@ Trisonics, It stays your opinion; only empirical data and numbers prove the fact. Otherwise here is no sense of their existance. We have been poisoned by continuous feeding of international media; and culturan influence that "Democracy is BEST!" how many countries could successfully make it work; it has few pre-requisites. It requires one dictator style leader to FIRST lay down rules; provide its basis and then get it work. India has been fortunate enough to be equipped with Mr. Nehru; that we lacked; NO! key leader survived who could govern Pk for several decades.
- Nehru
- Mao
both governed their countries for several decades; I believe in Pakistan we require Miltary rule for about 20 to 30 years. Then establish strong democracy; as by that time one generation will grow in controlled environment and target needs to be elivating literacy, more importantly (Intellect); Plus Land reforms are vital. And feudal's hold like Bugti needs to be reduced. Otherwise in Pakistan; here is NO! difference between democracy and feudalism.
There are so many people not able to identify whats good/bad for them.
Army took over, whenever country was at verge of destruction.
i.e. Last time Gen. Pervez took over; we were about to be bankrupt.
If someone finds soft corner; its with reason that people living DAM! care about who is governing; they are more concerned about their quality of life; which indeed is at least 2x better in miltary rule.
Democracy within an year results in:
- Uncontrolled Corruption
- Gang Wars
- Getting to verge of Civil War
- Poor/Almost NO! Administration
- Political Disharmonoy
- Extreme downturn in economy
People who say "figures look nice on the papers, but they have little if any relevance with the facts on the ground."
I can only say onething; please kill all scientist, researchers, believer of empirical data that dominates world of argument.
Put all people who developed SI units to HELL!
In simple words, keep believing that your car is going VERY! fast, as you have windscreen broken; and bonnect not placed too. Sound and Wind will make you feel like fast; instead of getting to Standard Unit (Km/h) or MPH, saying that you are moving with 60km/h either its fast or not. Other's person call.
Same we try to condem people quoting true figures and logical argument. If Figures have NO! role; then its just game of personal opinion.
If all figures quoted cannot be considered ligitimate because
91% are not paying taxes. Than this 91% in itself is not valid figure; (Contradictry Premisis) logical fallacy.
(household earning less than US$200) or all figures are WRONG! and I can say in my opinion everyone is earning Three Trillion
During Democracy; as all figures are meaningless
We need not to bring India in everything; It was done by Riaz, as it has been argued that Pakistan's economy flourished in dictatorship.
Thumbs up to "sparklingway" for providing argument at least; but can we some how compare
- Crime Rate
- Number of universities
- NRU (Natural Rate of Unemployment)
- POWER? I never observed any problem During last rule. (They were able to manage, Thermal power in Economic Circular flow)
- Fuel Shortage (CNG)
All these concerns, requires attention too. PLUS! discussion has been well; that aid does not only serves the purpose... bottom line is...
Is he better than democratic Government? YES!
FOr whatever reason, all variables measuring well being supports.
He could be better? YES!
This yes will become for EVERYONE! except, Prophets or Renowned leaders.
I am not saying that Mush was "Great Leader", He was better, and he is Better than "All available options".
I have already wasted about 1 hour reading
So I may not come back to this forum; but i have tried to compile some data; you may find differences. Sources are:
- Labour force servey of Pakistan by FedERul Bureau Staistics
- Labour force servey of Pakistan 1999-2000
- Economic servey of Pakistan 2005-2006
- IMF Public Data
- Pakistan Economic Performance 1947 to 1993 by Sure Publishers
- Federal Bureau of Statistic
- Planing and Development Division
- State Bank of Pakistan
With Circles mentioning governments:
with %age increase you know; if last year is in dip; next year is likely to show hype, You may compare Pk, with World using Google Public data; but let me assure you. Here is NO! poor thing like 1% and 2% GDP in any of Army Rule. Economy obviously follow global trend too; not denying; but how much impact? That needs to be seen to.