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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Is PN looking to get three of these in coming 8 years time??? along with some 11 Y-9MPAs???

Explain the capability of Y-9MPAs according to your self. I have a doubt that ZDK-O3 might be able to carry some weapons on its wings.
p-3 is tailor made for marine surveillance and anti submarine warfare , but unlike p-3 zdk-03 is basically an AEW&C aircraft
one thing i wish to ask everyone and i hope the media raises this point as well is the following:

since the NATO supplies were stopped no major attack took place on Pakistani soil but since the resumption the attacks have restarted! does that somehow imply that somehow NATO and forces in afghanistan are using border opening as a way to again destabalise pakistan????
one thing i wish to ask everyone and i hope the media raises this point as well is the following:

since the NATO supplies were stopped no major attack took place on Pakistani soil but since the resumption the attacks have restarted! does that somehow imply that somehow NATO and forces in afghanistan are using border opening as a way to again destabalise pakistan????

They waont, our pathetic media will never say a word about this FACT.

what they should have been done was that is baat ka itna dhandora peta jata that the whole world should have know this.
We should have highlighted this is every forum, on every possible channel. but this is only if the so called PAKISTANI media was one bit sincere with the country!!!
one thing i wish to ask everyone and i hope the media raises this point as well is the following:

since the NATO supplies were stopped no major attack took place on Pakistani soil but since the resumption the attacks have restarted! does that somehow imply that somehow NATO and forces in afghanistan are using border opening as a way to again destabalise pakistan????

They waont, our pathetic media will never say a word about this FACT.

what they should have been done was that is baat ka itna dhandora peta jata that the whole world should have know this.
We should have highlighted this is every forum, on every possible channel. but this is only if the so called PAKISTANI media was one bit sincere with the country!!!
like judiciary is bashed, that they releases terrorists but we found out it was the loophole in law system which was plugged by inept civilian government after 4 years of rule and that traitor general musharraf never rectifed the law and blamed the judiciary too for letting terrorists go. Likewise, if our media go on a blame game, they should be provided enough material from security establishment mainly from ISI and MI like NY Times or any american newspaper start its blame game, there is always unnamed officials which are basically CIA and other intel agencies providing them material. For starters, why ISI and MI havent disclosed publicaly about external interference? When they are acting like all spooky and keep up their unexplainable silence, you will see media going crazy and adopting it's own approch towards these issues.

for the last 5-6 years, official tagline of our security establishment is, Sorry we can not share our evidences with you as it will jeopardise the national securtiy?

Can any one tell me what's the national security here? That other countries are insulting us regularly and when our turn comes, security establishment goes mum totally. That's the attitude that frustrates bloody civilians like us!

American blame game started when there top ranking admiral miken mulien accuses ISI. When AQ khan declares he sold nuclear secrets. Have our Security establishment ever accuse anyone publicallyv if not than whatever papers say will be labeled conspiracy theorist.
like judiciary is bashed, that they releases terrorists but we found out it was the loophole in law system which was plugged by inept civilian government after 4 years of rule and that traitor general musharraf never rectifed the law and blamed the judiciary too for letting terrorists go. Likewise, if our media go on a blame game, they should be provided enough material from security establishment mainly from ISI and MI like NY Times or any american newspaper start its blame game, there is always unnamed officials which are basically CIA and other intel agencies providing them material. For starters, why ISI and MI havent disclosed publicaly about external interference? When they are acting like all spooky and keep on their unexplainable silence, you will see media going crazy and adopting it's own approch towards these issues.

for the last 5-6 years, official tagline of our security establishment is, Sorry we can not share our evidences with you as it will jeopardise the national securtiy?

Can any one tell me what's the national security here? That other countries are insulting us regularly and our turn comes, security establishment goes mum totally. That's the attitude that frustrates bloody civilians like us!

American blame game started when there top ranking admiral miken mulien accuses ISI. When AQ khan declares he sold nuclear secrets. Have our Security establishment ever accuse anyone publicallyv if not than whatever papers say will be labeled conspiracy theorist.

perhaps its already so weak that even the slightest blow now will leave this state open to complete destruction??
Perhaps many misdemeanour's and misappropriations have been made in the name of National security that even the slightest clue could open a Pandoras box.

Just a thought...not a definitive opinion.
perhaps its already so weak that even the slightest blow now will leave this state open to complete destruction??
Perhaps many misdemeanour's and misappropriations have been made in the name of National security that even the slightest clue could open a Pandoras box.

Just a thought...not a definitive opinion.

"Mulki salimiyat to bahut khatra hey!" has been a most useful mantra to cover up all sorts of sins for a long time. Why should it change now?
perhaps its already so weak that even the slightest blow now will leave this state open to complete destruction??
Perhaps many misdemeanour's and misappropriations have been made in the name of National security that even the slightest clue could open a Pandoras box.

Just a thought...not a definitive opinion.

First security establishment allows things to go worse and than they start a cleanup operation.Balochistan is open example, whats the performance of security establishment, Nothing, LeJ flourishing quiet nicely from last two years, baloch insurgency holding against own it's own despite the setbacks, and those measures taken to eliminate insurgency backfired on security establishment and created a void in balochistan which allowed sectarian groups to flourish as security establishment focus was on baloch insurgency now,,,,, on the other hand supreme court frustratedly asked agencies lawyer Raja Irshad, if there is any evidence why dont you share with us and he does aye baye shaye.

