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Pakistan's Afghan games hot up, Krishna heading to Kabul


regarding to trade with ME,sea route is better.
whereas regarding to tajakistan,uzbekistan etc we can use the afghanistan as pass.
Actually we can use the Chahbahar port in Iran to trade with Afganistan we need not go through Pakistan even though that route is the quickest and most cost effective.
The Pakistani paranoia over Afghanistan is not like indian paranoia over Sri Lanka. We never said dont help the Afghan people. It is the indians with their unfathomable psychological complexes who believe that they are giving a message to Pakistan. We are sitting nice and relaxed, but still wary and cautious. As long as no dirty tricks are going on (which, alas, they are) we wouldnt give 2 shoes about what Tom Dick or Harry indian got snuggly with in that country

the indians do know that they have little to nothing in common with that country; share no border with it; and can not have their goods go there through our turf. They can find their owns ways to do that. But the second they start dealing with people who are killing our citizens, well -- i think they know the serious ramifications of that by now.

and as for the piece itself:

''games hot up''

is that even proper English?

who hires these dolts to write for their outlets?
Man, After reading above post by Abu, i seriously believe that he is defiantly one of the "Think Tank" guys!!! :D

Pakistan and Afghanistan are two separate countries, have you forget that afghanistan has opposed UN membership of pakistan.

India and Afghanistan share same goal...disintegration of pakistan, They are making good friends.

afghanistan is pakistan's backyard believe it or not, bitter reality monkey ulfy!!

regarding to trade with ME,sea route is better.
whereas regarding to tajakistan,uzbekistan etc we can use the afghanistan as pass.

Which you still have to go through Pakistan. So no matter how u try to grab your ear, it wont make any diff as the end result is still the same.

Actually we can use the Chahbahar port in Iran to trade with Afganistan we need not go through Pakistan even though that route is the quickest and most cost effective.

I think that you missed the news where it said that the GOI was putting sanctions on her companies who are involved in Iran under US pressure. SO using the Chahbahar port, I guess that will be a big ask from your Gov.
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