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Pakistan's defence budget cut - retracted. Increased by 7.

Rs295 billion have been allocated for defence this time.

SO anyone can tell me where is the cut ????

If i am not wrong last time it was Rs275b :what:

I believe the "cut" was after taking into account inflation and the rupee dollar parity.
Mustn't do cursory glances or have gut feelings, when you are supposed to know the details and that should be no problem for a journaist to check back from the Financial News desk.

Your comments are taken to have more credence than the average poster since you report that news.

The figures i have given are the correct ones i was talking about the other details.
Ah well, the usual!

What are the other details of the defence budget and its financial outlay of the figures quoted by you?

Loose lips, sink ships!
sorry guys, but I have to go with the indians on this one. the democratically elected govt. in all of their wisdom (nil, just stupidity) decided to go ahead with this.

they want to suck up to india so badly and sell the country as a virgin slave to india, it's not india's problem. if anyone can remember,

Following up on Pakistan's commitment of working for 'grand reconciliation' with India, the ruling Pakistan People's Party on Thursday made two proposals -- reduction of army's presence in Jammu and Kashmir [Images] and creation of economic zones along the Indo-Pak border.

The PPP, however, suggested that any cuts in the army's deployment in Jammu and Kashmir could be compensated by India through deployment of more paramilitary forces and police which would be 'more humane' and help in addressing the '60-year-old wound' of the Kashmir issue.

"We would appreciate the de-escalation of Indian troops in Kashmir and bringing normalcy in Kashmir. The army by design, wherever it is, by its nature is crude -- whether it is your army or any other army," PPP Chairman Asif Ali Zardari told PTI in a wide-ranging interview.

Zardari, who led the party to victory in the February 18 elections after his wife Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in December last year, responded to questions on the Kashmir issue, Indo-Pak composite dialogue process and the controversy over reinstatement of judges.

The PPP chief said his 'model for India-Pakistan relations' is to create economic zones along the border, use Pakistan's coal reserves in Thar to generate power that could be exported to India and even acquire gas from 'friendly Muslim countries' that could be supplied to India.

Replying to a question on how Pakistan and India could build trust and confidence while trying to resolve the dragging Kashmir dispute, Zardari said the army's presence in Kashmir 'is increasing the divide rather than patching it up'.

Zardari said, 'my dream is that Pakistan is the force multiplier for India. We had one country, one nation.'

"If you had a police force there, even if it was 500,000-strong, police training is different and they have to go back to their wives. They don't have to go back to their cantonments and they live in the normal world," the 52-year-old leader said.

"Whereas the cantonment world is a different world, so they are a different species. You have a war machine living there, so there are lots of reactions to those people sitting there. So India can move out the army and move in paramilitary forces.

"They will be more humane. There is already a 60-year-old wound and you scratch it... even that erupts into a reaction."

After talks with his Indian counterpart Pranab Mukherjee in Islamabad to review the composite dialogue process, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi had said on Wednesday that Pakistan was ready for 'grand reconciliation' on outstanding issues with India, which need to be resolved through dialogue with 'self respect and dignity'.

India and Pakistan have observed a ceasefire along the frontiers in Jammu and Kashmir since November 2003. During the talks, the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to 'safeguard' the truce in the wake several incidents of firing on Indian troops.

Asked if he saw economics as being the driving force in bilateral relations, Zardari replied, "Yes, I can't afford 180 million people with the poverty level today, but I have got water, millions of acres of virgin lands� I can feed India and the world."
( wtf ? :what: )

"On the border with India, I have got gas and oil. I can convert all that into product and market it to myself and to India. Then, I have a 1,100-mile coastline, which is virgin," the PPP chief said.
( wtf ? :what: )

"You can't expand Kolkata port. With today's technology, I can make 20 deep sea ports and an economic zone in Gwadar. I can have high speed cargo trains, have a 17-18 hour turnaround period from your railway lines and the products will be available to you. You cannot put up gas containers on Mumbai beach, but I can put up (on the Pakistani coastline) any number of gas containers (and acquire gas from) all sorts of friendly Muslim countries where I, the PPP and the government of Pakistan have influence. And we dovetail it, we create economic zones owned by the people," Zardari said.

"All I need is a system where I can work and I cannot work if there is an impasse between the constitution, between myself and the president. I'd rather go now than take all the difficult decisions and go after 15 months or two years."

Replying to a question if he expected progress on such issues when the two countries have been unable to resolve a host of trade-related matters, he said: "Talk to me next year, either I am here in power and we will talk about the progress that I have made or I won't be here -- one of the two."

