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Islamabad Airport's cost hikes to Rs 97 Billion from actual cost of Rs 34 Billion. @MaryamNSharif's "Samdhi" Chaudhry Munir is contractor. Just saw on twitter..are you aware of this?
Where has $11 billion gone?

By Dr. Farrukh Saleem
January 17, 2016

In January 2015, the price of petrol in Pakistan was Rs70.29 per litre. A year later, in January 2016, the price of petrol in Pakistan had gone up to Rs76.26 per litre – an annual increase of 8.5 percent. In January 2015, the OPEC basket price stood at $44.70 a barrel. A year later, in January 2016, the OPEC basket price had gone down to $25 a barrel; a decline of 44 percent.

In 2008, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources told us that the government was subsidising petroleum products to the tune of Rs30 billion a month. The government further said that the World Bank has given the government a deadline of end-2008 to withdraw all subsides on petroleum products. Lo and behold, all subsidies on petroleum products were withdrawn by end-2008 and we were told that from now on Pakistani prices shall be directly linked to the prices in the international market.

For the record, in the past one year the OPEC basket price is down a wholesome 44 percent. For the record, in the past one year the price in Pakistan has gone up 8.5 percent. Where has the 52.5 percent differential gone?

In 2014, Pakistanis consumed some 434,000 barrels a day. In 2014, when the OPEC basket price was $96.29 a barrel, Pakistanis consumed $15 billion worth of oil. In 2016, Pakistanis consumed more or less 434,000 barrels a day. By early 2016, the OPEC basket price had fallen to $25 and, as a consequence, the value of oil consumed by Pakistanis had gone down to $4 billion. For the record, the difference in value between 2014 and 2016 is a whopping $11 billion. Where has $11 billion gone?

How much is $11 billion? Well, $11 billion is the equivalent of Rs6,000 for every man, woman and child in this country. Well, $11 billion is the equivalent of Rs42,000 for every Pakistani family. Imagine if each and every Pakistani family was given a cash grant of Rs42,000. Imagine, with a multiplier effect, the positive impact of such a cash grant could be between $50 billion to $80 billion.

The fact is that there has been a $11 billion bonanza. The question is whether the government should spend it as per its wishes or let the private sector make spending decisions. There’s almost a consensus within economists that “government spending distorts resource allocation”. And that “government spending is a less effective way to deliver services (this is referred to as the ‘inefficiency cost’)”. And that when “individuals use other people’s money” they become reckless. And that “government spending inhibits innovation”.

Economic history and empirical evidence stand in favour of smaller governments. According to Daniel Mitchell, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, “Controlling federal spending is particularly important because of globalization. Today, it is becoming increasingly easy for jobs and capital to migrate from one nation to another. This means that the reward for good policy is greater than ever before, but it also means that the penalty for bad policy is greater than ever before.”
17 February 2016

New highway in Pakistan being built

First published on World Highways - Welcome

Work is now underway in Pakistan on the new Gwadar-Turbat-Hoshab highway. This 193km highway is expected to cost close to US$124 million to construct. The Gwadar-Turbat-Hoshab Road (M-8) in Pakistan will connect Gwadar Port with Quetta by connecting the port with the eastern, central and western routes of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).
Islamabad Airport's cost hikes to Rs 97 Billion from actual cost of Rs 34 Billion. @MaryamNSharif's "Samdhi" Chaudhry Munir is contractor. Just saw on twitter..are you aware of this?
this project is going for an decade now .. and its estimated cost get tripled ...Politicians are cashing it
Pakistan’s oil and gas discoveries made in last three years

Posted By: News Deskon: June 14, 2016

ISLAMABAD, June 14 (APP): Pakistan’s oil and gas discoveries made in last three years

Oil and Gas exploration companies operating in different parts of the country made 75 discoveries after 281 drills in the last three years.

“Following the discoveries, 580 million cubic feet per day (MMCFD) gas and 25,000 barrels per day (BPD) Crude Oil production has been added to the system, while the highest crude oil production – 100,000 BPD was achieved on December 7, 2014,” official sources in Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources told APP.

They said the domestic production had increased to 90,000 BPD, while there were imports of 400,000 BPD.

The refining capacity has been enhanced to 11 metric tonnes per annum (MTPA) whereas the consumption was 23 MTPA.

They informed that Pakistan was facing a huge gap between demand and supply of energy.

Currently, its total gas production was four billion cubic feet per day (bcfd) against the demand of eight bcfd of gas, adding that the oil production stood at 10,000 barrels per day, while its requirement was seven to eight times high than the production.

The government, they said, was taking solid measures to meet the country’s growing energy need, for which it had enhanced monitoring of Exploration and Production (E&P) activities besides acquiring 17,864 LKm of 2D and 14,233 Sq.Km of 3D seismic survey to identify new prospects.

The sources informed that during the above mentioned period, 46 new exploration licenses, covering an area of 94,608.85 Sq. Kms, had been awarded to accelerate exploration activities in the country.

The ministry’s drive against non-performing oil and gas exploration companies was continuing and it had recently issued notices to 18 more inactive license-holders for their failure to start exploration work as per agreement, the sources disclosed.

