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Pakistan's Internet censorship


i wish that branch was somewhere inside india, would surely had seen a new stunt by Shiv Sena Skunks...

Let me play by your rulez; angoor khattay thay.... ;)

Moreover, you seriously need to understand the difference between being docile, proactive and an idiot (read over smart arse and blowing people up!)

Well Shiv Sena protest on every thing and 99% Indians don't support them. They have failed to impose everything they ever tried to..

Angoor Khattay thay is not my rule as it is not applicable here...

I seriously understand and that's why I am trying to be reactive not proactive docile or an idiot...

Just because you carry a think tank tag doesn't mean you are the lender of last resort. I am new on this forum and don't have any idea what does it take to be a think tank. Though you have a problem of halo perception.

I am not blowing up people, but in fact this argument has reached an impasse, as your ideology differs by a lot.
Man!!! what a debacle!!!

I had to post :cheesy:

Why cant people understand something very simple here?

The Internet is like the world, you dont like a people, dont go or visit their country, this doesnt mean you remove them from the face of the earth.

The world is made up of people who are different from us, and they do some things we might consider completely offensive.

Does this mean we kill them all because they are different?

If you dont like Facebook because of their offensive material,

But what will banning it achieve?

Muhammad PBUH was a great man, infact Muhammad, Jesus, Moses PBUT and many others were perfect of men.

But for people who are not his followers, or Muslims, he is not as important as he is for us, DOES THAT MEAN WE HAVE TO IMPOSE HIS IMPORTANCE OR HOLINESS ON THEM?


Leave it, thats all that I can say. We have many other things to do such as make babies (increase muslim population) with our five wives and fight the infidels as Sohan, the indian from Australia tells us.

Just forget it and move on with your lives, or bring down facebook.
Well Shiv Sena protest on every thing and 99% Indians don't support them. They have failed to impose everything they ever tried to..

Angoor Khattay thay is not my rule as it is not applicable here...

I seriously understand and that's why I am trying to be reactive not proactive docile or an idiot...

Just because you carry a think tank tag doesn't mean you are the lender of last resort. I am new on this forum and don't have any idea what does it take to be a think tank. Though you have a problem of halo perception.

I am not blowing up people, but in fact this argument has reached an impasse, as your ideology differs by a lot.

So you have slowed it down..

Aim achieved!
How do you know that, are you the moderator of one of these **** websites or work a femal model for them.

"work as a female"

at least write properly

Since you are asking, Khanz posted the source on the previous page. Check for yourself..
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Well Shiv Sena protest on every thing and 99% Indians don't support them. They have failed to impose everything they ever tried to..

Angoor Khattay thay is not my rule as it is not applicable here...

I seriously understand and that's why I am trying to be reactive not proactive docile or an idiot...

Just because you carry a think tank tag doesn't mean you are the lender of last resort. I am new on this forum and don't have any idea what does it take to be a think tank. Though you have a problem of halo perception.

I am not blowing up people, but in fact this argument has reached an impasse, as your ideology differs by a lot.

Lady I have noticed that you seem to have a very biased view of Muslims and Pakistani's in general. You also seem to respond with a knee jerk reaction to any argument being put forward against you.

Like you said that no one supports Shiv Sena but they protest, well it is the same here, a small group might protest but the overwhelming majority will just move on with their lives.

Now, you might want to know that why Pakistan banned Facebook as we can all ignore it. The reason for this is simple, it will deeply offend a small section who would react against the government by causing destruction and to limit such, a ban is imposed.

This ban might force Facebook to take down the page just as Youtube did in 2008. Also Pakistan leads the Muslim world in many world affairs, we are the first line of a reaction and then you will see others follow. We are the self appointed upholder of Islam, it might be good, it might be bad but whatever is, it is.
But i have a question, what went wrong when McDonalds did that burger thing with some Goddess of yours and you all went gung-ho over it..remember..???

Wrong example.

Here is an article about it
Burger King apology to Hindus for advert - Telegraph

I don't think any one received any threats of physical violence for this act. Nothing was banned. The company decided to withdraw the ad. The burgers was still sold and every one lived happily ever after.
The ideal situation must have been; nobody out of the entire Muslim community should have visited FB on 20th, without the fringing BAN!