Zardari also pointed out that he and his main ally PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif the 'two largest political forces' in Pakistan wanted to do away with visa restrictions for India.

This would facilitate people-to-people contacts, boost economic cooperation and even help improve the atmosphere for resolving the Kashmir issue, Zardari said.

The two countries could increasingly use modern technology to track the movement of their citizens if visas were done away with.

"My contention is let's introduce modern technology and use (biometrics and fingerprints to track people who are allowed) to come in without a visa. You just walk in and find a modern technology which makes sure we are not making mischief there and you are not making mischief here," he said.

Zardari said fears about Pakistan being taken over by India are an 'old cliche used by the Cold War warriors' to blackmail the people.

"Britain and France fought for a thousand years, Germany and France still have an issue with their border. But can you say that Europe is not united? Can you say that Germany is going to take over France? So to assume that Pakistan is going to be taken over by India is the old cliche used by the Cold War warriors and (people are) being blackmailed by their mindset," Zardari said.
^ Was Mr.10% drunk :rofl:
Is this one of the first step in fooling J@hil awam and give them wrong perception that "india no longer is our enemy" while India builds massive military?
Now i have no dough that their must be some internal force behind these so called elected democr@py government!
Pak increases defence outlay by 8% in budget 2008-09

ISLAMABAD: In the first budget after return to democracy, the Pakistan government on Wednesday increased the outlay for defence by nearly 8 per cent to Rs 29,600 crore in a deficit budget for 2008-09.

The budget presented in Parliament on Wednesday by Finance Minister Naveed Qamar has allocated Rs 29,600 crore for 2008-09, higher by 7.64 per cent from Rs 27,500 crore last fiscal.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had said two days ago that Pakistan would freeze and "actually reduce" its defence spending in the hope that India would reciprocate with a similar step. However, India rejected the move.

Pegging the fiscal deficit at 7 per cent, the budget estimates net revenue receipts at Rs 1,11,100 crore, an increase of 23.1 per cent over the outgoing year. The external receipts are projected at 30,000 crore.

Pakistan's spending on defence has traditionally hovered over 3 per cent of the GDP, more than its allocations for sectors like education and healthcare.

In a break with the past, Qamar said in his budget speech that all details about the defence allocation for 2008-09 will be tabled in the National Assembly or lower house of Parliament.

In the past, Pakistan's defence budget has been treated as a classified document and only presented in "one line" in the National Assembly. Qamar said the defence budget was being "declassified" and all its details would be made public.

"This time we are not presenting a one line defence budget but would table all the details before the House," he said in his speech.

Though the details of the defence budget were not included in Qamar's speech, these would be provided separately during the debate on the budget in Parliament, officials said.

Under the new budget, Qamar also announced a 20 per cent hike in the salaries of the armed forces.

Pakistan has traditionally spent billions of rupees on maintaining the world's seventh largest army and weapons purchases to maintain conventional parity with India. In recent years, it has also earmarked significant amounts for its nuclear weapons programmes.

The country has also received billions of dollars from the US to fight terrorism. The US Congress recently notified the delivery of 10 refurbished F-16 jets to Pakistan due to its status as a "major non-NATO ally".

However, a crippling financial crunch and large trade and budget deficits have led to Pakistan cutting back on its arms purchases. The country recently halved an order for 36 new F-16 jets due to financial constraints.
All relative PAK DEF budget news goes here!:yahoo:

Pakistan's defence spending up nearly 7 percent
11 Jun 2008 16:40:42 GMT
Source: Reuters
(Adds background)

ISLAMABAD, June 11 (Reuters) - Pakistan increased defence spending by nearly 7 percent on Wednesday, to 296.07 billion rupees ($4.4 billion), for the 2008-09 fiscal year starting on July 1.

In the preceding year ending on June 30, Pakistan spent 277.26 billion rupees on defence, according to budget documents presented in parliament by acting Finance Minister Naveed Qamar.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani said this week the budget allocation for defence had gone down in real terms because of inflation, and in dollar terms.

Gilani said he hoped to see a reciprocal gesture from neighbour India.

India increased its defence spending by 10 percent to $26.5 billion in its budget for 2008-09, announced in February.

Pakistan has fought three wars with India since their independence from Britain in 1947.

The two rivals became nuclear armed in 1998, but their ties have improved since they launched a peace process in 2004, having gone to the brink of war in 2002.

Despite better relations, they have continued to focus on building up and modernising their military forces.