“More inactive licences will be revoked shortly after completing all formalities,” they added.

The government is making all-out efforts to pave way for exploration of unconventional resources like “Tight Gas”, Shale as and Low BTU gas etc.

They said, other measures to minimize the gas shortfall included import of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), projects to import gas through pipelines from Iran and Turkmenistan besides promotion of LPG air mix.

The ministry is facilitating oil and gas companies with incentives under the Petroleum Policy-2012 to expedite exploration activities, the sources concluded.

Not much but every little discovery counts.


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i don't think this was reported... but apparently all OMC / Refineries (except ARL) have agreed to jack up the RON value of petrol from current 87 to 92. I wish they would have gone to a slightly higher number but 92 RON would still do.

Pact signed for partial launch of high-grade expensive petrol

ISLAMABAD: The oil-marketing companies (OMCs) and refineries have reached an agreement with the government for partial introduction of a high-grade petrol in the country at a higher price.

The government has been asking the oil industry to replace low-quality petrol — 87 Research Octane Number — currently in use with a better grade 92 RON which offers better engine efficiency and slightly lower carbon footprint.

The local refineries have been resisting the “expensive switchover” and have now been promised price compensation.

The two sides confirmed mixing of kerosene oil and jet fuels in the petrol, diesel and other expensive fuels because of price differential.

“It was, therefore, agreed that the kerosene price should be rationalised to discourage adulteration into HSD.”

Under the agreement, the 87 RON petrol would now improve to 92 RON while High Octane Blending Component of 95 RON at present would be replaced with 97 RON HOBC. All the OMCs will be allowed HOBC imports.

In view of the technological challenge, the government has now agreed to allow local refineries to continue with their existing operations, but marketing companies would be required to import high grade gasolines to upgrade locally produced petrol.

“Each refinery will opt for producing 87 RON/90 RON as per their own configuration and limitations,” a senior government official said, quoting an agreement initialed by the oil industry.

Except for Attock Refinery Limited in Rawalpindi – the only petroleum refining facility in the northern region – “all other refineries have agreed to produce 90 RON.”

This would be further improved to 92 RON with even better grade imports.

“The OMCs will ensure upliftment of local refinery product first as per the prevailing policy, irrespective of difference of RON,” added the agreement.

ARL would not change its configuration because it would incur an additional loss of about $75 per tonne of naphtha transportation and handling to Karachi for subsequent export.

“Producing 90 RON (for ARL) mean that its premier motor gasoline production will reduce by 12,000 tonnes per month and naphtha production will correspondingly go up,” the official explained.

The determination of new price for the high grade petrol – 92 RON – will be made on the basis of a new formula that encourages the industry to switchover. This will be called a penalty to the price. Freight on board (FoB) price differential between 95 RON and 92 RON will be divided by three. This will give the per RON penalty.

For 87 RON, the penalty will be five multiplied by each RON. For 87 RON, the ex-refinery price will be determined on the basis of import price of Pakistan State Oil, inclusive of all incidentals minus RON penalty and so will be the case for 90 RON as well.

The pricing will be done by the oil industry on the basis of monthly averages. The new product will be out in the market in July and would be reviewed in October 2016.

Previously, the oil industry had demanded to keep marketing the existing quality, for a few years, at the price of the superior variety so that oil companies could have adequate funds for technology up-gradation but this was not acceptable to the petroleum ministry, said an official.

“Pakistan has been using 87 RON motor spirit for the past 20 years while the world has moved on to higher RON petrol. In view of sharp reduction in oil prices, it is the best time for switching over to 92 RON premier motor gasoline (PMG) at the earliest,” Petroleum Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told OMCs and refineries.

“Higher the RON, better the quality and engine performance and cleaner environment,” the minister said explaining that all the petrol pumps in the country were selling 87 RON petrol while HOBC was of 99-105 RON. The minister wanted to introduce 92 RON, commonly known as Euro-II gasoline across the country.

Some oil industry players wanted allowing petrol sale of three different qualities with 87, 92 and 95 RON (as was the case in India) with price differential for an interim period to allow various consumer groups to have a choice on purchasing power.

This was not acceptable to the petroleum ministry which believed it would lead to adulteration without giving a consumer the confidence if he/she was getting 87 RON for 92 RON price. A few hinted that some smaller players were already mixing jet fuel (Rs37 per litre) with petrol (Rs72 per litre) or benzene or kerosene with petrol because of taxation difference.

Pak-Arab Refinery (Parco) would start producing 92 RON by November 2017. National Refinery cannot produce 92 RON in the near future but would mix imported finished products to improve its RON.
Foreign Exchange reserves reached to record levels of Us$:24.5 Billion, another highest level.

That will defiantly raise investor Confidence.
Fly Dubai Promotional Video for Pakistan. A russian Tours Lahore and Gilgit Baltistan! Its amazing!
this project is going for an decade now .. and its estimated cost get tripled ...Politicians are cashing it
For that time and budget the airport should be amongst the finest on the planet but from what I have seen it looks far from it so your assertion (corruption) seems accurate.
Economy of Pakistan is still appreciably based on the Agricultural outputs from Punjab and Sindh
Aerial Views of Okara and Sahiwal District/ Ravi River Punjab

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