That would have been some face-palm!!

But like i said, we do have our own share of thick-heads!
"work as a female"

at least write properly

Since you are asking, Khanz posted the source on the previous page. Check for yourself..

And for your cheap comment, I know people don't respect females much in your country, so I spare you.. But don't say that to your sister or mother..

Here you go generalizing the whole country again based on one mans comment. You seem to be a very aggressive women, tone down your stupid comments and think rationally before commenting.

The way you are going about, you can expect such comments, be a little less offensive. Got that.
Wrong example.

Here is an article about it
Burger King apology to Hindus for advert - Telegraph

I don't think any one received any threats of physical violence for this act. Nothing was banned. The company decided to withdraw the ad. The burgers was still sold and every one lived happily ever after.
Wrong interpretation.

Nobody has issued any threat against FB during this episode (except a few super-mullahs whom i dont know of)

Two, McDonalds or Burger King i dont even remember it issued an apology which in this case was not even discussed.

Three, when that Cavalli dude made the pic of some God of yours on that bikini, again an apology was issued but still many were quite enraged and 'stupid' kind of responses were seen.

Four, there's a different between repetitive bastardness (the case study of Drawings) and a mistake now and then (the Burger Kingy and the bikini thingy)!

Here you go generalizing the whole country again based on one mans comment. You seem to be a very aggressive women, tone down your stupid comments and think rationally before commenting.

The way you are going about, you can expect such comments, be a little less offensive. Got that.

I am sorry about that. I just got carried away with that comment. I will edit my post..

sorry once again..
Now, you might want to know that why Pakistan banned Facebook as we can all ignore it. The reason for this is simple, it will deeply offend a small section who would react against the government by causing destruction and to limit such, a ban is imposed.

I think it is a law and order problem which Pakistan itself should tackle. The violent protests do not hurt anyone except for ordinary Pakistanis themselves. Instead of pandering to these extremists, the government should instead encourage the moderate voice.

This ban might force Facebook to take down the page just as Youtube did in 2008. Also Pakistan leads the Muslim world in many world affairs, we are the first line of a reaction and then you will see others follow. We are the self appointed upholder of Islam, it might be good, it might be bad but whatever is, it is.

I think this violent reaction is the problem. You will just end up looking like the kid who throws a tantrum every time someone does something you don't like.

I think these incidents of cartoon drawing receive support because people see it as a sign of defiance against the radicals. Pakistanis are well versed with this emotion every time there is a military standoff with India.
I doubt it would have received any attention if not for all the threats of violent retribution some of which were carried out.
Lady I have noticed that you seem to have a very biased view of Muslims and Pakistani's in general. You also seem to respond with a knee jerk reaction to any argument being put forward against you.

Like you said that no one supports Shiv Sena but they protest, well it is the same here, a small group might protest but the overwhelming majority will just move on with their lives.

Now, you might want to know that why Pakistan banned Facebook as we can all ignore it. The reason for this is simple, it will deeply offend a small section who would react against the government by causing destruction and to limit such, a ban is imposed.

This ban might force Facebook to take down the page just as Youtube did in 2008. Also Pakistan leads the Muslim world in many world affairs, we are the first line of a reaction and then you will see others follow. We are the self appointed upholder of Islam, it might be good, it might be bad but whatever is, it is.

I disagree..

That's why I said xeric has a problem of halo perception.. I don't mean anything personal when I say that.

I am not an anti muslim first of all, no where in my post I said that. I have been repeating only one thing, that instead of bannig the whole website, someone should have taken facebook to the court and get the issue resolved.

Where is this Pakistan and Hindustan and muslim came in between?

Xeric gave me an example of McD, I kept the argument beyond our nationality. No where I claimed that had it been in India, we would handled it in a better manner..

I was not the one to drag Shiv sena in the picture, neither I dragged Pakistan. My discussion has been very general.. Please be advised and read from the starting.
To be honest Shiv sena is a failed party and I feel ashmed that it exist in India. What's wrong in that?

Latter part of your post does make sense. And I take that..

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