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Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners

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Each to their own, we have those who want to be close to and emulate the Arabs, then we have those who want to emulate the west, in the middle of this farce it is the average Pakistani who stands puzzled.

What i don't understand is, why don't Asian's want to emulate Asians? I mean there are brilliant examples right next door and further eastward! In my personal opinion i think certain segments of Pakistan are a bit like post war Japan.

Still searching for their own identity.

I agree, after all what is our culture or language? - its a mixture of the various influences we come across and pick up whats good and discard whats not. The sub continental culture for millenia has indeed been that, and in my opinion thats the beauty of it. The moment we try to strictly 'çodify' it, then problem starts.

On the topic of some Pakistanis wanting to be arabs, yes i know many who keep making such claims, well good for them. I don't think its important for Pakistan to find an identiy as such, thats just not good enough, whats important is find common interest, thats how a nation is built and integration achieved. My two cents.
Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber), the "father of chemistry", invented the alembic still and many chemicals, including distilled alcohol, and established the perfume industry.

Muhammad ibn Zakariya ar-Razi (Rhazes) isolated many chemical substances, produced many medications, and described many laboratory apparatus.

Inventions in medieval Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chemistry is the only real invention that can be attributed to Arabs. Other than that, zero/zilch. Almost everything else that is claimed to be an "Arab invention" already existed and was wrongfully claimed to be theirs, just because they helped spread it.
I think my fellow Pakistanis took my posts in wrong way - I am not saying remove Islam from Pakistan.Islam is for everyone - You don't have to be a arab to be a Muslim.I just think our pro arab policy stinks.We should just stop promoting arabs as some sort of holy cows.
Each to their own, we have those who want to be close to and emulate the Arabs, then we have those who want to emulate the west, in the middle of this farce it is the average Pakistani who stands puzzled.

What i don't understand is, why don't Asian's want to emulate Asians? I mean there are brilliant examples right next door and further eastward! In my personal opinion i think certain segments of Pakistan are a bit like post war Japan.

Still searching for their own identity.

the problem with the world is people & nations ALWAYS FOLLOW THE SUCCESFUL NATION!!

look at US whatever comes out of US in terms of movies,technology or fashion is COPIED everywhere the whole world follows the "super power"

as for PAKISTANIS for us we see the arabs close to us and have money & power hence our obsession with them!! so the world is imitating the US and we are imitating the US as well as arabs!

☪☪☪☪;962154 said:
Given the situation of middle class Pakistanis in Arab countries where they are often underpaid, not even paid for months, abused, subject to false accusations and racism this important question arises once again: Why are Pakistanis so vigorously pro-Arab and pro-Middle Eastern?

The answer lies in a discomforting fact: Religion. Few are willing to face this fact. Because the last Prophet in Islam happened to be an Arab, many Pan-Islamist Pakistanis, particularly Wahhabbists simply worship Arabs.
This goes against Islamic teachings which openly s
tress Arabs and non-Arabs are equal in the eyes of the creator.

A fact to note is that Arabs identify themselves as Arabs, Turks as Turks, Persians as Persians (I'm not counting Iran's non-Persian populations as I am not certain on their political viewpoints). It's only the Pan-Islamist Pakistanis who see themselves as Muslims and identify themselves only as such.

These ignorant Pakistanis don't see the outright racism of Arabs against their people, nor do they realize Arabs would never want to include themselves with Pakistanis in their political movements.

You can often spot Pakistanis in pro-Palestinian demonstrations weather in Arab or western countries. At times you can see many of them, they're not difficult to spot at a pro-Arab demo.
But never have I seen or heard of Arabs or any other Middle Eastern national at pro-Kashmiri/Pakistani demonstrations.

While Pakistani pilots volunteered and risked their lives in Arab-Israeli wars, no Arab pilot was given permission by his government to engage in direct combat against Indian pilots in the Indo-Pakistani wars.

It just doesn't end there with the Arabs. During the Iran-Iraq war right after the Shia Islamist regime in Iran took over, a lot of Arab and western countries supported Iraq (Syria sided with Iran I believe), while North Korea and Pakistan were the only known countries to lend military support to Iran.

Yet today many ignorant Iranians, especially Shia hardliners ignore this fact and falsely boast that Iran "fought alone" in the war without outside support.
Pakistani scientist Dr Abdul Quadeer Khan even risked his life by sharing nuclear technology with Iran, another fact ignored by many Iranians.
Instead, the current Iranian regime maintains excellent relations with India, sponsors protests against the treatment of Shias in Pakistan, when they have never protested against the oppression of their fellow Kashmiri Muslims by India or when Iran is known for it's discriminatory treatment of it's Sunni population. Iran has even lend India airbases within it's borders.

