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Pakistan's Dangerous Anti-American Game

all this anglo-american-jewish yellow journalism is getting on my nerve: what the hell does pakistan have to gain by trying to hurt US? pakistan's objectives in the american war of terror are extremely modest and innately defensive and stemmed from genuine security needs, whereas it is now completely a war of choice for the anglo-americans who only stayed to destabilize the region and annoy afghanistan's real neighbors and the real stakeholders in the peace of the area. the rootless races with their rootless military technology came from the other side of the world, blew up everything from afghanistan to pakistan's tribal belt, colluded with indians to undermine pakistan's national security at each turn of the war and now dared to call pakistan anti-american? GO HOME, YOU MOTHERF*CKERS!!!

Pakistan is not playing any dangerous anti-US game. It is merely trying to protect it interests in the region. Sentencing Shakil Afridi is an internal matter of Pakistan since the man worked for a foreign intelligence agency without government permission and it is important to send a signal to any foreign agency and their local agents that such activities without government knowledge will not tolerated and dealt with iron hands.

Nobody with a working mind in Pakistan wants a conflict with the US. The problems with the US are because of difference and mistrust over how to design the post-withdrawel Afghanistan. This failure of cooperation is to be blamed on both governments. I would blame more Pakistan leadership, civil and military in this. Once these difference over Afghanistan are dealt-over, the current conflict will automatically die down as it is neither's interest to have conflict.

exactly - but the anglo-americans are working tirelessly in the press to deny legitimacy to pakistan's interests and very real, very genuine, very material security needs in afghanistan. their design against pakistan is what started all this tension between the two countries.

what pakistan wanted from this anglo-american war of terror is to stop further deterioriation of its security, an extremely modest and reasonable purpose. what anglo-americans wanted from their invasion and carnage is body count and regional instability that these rootless creatures can leverage to blackmail all afghanistan's neighbors: iran, russia, china, and above all, pakistan.
survival of the fittest and we all know who will survive at the end...............

so you saying Pakistan was very fit against India for past 60+ years?
Pakistan was very fit against Soviets??
what makes you think Pakistan is not fit against US...in the last 30+ years Pakistan is writing history, and yet there is still more to write...hang on for a wild ride
sentencing that doc is like serving your ego... obviously ISI was spanked heavy by OBL raid but searching for a scapegoat is total shamelessness.

Some Indian Army Havaldar has been apprehended for allegedly spying for Pakistan. One assumes if true he was doing this for incentives. Shall we say, shame on the Indian authorities to keep his likes half fed......oh hang on, passing on confidentialities and acts of maligning the State comes under something called treason......unless off course, the case study translates into....your enemy is better than mine. !!
There is no game, it is our duty to protect long term interest of Pakistan
1 trillion dollar per year budget is loosing war to Taliban which merely have any budget, that" FARANG" policy of occupy and steal will no more be acceptable cuz Pakistan is not like IRAQ LEBYA AFGHANISTAN CHECHENYA ETC
just watch the speak of z a bhutto in general assembly in dec 1971 and we have proved some of it
The basic problem with Pakistan has been hanging on to America's apron strings since its inception with its over-dependence on it for weapons and for propping up its economy.

As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime". Pakistan has been fed but hasn't learned to fish. If it had, it would not have found itself in this situation.

Is it time to unshackle itself from the Yanks and follow the example of Iran which cares two hoots for the US of A and still doing fine? But they can afford to thumb their noses at America as they have enough oil wealth and don't have to depend on the Yanks for their economy.

Pakistan here is at a disadvantage as it depends heavily on American controlled financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank as well as American aid. Unless Pakistan stands on its own feet, it may be difficult to cross the Rubicon. China too hasn't provided any monetary relief to Pakistan. What then can Pakistan do at this juncture?

Pakistan unfortunately is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The basic problem with Pakistan has been hanging on to America's apron strings since its inception with its over-dependence on it for weapons and for propping up its economy.

As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime". Pakistan has been fed but hasn't learned to fish. If it had, it would not have found itself in this situation.

Is it time to unshackle itself from the Yanks and follow the example of Iran which cares two hoots for the US of A and still doing fine? But they can afford to thumb their noses at America as they have enough oil wealth and don't have to depend on the Yanks for their economy.

Pakistan here is at a disadvantage as it depends heavily on American controlled financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank as well as American aid. Unless Pakistan stands on its own feet, it may be difficult to cross the Rubicon. China too hasn't provided any monetary relief to Pakistan. What then can Pakistan do at this juncture?

Pakistan unfortunately is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

you are right, Pakistan's basic problem was it stuck to US for far too long, so long that its Elite's got used to spending begged money from US and its puppet financial institutions. Pakistan is a country that feeds its own and plus some...sanction may cause some problems but won't make or break Pakistan.

Its a good omen for us to get out of US dole, no free money mean less for our leaders.
The same had huge military budgets during Korean war & Vietnam war, but still it got kicked out with huge losses and humiliation which can't be erased to this day.

Its not about military budgets.

Some morons will never get it! They think money fights the wars. It is just another tool, yes a very important one but men fighting the wars eventually win wars. These indians think that uncle sam is going to share with them its victory, little do they know that their big daddy is in for the greatest defeat in the history. Even the Nazi defeat will look pale in comparison! Of course, we'll be too happy to see uncle sam share its lot with its lapdogs.
So, when India asserts its national interests in defiance of America (or Italy), it is a Good Thing.
But when Pakistan does the same, it's Anti-Americanism.

Got it!
Last week a Pakistani court sentenced Shakil Afridi—the doctor who helped the CIA track Osama bin Laden last year—to 33 years in prison after he was accused of treason or possible ties with militants. In response, the U.S. Congress docked a symbolic $33 million from Pakistan's annual aid budget, or $1 million for every year of the doctor's sentence.

U.S. anger is understandable. In the year since bin Laden was discovered in the garrison town of Abbottabad, Pakistan has done little to dispel the widespread belief that the world's most wanted terrorist was sheltered by elements in the country's army and its spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence. Nobody has been punished for aiding bin Laden. Neither has the rogue nuclear-weapons scientist A.Q. Khan or Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, of the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba.

As U.S.-Pakistani relations continue to nosedive, the risks for Islamabad run deeper than a mere PR disaster. For the first time since the country came into being in 1947, Pakistan is in danger of being seen as implacably hostile to the West. Should the U.S. switch from a policy of engagement to active containment, Pakistan's economic and diplomatic problems, already acute, may become unmanageable.

Sadanand Dhume: Pakistan's Dangerous Anti-American Game - WSJ.com

This incidence tells the priority of Pakistan, while no one aiding OSAMA is found in more than one year, they have been very quick to punish the person helping find him. First they could not find OSAMA and now they cannot find who helped him stay, 1 year gone and more time will go. There is something to hide.
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