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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts


Active phased array pulse doppler radar????

WTH....can anyone explain how can it be phased array and pulse doppler?

The array is hardware, which includes the 'putah, which we will call the whole thing a 'radar system'. The Doppler signals are software, in other words, any time an object is moving towards/away from the radar, there is a Doppler component in those echoes. Whether the radar system is capable of processing those Doppler signals or not is independent of those echoes, or to put it another way: The Doppler component exists regardless of how capable (sophisticated) is the radar system.

You can design a phased array system to detect and give only general direction -- if you want.

The reason why the phrase 'pulsed Doppler' gained an impression of being a standalone capability is because of the popular use of this component by weather radar. In radar weather coverage, speed and whether the meteorological phenomenon is moving towards or away from us is important and pretty much that is all we care about. So weather radar data processing design tends to give a higher priority to the Doppler component than to other components of the echo signals. The cloud mass is not constant like the fixed shape of an aircraft, so we do not care if aspect angle is to our left or right.

A Method for Determination of Target Aspect Angle with Respect to an Unleveled Radar
Aspect angle determination is essential in many forms of Noncooperative Target Identification (NCTI). This document presents a rigorous development of the mathematics for solving for target aspect angle given target and radar position and attitude. A method for aspect angle estimation given target track data will also be presented.
If the target is an threat aircraft, we do want to know that not only is he heading towards or away from us, but whether he is heading to our left, which may contain our ammo depot, or to our right, which is an empty field. The only way we can determine the target's aspect angle is through the many fixed structures on the target such as wings, bombs, cockpit, and so on. All of these items are transparently calculated by the radar computer when they appear/disappear and a guesstimate (quite accurate and precise) of where the target is heading.

A cloud mass have no such fixed structures. But because the mass is detectable, the least we can do is seek out which component can we best process to give us some information about this target -- Doppler.

A sophisticated phased array system can do many things and Doppler processing is just one of them. But it will cost you. This is not to say that Doppler data processing is outrageously expensive, it just mean that with a phased array system, it would be foolish to pay for hardware without the software to exploit it fully.
But the Article is referring to PAC report ?????

The PAC report states that the aircraft (A Saab-2000 erieye) was damaged in the nosecone and fuselage area and not destroyed.
And will need to go for repairs to sweden.
Would you happen to have an ISPR report on that?

Because unless I missed something in this while.. the last report of it was being damaged and being sent for repairs to sweden.
i am talking about reality , not the ispr report

world know it ,
we are hiding facts from our people ....
i am talking about reality , not the ispr report

world know it ,
we are hiding facts from our people ....

Rehan, quit trolling.

Hiding the destruction of a plane is not an easy task, that also such an expensive and major asset.

Had that been the case someone by know, would have come up with evidence showing the damaged plane.
How??? How is it not an easy task, and a task of HUGELY difficult magnitude? Much bigger things have been kept secret!

what kind of bigger things have been kept secret. Just give me a few examples.
Nukes being the biggest. Although the magnitude of both projects could be debated.

But the point still stands, how could it be difficult to hide a destroyed plane? And the news of it's destruction.

Pretty difficult seeing as journalists camped outside the base and accounted for every plane flying in to or out of the base after the attack to determine if any were destroyed.
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