Imagine the reaction by the Arab and the Iranian regimes if Pakistan opened full diplomatic relations with Israel and allowed it to use Pakistani airbases. It's hypocrisy.
Yet all over the internet and public protests Pakistanis can be found everywhere, staunchly defending Iran in enriching it's nuclear program.

Another common phenomenon amongst Pakistanis is to claim Arab, Persian or Turkish ancestry. Some go as far as to claim direct descent from the Prophet Muhammad.
As I explained in this post, there was minor mixing with Arabs, Turko-Mongols (not the ones from Anatolia) and Persians. However, the majority still remain the same.

As the haplogroup maps below show, the distribution of the Semitic Haplogroup J1 is very insignificant in Pakistan:

Even the Mughals, who were mostly Mongoloid belonged to Haplogroup Q and it's subclades, invalidating Pakistani claims of Mughal ancestry.
Sadly enough, there are even movements in Pakistan to make Arabic or Farsi the national language because some Pakistanis have decided to make Undri the scapegoat for all the linguistic tensions in the country and to "bring Pakistanis closer to their Muslim 'brothers'", which I decried and refuted such bias against Undri.

Having good relations with countries in our region is important for political and economic benefits. But this unconditional love and sacrifice for Middle Eastern people will take us Pakistanis nowhere. It will gain us nothing and will only bring us losses.
As an example, Pakistan supported the Arabs during the Arab-Israeli wars and sold Iran missiles to aim at Israel.

Israel has been (probably in retaliation) selling India sophisticated weapons technology and actively been training Indian troops in Kashmir. Had Pakistan stayed out of other peoples conflicts, Israel might not have sided with India
Even in 2005-2006, Pakistan's government gave three million dollars to the Palestinian authority when there are millions of Pakistanis sitting on the streets starving and living in worse conditions then many Palestinians.

This money could have gone to improve living conditions for Pakistanis at home or even gone to Pakistani workers in Gulf countries who go unpaid for months and rely on bank loans to survive. Some even commit suicide to escape the unbearable slave-like conditions created by their greedy Arab employees.

Somewhere this inferiority complex towards Middle Eastern people has to stop if Pakistan is to progress as a nation.

Pak Independent: Pakistanis suck up to Middle Easterners
Could not agree more with author - Pakistan and India combined have a rich culture and history but Pakistanis don't recognize that culture except for a bunch of people who invaded India and Indian blood was used by these invaders (Pakistanis too as Pakistanis were Indians back then).Instead of disliking the invaders Pakistanis think they were so some sort of hero.Pakistanis have no respect for their culture.They believe Arabian culture is their culture where as the Indic Pak Culture is far more beautiful and rich.

WHy can't Pakistani Understand the difference between
Arab and Muslim !

There is no need for this type of pointless thread. And I don't understand the last part (your comments) and how you came to that conclusion, or what type of influences you've been around that made you come to such an incongruous assertion.

This thread should be closed. :tdown:

Right more censorship,,, better yet lets just behead him for blasphemy, just what Pakistan needs.
Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber), the "father of chemistry", invented the alembic still and many chemicals, including distilled alcohol, and established the perfume industry.

Muhammad ibn Zakariya ar-Razi (Rhazes) isolated many chemical substances, produced many medications, and described many laboratory apparatus.

Inventions in medieval Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How about something in the last 200 years beside shoe bombers.
We Pakistanis are a mixture of different ethnicities , races , language groups and sects (ignoring minorities for a minute) of Islam . While the area along our eastern border has cultural,linguistic and ethnic similarity with India our western frontier is very different and shares these features with our western neighbours . Given our short history it was/is very imporatant to have Islam as a binding force , Urdu (which has words from Arabic /turkish/persian like other Pakistani native languages) as a national language and not Punjabi or any other native language , Also M A Jinnah as a leader who himself migrated and so he wasn't punjabi/pathan or sindhi/Balochi himself . If you take out Islam from Pakistan then what do a Pathan and Sindhi share in common...nothing so Islam is the skeleton of Pakistan ... wether an individual likes it or not ...and because Islam is so important to Pakistan speaking for poor palestinians naturally strikes the cord in the Pakistani populace .
Also please don't forget if alot of Pakistanis are suffering in oil rich Arab states alot of Pakistanis are very prosperous as well , its may also be down to individual's circumstances . Also please don't forget Saudi money was used in building our nuclear infrastructure as well , we could never do it alone . I have been abroad and I have seen respect that a few arabian friends gave me ... 'They see and believe because Pakistan has nuclear weapons we can face Israel' ... while it may be a few individuals wish but that is the general perception and many of them criticised especially Saudi Arabia for their lavish spendings while Palestinians suffer.

hey, in that case, what do Americans have in common? there are so many different ethnicities and sub-ethnicities there. Many religions and many cultures. yet America comes together as the world's strongest nation! Its not the racial or religious commonality, but rather the desire to live together as a nation that is the skeleton of a nation

The author of the post writes about how some Pakistanis are hell bend of being pro Arab some are arguing with the posters that he is out to lunch no one paid any attention to you that you are the Pakistani author is talking about.
☪☪☪☪;962154 said:
It just doesn't end there with the Arabs. During the Iran-Iraq war right after the Shia Islamist regime in Iran took over, a lot of Arab and western countries supported Iraq (Syria sided with Iran I believe), while North Korea and Pakistan were the only known countries to lend military support to Iran.

