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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

I still remember the "Crime" done by Isralies in Sabra and Shatila camp, therefore i believe and strongly believe , believe like death, we can not live with Israel, they are the enemy of Muslims and we are not friend of them.
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Well, we can't walk on eggshells because of some people's paranoia.
Some measure of paranoia is healthy and necessary.

Space should be open to everyone and Pakistan should pursue a peaceful space program, regardless of what anyone objects.

Although I agree that, just like civilian nuclear technology, some people will hype up the dual-use danger aspect to try and limit new entrants into the select club of space-capable countries.
Those 'space-capable' countries are so capable for several reasons. First is that some of them, like US or the Russians, became capable on our own, meaning we develop our capabilities in-house. Others, like Japan, became capable for being an ally with another space-capable country, like US. No one can really prevent Pakistan from developing an ICBM capability. An ICBM capability is more an immediate sort of need for Pakistan than being space-capable. So your dancing around the issue will be in vain. Pakistan can say the rocket program is obstensibly for 'peaceful' purposes, but like the Iranians with their nuclear programs, no one will buy that line.
FYI, Israel has nukes too. Why does Pakistan have a problem with Israel anyway?
its not about Pakistan having problem with Israel Its about Israel having problem with Pakistan just like all the other Muslim countries
Guys, i think the talk has gotten out of the real topic.

Simple conclusion is, for Israel any Muslim country having nukes is a threat, reason simple, the IDF are very well equipped & superior fighting force and have the support of US. So conventionally there is no one around Israel to defeat it or challenge it. Now the questions of Nukes comes in, as nukes are the real danger for Israel, God forbid if a nuclear exchange does took place, the Muslim countries can withstand it as they have huge land mass, but Israel may not exist becoz they are very tinny in the land mass category.

Leaving other factors constant :)

As for Pakistan, it has a right to acquire any missile with any range, becoz we also do have many enemies disguised as friends. Past is a testament to this and in future we don't know what west can or will do.

The western people supporting Israel or asking questions about Pakistan long range missile, can they tell me why Israel needs a 7000+KM range Jericho Missile ?? or the latest rumor of Jericho III missile with a range to target Asia, Europe and even can reach America itself.

If Israel has only surrounding Muslim countries as enemies, why is it having & making such long range missiles which can target nearly all possible locations we can think of ?? And the people who run Israel are more hawkish then Muslims running their countries.

So if Israel with its hawkish leadership can have long range missiles, whats the problem in Pakistan having them ??

And yea we shouldn't forget the nuclear proliferation which Israel did by helping the south african nuclear program in the 80s.

West has concerns with our nuclear program and missiles & proliferation, and Israel being the most cruel & barbaric nation who did most brutal killings of human beings, having long range missiles, having a nuclear proliferation record is left to do what it wishes to ?? That's ironic.

Pakistan has & deserves the full right to posses as many nukes & long range missiles as it wishes, becoz we have a dozen of enemies who say we are friends on the contrary which is not.
First is that some of them, like US or the Russians, became capable on our own, meaning we develop our capabilities in-house. Others, like Japan, became capable for being an ally with another space-capable country, like US.

The brains behind the US space program was Wernher Von Braun and the team of German scientists who built Hitler's V2 rockets.

The Russians also nabbed a few German scientists, but the US got the cream of the crop. Thus the Russian space program was more 'indigenous' than NASA.

Everybody else, including the French, Chinese and Indians copied from others.

An ICBM capability is more an immediate sort of need for Pakistan than being space-capable. So your dancing around the issue will be in vain. Pakistan can say the rocket program is obstensibly for 'peaceful' purposes, but like the Iranians with their nuclear programs, no one will buy that line.

We will dance our way into space.

America can either prove its friendship to us by helping us, or deepen it's decline into irrelevance by trying to stop us in vain. Because there are other countries who will help us just fine. Despire fake and ineffective American temper tantrums.
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well, i guess there will not any further news about this topic just like what happened with "Russia agreed on civil nuclear technology with Pakistan". These are just a rumours and nothing concrete coming unless it is actually tested :D

Just hope this is true but highly unlikely
Pakistan's enemy are under 2500 range. But developing 7K km missile always give edge to any relation. Firmly I am in favor of this development of this missile. It might also strengthen Pakistan position in the Space.
well, as i said earlier, let it be confirmed and i can give you a lot of reasons for its development. i mean this is all rubbish that with enemies within range with the 2500 Km misile why develop a 7000 Km one,, there are lot of things PA may have considered beide India as an enemy!!!

well, as i said earlier, let it be confirmed and i can give you a lot of reasons for its development. i mean this is all rubbish that with enemies within range with the 2500 Km misile why develop a 7000 Km one,, there are lot of things PA may have considered beide India as an enemy!!!


Why under estimate threats from other countries.
The brains behind the US space program was Wernher Von Braun and the team of German scientists who built Hitler's V2 rockets.

The Russians also nabbed a few German scientists, but the US got the cream of the crop. Thus the Russian space program was more 'indigenous' than NASA.