This discussion is getting beyond this scope of thread but point i'm making is that Stop blaming the press, our security establishment equally gets a blame and those are handling the issues of WoT dont have an iota of how to do a Media war or PR to project Pak Point of View, than they blame Media is infested with evil yindoo agents. If security establishment handled the Media war effectively they wouldnot have been facing such crises today.Let's take a case of ISI media wing headed by some Admiral and several press reports came about him how he is fond of inviting journalists to tea parties and giving them friendly avices of what to publish or what not to publish. if that's the function of ISI media wing than no wonder, there will be a hell lot of misconceptions about security establishment.
Your answer regarding why TTP would attack PAF AWACS does not appeal to common sense of a Pakistani. TTP is a dubious organization. They were never able to challenge Pakistan forces untill 2005. But after that, under the siege of US troops with a mission to protect Pakistan, they suddenly found the level to damage Pakistan forces? Strange, isn't it?

The problem with your line of argument is that we Pakistanis have been living with Talibans since early 1990s, and until 2004 there were no attacks. Thus, majority Pakistani rightly think that these attacks are the result of US war on terror.

Moreover, I am afraid your point of view about Pakistanis either being religious or ultra-modern is not correct: 90% Pakistanis fall between these two extremes, and quite moderate from any standard.
However, I agree that it is in the best interest of Pakistan to root out militancy and all the CIA agents in Pakistan and protect its all AWACS with fool proof planning. Today there are terrorists; tomorrow , there could be airborne enemies; then what excuse would we have?

Here we go again. As expected, I knew someone would JUST blindly go against the right thing to say or respond with.
Let's be clear here. PNS Mehran, and the most recent attack....these aren't CIA sponsored attacks. IF they had such a big deal with PNS Mehran or the SAAB AWACS, they wouldn't have given it to Pakistan on the first place. Sad to see the typical street mentality that CIA is behind everything in Pakistan.
The MQM and Jamat-e-islami, etc, etc were militarizing their groups WAY BEFORE the 911 incident. So you are going to tell me that all that weapon buying sprees and arming their men to teeth was for.....securing the local banks??? Common man, talk some sense here.
You 'think' you were living with piece with Taliban and life was going to be great....so what happened? The same 'peaceful' taliban turned on you after the US went to 911 right? So what makes you think that they wouldn't have turned to you if another incident NOT involving the US would've happened???
It's very easy to point fingers to someone else and say 'it's his fault' vs. take a look inside your heart and say, yes, we got an issue, we need to deal with it for our next generation.
Let me give you another example, may be that'll help. Islam / Qur'an says, killing ONE person (doesn't matter what religion) is like killing the whole humanity. There's no justification for it. Similarly, wherever the 'real' Islamic followers went, they NEVER harmed the women, children, etc, etc (see Kingdom of heaven or Salla Din or other history). So....why the peaceful taliban trying to spread God's message in your opinion killing civilians here?
The ANSWER is that these people are rent-a-killer organization. The moment you go against them for any reason, they won't care about the religion, race, color, etc. They'll try to kill civilians and others a like!!!
Right now, what stops them from working with the Indians or whatever other enemies Pakistan has??? This is a rent-a-killer organization. For money and their motives, they'll kill anyone and thus, the Mehrans and other attacks. Go figure. This should be a national priority for the Pakistanis to understand moderation and tolerance. In Karachi alone, how many people get killed daily because they belong to a different political party, let alone a different religion!!! How many people get killed in Baluchistan when they remove people from the buses and see their documents. If anything says that they are Punjabi or Sindhi.....bam. The person gets to die. This is a pure example of intolerance in people's minds.

And my point of view is based on pure facts. I know a lot of Indians and Pakistanis and every single Pakistani I meet, says the SAME thing.
That is such BS blain.....

I can understand that covert ops need to remain under cover, but what the Armed forces do with the rest of their operational budget should be known by all.

Actually, Armed forces need to be audited in a transparent manner. For 65 years of existence, they seem more like a parasite on the weak finances of our beloved nation.

Enough is enough. If they cannot secure their assets and bases, they need to resign. Wallah........i can only imagine what could happen in a full out war.

Some logic and sense should prevail. Disclosing military capabilities is not the same as disclosing the military spend. Please understand that there is a distinction between the two. Information that discloses state of military readiness is not fair game.

Armed forces more than pay their fair share of what is given to them by the nation. Every single natural disaster, they come to the aid of the countrymen, every disturbance, they come to the aid of the civil power. The military consumes less than 4% of GDP. Much lower than many other countries around the world.

Lastly, in case of a war, you protect against external threats. You rely on your citizens to assist you against the common enemy. When you have fifth columnists and militants on the inside, it is that much harder to protect your bases.

"Mulki salimiyat to bahut khatra hey!" has been a most useful mantra to cover up all sorts of sins for a long time. Why should it change now?

ko bahut khatra hai ;-)
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