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Pakistan's Electronic Battlefield


Oct 3, 2005
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United States

The Air Defense Automation System has been indigenously developed by Air Weapons Complex (AWC). The designed system collects information from all Air Defense sensors and radars, processes it, converts it into a standard format and displays it in real time at any desired location. The system architecture is independent of space, time and communication medium. The Command and Control System provides an environment for multiple functions to operate on the same hardware platform and share data via a Local Area Network (LAN) or a Wide Area Network (WAN).

The System allows the Commander to a view a fused picture of his complete Area Of Responsibility (AOR). It is a compilation of data from all Air Defense sensors, combined with battle plan, projection overlays, and any other data that is available, including:
current locations and planned movement operations of ground, maritime and air units of friendly, neutral, and enemy forces
generated features and projections (e.g. battle plans, operating zones)

Our engineers work closely with the customers to provide them customized, open, flexible and cost-effective solutions to their Air Defense Automation System requirements. AWC provides comprehensive Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) throughout the life cycle of the System.

Seamless integration with C4I systems.
Network centric design allowing self-forming and self-healing network (user can enter or leave the network dynamically).
Complete Air Situation Display (ASD).
User friendly and compact Graphical User Interface.
The System can be operated in different modes (Operator, Commander etc.)
Personnel training under simulation mode.
Scenario recording and replay facility.
Communication with lower and higher command centers.
Advanced GIS support.
Multiple layer architecture (Display of multiple maps).
Map features e.g. map loading, map editing, map color changing etc.
Preset and programmable zoom buttons.
Display of Latitude/Longitude, Georef and Grid System.
True battlefield scenario support.
Display of track history during interception operation. User can switch on/off history of track.
Track symbol indicating its category.
Track type indicates the threat status of the track.
Tactical interception aids available.
Radar on/off option.
Aircraft Plot Suppression Area (PSA).
Non-automatic track initiation area.
Weapons (SAM/AAA) status monitoring.
Use of commercial technologies.
Ergonomically designed Command and Control Console.
Easy maintenance.

AWC's Multi Radar Tracker (MRT) uses state-of-the-art tracking algorithms to detect and track all modern, fast and highly maneuverable targets, hence forming an integral part of C4I and Air Defense Automation System. It works effectively in high clutter environments and displays real time information for any command & control function. It can handle 2000 plots and 1000 tracks. This capability can be further enhanced due to scalable design of the Tracker. It can be integrated simultaneously with homogenous and heterogeneous radars.

The Tracker automatically initiates and reliably tracks maneuvering targets. The tracks initiation and maneuvering detection is enhanced with multiple sensors. The trackers update the display information at a high rate to form a true, accurate and complete Air Situation Display (ASD) for all air-defense and air-traffic control operations.

The main functions of the MRT algorithm include:

Inferring the presence of valid targets from a series of plots and tracks received from different radars.
Calculating optimally by the sensor the true trajectories of the target in presence of uncertainties imposed by the sensor as well as aircraft dynamics.
Recognizing and rejecting false targets.
Successfully tracking and predicting the optimal estimates of the target in the presence of clutter and false alarms.
Displaying target tracking information.
Forming correct association between tracks and observation from radars in different environment.
Successfully tracking the target during extreme conditions of fast maneuver, formations, miss detection, cross-overs etc.
Fusing information from multiple radars of different ranges, resolutions, scan times and other radars parameters.
Analyzing the influence of sensor modeling, radar processor design, and change of other system parameters on algorithm design.

AWC has developed Mobile Command and Control Centers for Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control Operations. AWC has designed rugged rack mount hardware suitable for mission critical operations for mobile command and control centers. AWC has performed complete thermal, reliability and vibration analysis of the System.

AWC’s Command and Control Consoles are suitable for critical defense applications. The multi-functional Command and Control Consoles are suitable for mobile ground systems, surface ships and aircraft. It comprises an ergonomically designed rugged chassis, which functions as a protective shell for the electronics inside. It can be used in a variety of C4I applications.

Pakistan participates in defence exhibition

LONDON, Sept 12: Pakistan recorded its biggest ever participation in an International Defence Exhibition (DSEi) which started here on Tuesday. Previously, only Pakistan Ordinance Factories used to participate in the exhibition. This year seven more companies joined to put up state-of-art and indigenously produced defence-related products. This initiative was taken by Defence Export Promotion Organisation under the patronage of Ministry of Defence Production.

The new company is Nescom which recently manufactured Air Defence Automotive Systems related to C4I and Integrated Battle Field Management Systems.

The IICS, another latest company participating in the exhibition, is displaying latest products – Surface-to-Surface Guided Missile Weapon System, Anza - Anti Tank Guided Missile System Baktar Shikan, Laser Range Finders, Laser Aiming Device, Laser Actuated Targets, Laser Threat Sensors, Automatic Fire Control Systems, and Explosive Reactive Armour Kit.

Also on display are Defence Science & Technology Organisation’s latest products in Nuclear Biological Defence Equipment, Non-metallic Mine Detector, Wind Tunnel and Electronic Warfare Systems. All Technique Corporation of Pakistan is specialist in making laser crystals optical component fabrication, Thin Film metal Dialectical, Reticles, Encoders, Precision Machining and Environment. Two private companies, Badshah & Sons and Outdoor Hassan Collection, which excel in manufacturing equestrian and leather products, also joined the exhibition.—PPI

Pakistan participates in defence exhibition -DAWN - National; September 13, 2007

Wednesday, 16 May 2007
SAKB is a command post carrier based on M113 family of armoured vehicles designed and manufactured by HIT. The vehicle is fully NBC protected and has its own internal generation and AC system. In Pakistan Army, the vehicle is going to be used as a highly mobile tactical command post for a division level commander of an offensive formation. The vehcile is said to be C4I capable and was requested by the 1st Armoured Division of the Pakistan Army.

Very well done ... Keep going we wish you best of Luck and the keep the Passion UP..
thats gr8 but how one can apply for it as it is nit given on army official web site.
Awsome go Pakistan we love you !
every new day makes us more proud of Pakistan and it's Military.
Netcentric warfare is future and i am glad that Pakistan is making progress in this field as well.
now i want to see them buliding latest artilery system and stryer apc too
Now a days reaaly wars are elexctronics playground

USand euorpe are consistantly in working and improvein g performances of there sys. JSTAR victory a same thing which collects data analyse and send to comander. And now a days it is necessory to have info regarding whats gonna happens in all battlefields and commander should see it like what in simulators like command and conquer etc
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