Everybody else, including the French, Chinese and Indians copied from others.
I fully expected you to bring up von Braun and you did not disappoint. It is the typical response of those who would seek to diminish the main point by pecking at the minutae. The US is a land composed of immigrants and those immigrants, along with their descendants, worked with everyone to produce. You cannot take credit away from the country simply by pointing out the original ethnicities of the people who worked hard to exploit the native resources, natural and human, to create all these technological advances.

We will dance our way into space.

America can either prove its friendship to us by helping us, or deepen it's decline into irrelevance by trying to stop us in vain. Because there are other countries who will help us just fine. Despire fake and ineffective American temper tantrums.

The US Space Shuttle fleet is being retired due to age. Show me a single country that has its replacement. Do not bring up the Russians. They have a working launch method that is iinferior, expendable launch vehicles (ELV) while the Space Shuttle is reusable (RLV). Will Pakistan step up? If we have to regress back to using ELV, and we will have to, it will be because of financial, not technological reasons. Until anyone else can offer a working advancement of the Space Shuttle, an RLV that is both a launch vehicle as well as a functioning space station by itself, the US remain the leader in this aspect of space exploration.

Of course, you can always suck on the intellectual lollipop of focusing on how many non-whites are there in NASA in trying to push US along to our 'irrelevance'.
I fully expected you to bring up von Braun and you did not disappoint. It is the typical response of those who would seek to diminish the main point by pecking at the minutae. The US is a land composed of immigrants and those immigrants, along with their descendants, worked with everyone to produce. You cannot take credit away from the country simply by pointing out the original ethnicities of the people who worked hard to exploit the native resources, natural and human, to create all these technological advances.


The US Space Shuttle fleet is being retired due to age. Show me a single country that has its replacement. Do not bring up the Russians. They have a working launch method that is iinferior, expendable launch vehicles (ELV) while the Space Shuttle is reusable (RLV). Will Pakistan step up? If we have to regress back to using ELV, and we will have to, it will be because of financial, not technological reasons. Until anyone else can offer a working advancement of the Space Shuttle, an RLV that is both a launch vehicle as well as a functioning space station by itself, the US remain the leader in this aspect of space exploration.

Of course, you can always suck on the intellectual lollipop of focusing on how many non-whites are there in NASA in trying to push US along to our 'irrelevance'.

Have you got same explanations to US Atomic programme? Mate US is a super power but dont get carried away with it, there are underlying facts u cant deny

Have you got same explanations to US Atomic programme? Mate US is a super power but dont get carried away with it, there are underlying facts u cant deny

Mate...You yourself can be an Einsteinian genius but if the land you are living in does not have the necessary techological, economic and other foundations, your genius will be for naught. Are Russians stupid? No...But how much of the Soviet space program have benefited the ordinary Russians? Now take a look at the US space program and see how much life conveniences, from Tang the powdered orange juice to the microwave oven and uncounted other off-shoots that the American business entrepreneurs exploited and advances the overall technological standing of America. You cannot diminish these accomplishments by zeroing in on the skin color of the person who made the discovery or the invention. It is pure childishness.
I fully expected you to bring up von Braun and you did not disappoint. It is the typical response of those who would seek to diminish the main point by pecking at the minutae. The US is a land composed of immigrants and those immigrants, along with their descendants, worked with everyone to produce. You cannot take credit away from the country simply by pointing out the original ethnicities of the people who worked hard to exploit the native resources, natural and human, to create all these technological advances.


The US Space Shuttle fleet is being retired due to age. Show me a single country that has its replacement. Do not bring up the Russians. They have a working launch method that is iinferior, expendable launch vehicles (ELV) while the Space Shuttle is reusable (RLV). Will Pakistan step up? If we have to regress back to using ELV, and we will have to, it will be because of financial, not technological reasons. Until anyone else can offer a working advancement of the Space Shuttle, an RLV that is both a launch vehicle as well as a functioning space station by itself, the US remain the leader in this aspect of space exploration.

Of course, you can always suck on the intellectual lollipop of focusing on how many non-whites are there in NASA in trying to push US along to our 'irrelevance'.

with due respect, US established all of its current industrial empire with industrial espionage from UK.We all know as well that how US got this land who owned this land who developed the nuke tech of US :coffee:
guys, we are going off the topic, please, kindly, discuss pakistan s 7000 km missile not US space and nuclear programme.

i have some questions regrading the topic and that are:

at this stage, when we are economically unstable, and at war in the tribal areas, even if we have this ICBM capability of 7000km range in our arsinal (i mean untested in open) will our leaders (political and forces both) agree to test it? and second should we do the test or wait like we waited for the right time as we did for nuclear tests? opinions please

moreover, please keep another thing in mind also while answering this question and that is we are also in the middle of many defence deals with US (F16, may be predator, frigates etc) and europe (sub, may be nuclear deal with france). if this test result in sanctions as in past, then may be we will see history repeating itself in case of these defence deals.

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