Somehow I feel this banning is counter-productive and in many ways sadly reminiscent of ghettoism which is the bane of the muslim community in many parts of the world where they find themselves a minority. Please understand what I am trying to say and not get defensive unnecessarily. Today you ban Face Book. Then Twitter. Then You Tube. Then Wikipedia. Who is losing? By doing this you will only polarize the world more than it already is and drive the wedge between the muslim and the non-muslim world deeper than it already is, thus isolating the community even further. The solution of a problem can only be effected by being part of the system. You cannot change something from outside. What is the message you are sending out by doing this? That the next time someone wants you out of their cosy circle, all they have to do is lampoon your religion and you will withdraw? Somehow this whole thing seems pretty knee-jerk to me and obviously not well thought through. What are we going in for now? Muslim-only networking sites and eventually religiously segregationary Internet? The Crusades and Jihad of cyberworld? Isnt it so obvious that there is a pretty transparent attempt being made here to isolate you further, which your government is foolishly perpetuating?