There is also a word call stability. When you don't have enough resources to plug the gaps, trade deficit and current account deficit are killers.
In case of Pakistan, it is devastating, because we have to borrow to plug the gap. Borrowing due to meager resources is becoming harder and harder and tougher and tougher. As you may have noticed, IMF put hurdles, conditions, which results increase in commodities prices, causing hard aches to the poorest in the country.
No way current account deficit is a good thing for Pakistan in current situation.
If you notice even though it says that the deficit stands just over $ 500 million. But if the graph has something to go buy, it is almost wiped off.
Imports $4.1 billion = Exports $ 2.2 billion + Remittances $ 2 billion. This means the account stands a little bit in positive according to the figures in the graph.