peacefully about this, in a rational manner. Anyone who fails to abide by this will be seen negatively by the masses. And this has already started happening, with more and more people speaking out against the brutality of the supporters of the Blasphemy Law. There are all kinds of opinions on the Blasphemy Law and the people like Qadri. Most of the people (except a very few people shown on TV) believe that Qadri was wrong in killing Taseer, but the Blasphemy Law is ok. Many people feel both the things are wrong. These two deaths have triggered huge debate in Pakistan, and only through talks can one solve the problems of the nation. Whoever uses excessive force (proponents of the Blasphemy Law) will eventually lose the support of the masses, just like the TTP lost the support of the masses with their indiscriminate killing in the name of Islam and Jihad.
Simple and to the point solution.

Remove the blasphemy law, let these savages come out on the streets and get a man like Gen Azam Khan to deal with the backlash.

Gen. Azam opened fire on Mullahs and their followers in 1953 and he dealt with them in such a good manner, that they stayed quiet for decades.

Enough is enough of this nonsense, this way they will kill everyone.

Surely but that is altogether a different issue and this killing of our yet another minister by terrorists is another.

before jumping to conclusion without waiting for investigation is nothing more than expressing own biases by all sides
Thats a bharati twisted view. TTP is a terrorist organisation. TTP has killed everyone from religious Muslim figures to Muslim ministers to civilian public.

We all are against TTP terrorists and NO Pakistani is supporting this terror organisation.
SO Keep your bharati chalaki cunning field day over sad killing of YET another PAKISTANI Minister.

How naive!

You think the mullahs and the lawyers who showered roses on Qadri will not praise TTP for getting them rid of yet another blasphemer?

How naive!
Surely but that is altogether a different issue and this killing of our yet another minister by terrorists is another.

before jumping to conclusion without waiting for investigation is nothing more than expressing own biases by all sides

These terrorists have full support of parties like JUI and that is an open fact, they have even gone as far as calling the TTP as 'great muslims'.

I know people who work in areas where they are aware of what occurs in the country and so I can attest to the fact that what happens over here has full backing of some political, military and religious leaders in this country.

There is no point in brushing the issue aside by simple calling it a terrorist attack, the intent, means and the idea is present within the setup of this country which allows for all this to happen.

Lets be honest here, the issue was of the 'blasphemy law' and his opposition to it got him killed.
Surely but that is altogether a different issue and this killing of our yet another minister by terrorists is another.

before jumping to conclusion without waiting for investigation is nothing more than expressing own biases by all sides

Ok why don't YOU tell us what's YOUR TAKE on this?

You're a journalist after all.
Thats a bharati twisted view. TTP is a terrorist organisation. TTP has killed everyone from religious Muslim figures to Muslim ministers to civilian public.

We all are against TTP terrorists and NO Pakistani is supporting this terror organisation.
SO Keep your bharati chalaki cunning field day over sad killing of YET another PAKISTANI Minister.

Exactly. These guys have no or litter information about what are the ground facts and are just whining and mourning to cash over the death of an innocent.
Exactly. These guys have no or litter information about what are the ground facts and are just whining and mourning to cash over the death of an innocent.

Silly me!

How could I ever forget that you have all the information ready and available with you.

How could I!
People here who are using word like mullaism or like that are living in fools paradise.

We have enough discussion over this topic in blasphemy thread, but again i want to say that we are not west and can't be as west.
You cant blame on blasphemy law as it has no relation with Bhatti assassination.
Crime is ever crime and Pakistan constitution never allowed to take rules & regulations in hand. There should be well oriented investigation.

I already posted that external hand to destabilize situation in religious way can't be ignored where their agenda to show whole world about minority problems in Pakistan is well known. So i don't surprise our Indian member involvement in this issue.

Moreover i also not rolling out that RAW planned this assassination to divert Pakistani attention or world attention from injustice decision of Indian court over Gujarat riots case.

I advise them to debate on BJP evil character in Gujrat train case where they killed more than 1500 Muslims only to take political grip on Gujrat. Deads also were minorities. (only discuss in related thread)
Thats a bharati twisted view. TTP is a terrorist organisation. TTP has killed everyone from religious Muslim figures to Muslim ministers to civilian public.

We all are against TTP terrorists and NO Pakistani is supporting this terror organisation.
SO Keep your bharati chalaki cunning field day over sad killing of YET another PAKISTANI Minister.

Jana I suggest you should be honest and do not reply differently because people based on their nationality. Think about the issue clearly, not sure what your objective is here, winning the argument (which is similar to court case where proof is more important than fact) or understanding the issue (which needs more open mindedness).

In this world there no absolute way of finding the truth.

It is clearly visible that you are trying to attack the messenger (Indians). I beleive in really thinking about what your critics tell you (In this case Indians), because they can show faults within you which your friends will never tell.

I have practised the same, I have changed my viewpoint on number of issues after openly understanding what Pakistani's have posted. I feel that is helpful. Rest is upto you, you are a elite poster with maximum post in this forum, but I feel that you just outright reject anything and everything posted by Indians.

Back to topic.
Very sad day indeed for Pakistan and trust me whatever be the fact perceptions matter. It will not create a good perception in the world and every small things hurts. You might not feel but it does. Hope for saner voice to previal in Pakistan.
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