Yet today many ignorant Iranians, especially Shia hardliners ignore this fact and falsely boast that Iran "fought alone" in the war without outside support.
Pakistani scientist Dr Abdul Quadeer Khan even risked his life by sharing nuclear technology with Iran, another fact ignored by many Iranians.
Instead, the current Iranian regime maintains excellent relations with India, sponsors protests against the treatment of Shias in Pakistan, when they have never protested against the oppression of their fellow Kashmiri Muslims by India or when Iran is known for it's discriminatory treatment of it's Sunni population. Iran has even lend India airbases within it's borders.

Imagine the reaction by the Arab and the Iranian regimes if Pakistan opened full diplomatic relations with Israel and allowed it to use Pakistani airbases. It's hypocrisy.

This isn’t quite correct. Iran did not receive any 'military support' from Pakistan during the Iran-Iraq war. What could Pakistan have possibly offered Iran? Your country is located over a 1000 miles away from where the battles took place during those 8 years. Iran received only infrequent and minimal support from a handful of nations as it relates to the selling of armaments and spare-parts. Pakistan was not one of these.

Also, there are no foreign bases in Iran and Iran’s constitution stipulates that no foreign forces will be allowed a base in Iran. Therefore, there are no Indian airbases in Iran and neither will there ever be any.

As for Kashmir, that is an issue for Indians and Kashmiris to resolve. It is not the business of Iran to take sides in that dispute. And neither is Iran ever going to. So please, don’t expect anything from Iran in that regard. Iran is not going to ever favour Pakistan over India or India over Pakistan. Iran's interest in South Asia is trade, nothing else.

The rest of the article was interesting. I have met a lot of Pakistanis throughout my life that made up lies about having Iranian or Arab roots; some even lying about their more immediate family such as their grand-parents or parents being Iranian or half-Iranian. I always found that to be really weird because none of them ever looked Arab or Iranian and they knew nothing of our culture and had no Iranian traits, mannerisms or common knowledge about Iran. You could tell from their names also that they were not Iranian or even Arab. Weird.
This thread will only cause arguments and trolling, should have been closed.
The writer of this thread SUCKS BIG TIME. I have been living in the gulf region for 20 years now, i can only hope that you have spent some time in the middle east before writing or promoting this article.

I have always felt that the the local people are not exactly excited about us living and working in their country so i dont really love them. Its the need from both sides hence a compromise.

You have very rightly raised the issue of the labour class in the middle east. What is our government doing about it? Do these labour get better rights in pakistan? Dont you think that they can decide for themselves, even in the worst conditions here they still dont wana go back home, because working in the middle east provides for there families back in Pakistan.

Do you have any idea of the amount of remittance sent to Pakistan from the people working in the middle east? It is a significant portion of our economy.

I have never heard of anyone asking to change Pakistan's national language to Arabic, its a non issue no one cares about it... just a cheap shot to promote your point.

Taking up the culture of the invaders? Moughlas....? they ruled India for centuries, in the modern world if you live in a country for say 10-20 yers they give you the nationality of that country. What will it take you to accept that Moguls had after all become Indians. Too lame an argument to further comment on.

Having lived in Saudi Arabia for more then a decade i can tell you that the the locals prefer Indians or Fillapinos to work for them as Pakistanis are high maintenance and often disagree with their employer while the other 2 put their heads down and do whatever they are told to do. Hence your thread title of Pakistanis suck up to middle easterns is totally absurd.

The only affiliation Pakistanis feel to arabs is due to Islam but all those who live in the middle east know how corrupt and incompetant the arabs are, if The Prophet (PBUH) was from amongst them then so was Abu Jahl.

This thread is very offensive and you need to be told to shut up.
No need to put Pakistani's down here many races are in the same catg.. all races that in live in the middleeast nations face or are treated at times as trash simply i have some friends and few family members that have told me so first hand plus what i gathered from my visits to some of there nations i saw it first hand in fact once they see a Pakistani or any other race with a US or British passport they go insane lolz hell with a race that thinks they are better then any other .
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