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Pakistan's Army Chief Calls Kashmir its 'Jugular Vein'

what did ur RAW do when Afghani taliban bombed ur embassy multiple times ?? and killing dozens of Raw agents ?? comparing Naxals with Taliban is like comparing somali army with british army .... Taliban use modern assault rifles rockets , rpgs , in some cases artillery God knows who hi handing them these weapons and they do suicide bombing ... agr india me suicide bombing start kr dai naxals to i guess indian army ki pant gili ho jai ... i hope some countries hand Naxals modern weapons and dozen of suicide bombers then we will see what ur so called brave army will be able to do .... and about our army they have restricted TTP to waziristan... and on the other side of the border the mighty USA is loosing more ground to Afghani Taliban with all its resources that shows u the capability of PA .. so next time before commenting BS related to PA read something about PA success in tribal areas

Afghanistan is a foreign country, militants in Kashmir had all of them, many of them were suicide bombers doing fidayeen attacks on Indian troops but unlike you, our counter insurgency troops never had to use airforce, heavy artillery and tanks to fights them, Indian security forces put them under control using effective gun battles only.
There is a time and place for everything,... how many times in the past have you read or heard any statements from the General.
it's the first time he made the statement, considering the Geo vs Army/ISI drama going on in your country. I won't be surprised if the statement was made to appease the masses.

So you admit that Kashmiris are not your own people , that`s why IA has killed over a hundred thousand Kashmiris !!??

It is indeed difficult to calculate that how many Kashmiris are missing or hiding but rough estimates put the figure to over 100,000. These figures by themselves paint a horrible picture in Kashmir. (Source: Kashmir Media Service-KMS)

how does missing or hiding amounts to killed? Either back up your comments with something concrete or else stop spreading the propaganda.
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Anyways,once you are done with your education, read the part of UN resolution 47 that demands Pakistan to vacate the captured territory of Kashmir and hand it over to the Commision, before a plebiscite can be held...Tell me if that has been fulfilled or not...

Here is the resolution (resolution 98)

"4. Urges the Governments of India and Pakistan to enter into immediate negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations Representative for India and Pakistan in order to reach agreement on the specific number of forces to remain on each side of the cease-fire line at the end of the period of demilitarization, this number to be between 3,000 and 6,000 armed forces remaining on the Pakistan side of the cease-fire line and between 12,000 and 18,000 armed forces remaining on the India side of the cease-fire line, as suggested by the United Nations Representative in his proposals of 16 July 1952, such specific numbers to be arrived at bearing in mind the principles or criteria contained in paragraph 7 of the United Nations Representative's proposal of 4 September 1952;"

However, India did not reduce its troop number down to 18,000. It claimed it needed 24,000 troops. Pakistan had already agreed to reduce its troop numbers to 3,000-6,000. This is what halted the process. You claim that Pakistan halted the process which is just a lie.

Remember, UNCIP chief blamed India for the halt of the plebiscite process in Kashmir. That's who should know whose fault it was.

"The London Economist stated that "the whole world can see that India, which claims the support of this majority [the Kashmiri people]...has been obstructing a holding of an internationally supervised plebis-cite."32 Sir Owen Dixon, the United Nations Representative to the UNCIP, reported to the Security Council that,

In the end, I became convinced that India’s agreement would never be obtained to demilitarization in any such form, or to provisions governing the period of the plebiscite of any such character, as would in my opinion permit the plebiscite being conducted in conditions sufficiently guarding against intimidation, and other forms of abuse by which the freedom and fairness of the plebiscite might be imperiled.33

In this regard, India’s apparent efforts to obstruct the holding of a plebiscite in Kashmir stand in violation of international law."
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it's the first time he made the statement, considering the Geo vs Army/ISI drama going on in your country. I won't be surprised if the statement was made to appease the masses.
Care to enlighten us as where does IOK fits into the above equation, the masses are more effected by the terrorism than anything else.....No, our Generals don't go chest thumping on fighting two front wars....only to retreat back on the tall claims.
so u r comparing kashmiri terrain with that of waziristan ... in kashmir the fighters were in cities its easy to capture or get intelligence regarding fighters residing in different cities of kashmir but where as in waziristan their are big mountaing and caves where these TTP fighters live so its quiet difficult to collect proper intelligence before launching an operation and secondly Afghan side of border is not secur neither it is fenced so plz dont boast about ur Indian army.. we know how long ur army takes to kill only 2 fighters in each encounter and on our side our army takes on 200 TTP fighters at a time
how does missing or hiding amounts to killed? Either back up your comments with something concrete or else stop spreading the propaganda.

Mr Genius , those figures are for "Missing or Hiding Persons" ... Not the killed ones ... Most regional sources indicate that more than 93,000 Kashmiris have already sacrificed their lives in pursuit of freedom from Indian rule ....... Drunk ??
Care to enlighten us as where does IOK fits into the above equation, the masses are more effected by the terrorism than anything else.....No, our Generals don't go chest thumping on fighting two front wars....only to retreat back on the tall claims.
Pakistanis are addicted to Kashmir, mention it once they forget everything and go into a rave. If am not wrong even TTP said they would help PA if there is trouble on Indian border. As far as retreating back while breast beating of Generals go Mussaraff fits into the criteria far more graciously .
Mr Genius , those figures are for "Missing or Hiding Persons" ... Not the killed ones ... Most regional sources indicate that more than 93,000 Kashmiris have already sacrificed their lives in pursuit of freedom from Indian rule ....... Drunk ??

Neither India nor any other country in world care about these so called regional source like Ruppe news BS.
Pakistanis are addicted to Kashmir, mention it once they forget everything and go into a rave. If am not wrong even TTP said they would help PA if there is trouble on Indian border. As far as retreating back while breast beating of Generals go Mussaraff fits into the criteria far more graciously .

LOLLL, Musharrafff did not beat his Breasts; he just beat a Hasty Retreat!!!
Mr Genius , those figures are for "Missing or Hiding Persons" ... Not the killed ones ... Most regional sources indicate that more than 93,000 Kashmiris have already sacrificed their lives in pursuit of freedom from Indian rule

The total casualties of Kashmir insurgency is less than 44,000 including militants, central counter insurgency troops, civilians and Jammu and Kashmir police.
The total casualties of Kashmir insurgency is less than 44,000 including militants, central counter insurgency troops, civilians and Jammu and Kashmir police.

Those are the official figures given by the culprit , i.e Indian Army ....... No one would believe in it (other than morons of course)
Mr Genius , those figures are for "Missing or Hiding Persons" ... Not the killed ones ... Most regional sources indicate that more than 93,000 Kashmiris have already sacrificed their lives in pursuit of freedom from Indian rule ....... Drunk ??
Not as much as I would like to .. as I can still understand the difference between 93000 and well over 100,000.
Those are the official figures given by the culprit , i.e Indian Army ....... No one would believe in it (other than morons of course)

They are more authentic than your fairy tales number of a lakh people killed and 7 lakh troops in Kashmir.
. .

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