Besides the annual budget allocation, Pakistan has received more than $10 billion since it joined the U.S.-led war on terrorism in 2001. Most of this aid has been for the military.

Pak increases defence outlay by 8 pc in budget 2008-09


In the first budget after return to democracy, the Pakistan government today increased the outlay for defence by nearly 8 per cent to Rs 29,600 crore in a deficit budget for 2008-09.

The budget presented in Parliament today by Finance Minister Naveed Qamar has allocated Rs Rs 29,600 crore for 2008-09, higher by 7.64 per cent from Rs 27,500 crore last fiscal.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had said two days ago that Pakistan would freeze and "actually reduce" its defence spending in the hope that India would reciprocate with a similar step. However, India rejected the move.

Pegging the fiscal deficit at 7 per cent, the budget estimates net revenue receipts at Rs 1,11,100 crore, an increase of 23.1 per cent over the outgoing year. The external receipts are projected at 30,000 crore.

Pakistan's spending on defence has traditionally hovered over 3 per cent of the GDP, more than its allocations for sectors like education and healthcare.

In a break with the past, Qamar said in his budget speech that all details about the defence allocation for 2008-09 will be tabled in the National Assembly or lower house of Parliament.

In the past, Pakistan's defence budget has been treated as a classified document and only presented in "one line" in the National Assembly. Qamar said the defence budget was being "declassified" and all its details would be made public.

"This time we are not presenting a one line defence budget but would table all the details before the House," he said in his speech.

Though the details of the defence budget were not included in Qamar's speech, these would be provided separately during the debate on the budget in Parliament, officials said.

Under the new budget, Qamar also announced a 20 per cent hike in the salaries of the armed forces.

Pakistan has traditionally spent billions of rupees on maintaining the world's seventh largest army and weapons purchases to maintain conventional parity with India. In recent years, it has also earmarked significant amounts for its nuclear weapons programmes.

The country has also received billions of dollars from the US to fight terrorism. The US Congress recently notified the delivery of 10 refurbished F-16 jets to Pakistan due to its status as a "major non-NATO ally".

However, a crippling financial crunch and large trade and budget deficits have led to Pakistan cutting back on its arms purchases. The country recently halved an order for 36 new F-16 jets due to financial constraints.

uff shukker haa.. :coffee:

Gilani wanted to decrease the spending and wanted India to do the same. However, India decided to double the spending. An absolutely opposite response from them may be the cause.
That's sad too.

I mean it was such a feeble demand. What interest does India have in reducing their budget? Pakistan's economic situation has a hiccup not India's. Why would they make it easy for us?

And now since they increased theirs we're going to increase ours too. I feel like such a puppet now.

I mean they should've at least checked with India and seen if reducing the defence budget was even on the cards. They made a mockery out of ourselves, IMO.
Well its strategy from India follow the footstep of Ronald Reagan, when announce 7 trillion dollar defence budget and its end up collapsing the USSR economy. India knows Pakistan economic condition, announcing huge surplus in defence budget to bring down Pakistan to his knees. And our stupid politician fall in trap just like USSR.
These idiots have exposed Pakistan's weakness to INDIA! expecting free words of peace harmony and brother hood between the two arch rivals.. Idiot Zadari was already havin wet dreams about sea ports, highways, free trading with India.. lol and his 10% commission from indians too?:woot:
Pakistan was right on track 12 months ago until these pro democratic hippies wanna be free society douche-bags NGOs started yappin about "Remove Dictator and install Democracy"... 120 days later after elected government took over, every thing has gone bad to worst for pakistan except "FREE MEDIA TO CRITICIZE PAKISTAN"! i guess our economy will super boom with this "free media".:guns:
Wow, that was a quick turnaround!

Not really.

When the news of the "cut" was announced, if people had payed attention, the clarification of "with respect to inflation and the rupee-dollar parity" was mentioned.

Most people just focused on the headline of "defense budget cut", which from a political point of view is what the PPP wanted.

Calling for India to reciprocate was still an absolutely stupid thing to do though.

Completely out of place.
ISLAMABAD, June 11 (Reuters) - Pakistan increased defence spending by nearly 7 percent on Wednesday, to 296.07 billion rupees ($4.4 billion), for the 2008-09 fiscal year starting on July 1.

In the preceding year ending on June 30, Pakistan spent 277.26 billion rupees on defence, according to budget documents presented in parliament by acting Finance Minister Naveed Qamar.

So where is the cut that India is to follow?

And so what are they talking about?
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