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Pakistanis ranked 4th most intelligent people globally

Good friends should always be up top.

Lol I don't get it. Are you playing along or do you actually believe this news?

Intelligent people would try and look for the source and make sure that the news is not a hoax, I mean its the 1st of April after all! Instead everyone is busy basking in this temporary glory. :cheesy:
Good friends should always be up top.

Yes !! And also you should not even allow truth to come in between friendship...
lots of this lots of that and more. but no real facts. yes the ms official a 10 old girl can be considered an example of intelligence. everything else was false.

abt indian aids
India registers 50% decline HIV/AIDS cases in a decade

how abt indian gps system. pakistan would depend on american and international systems in case of war. india is having its own.
Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually the others were valid, you just needed to deny it to satisfy yourself.

Wow... You bring up some cheap $4 website as a source for AIDS. :rofl: :lol:

About the GPS system, we don't need one, we can use China's if we want. We all know China's products are better than India's.
simple pakistan has nothing to show and has not proved their intelligence
theen tell me how has pakistan changed the world with technology and their intelligence.

Pakistanis in usa n canada are one of the highest earning ethnic group... as for what we have done.. we have done alot... Virus was created by 2 Pakistani engs... the most urbanised and wired country in south asia... the first country in south asia to send a rocket in space.... One of the best international banks BCCI,Prof. Dr. Ayub K. Ommaya, Professor of neurosurgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the inventor of the Ommaya reservoir. The reservoir is used to provide chemotherapy directly to the tumor site for brain tumors. Ommaya was also a leading expert in traumatic brain injuries.
Dr. AJ Khan, Principal of Ayub Medical College, Bolan Medical College, Frontier Medical College, Former Minister of Population
Dr. Hasnat Khan, leading heart surgeon, head of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. Also worked in Chelsea, London.
Dr. Arif Alvi, Chairman of Pakistan Dental Federation[1]
Neurosurgeon Prof.Shahzad Shams Head of The Department of Neurosurgery FJMC[2]
Mohammad Abdul Ahed
A. R. Hye
Nayyar Ali Dada
Yasmeen Lari
Scientists and technologists
Professor Dr. Abdus Salam, Nobel Laureate in Physics 1979, science advisor to Government of Pakistan (1960–1974), founding director of Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission(SUPARCO),received the Sitara-e-Pakistan for contribution to science in Pakistan (1959) and founded the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy which was renamed as The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in the honour of Salam in 1997.
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Nuclear Scientist, and the Father of Pakistan's gas-centrifuge program.
Mr.Munir Ahmad Khan, Nuclear Engineer, Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, 1972–1991, Chairman, IAEA Board of Governors, 1986–87, chief architect of Pakistan's nuclear program.
Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, well-known Nuclear Physicist and former Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC).
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Suhail Zubairy, Ph.D., Internationally renowned Laser Physicist.
Prof. Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, prominent atomic physicist.
Dr. Abdullah Sadiq, prominent ICTP Laureate Nuclear Physicist and one of the pioneers of Pakistan's nuclear program.
Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Nuclear Scientist, Chairman, National Engineering and Scientific Commission.
Anwar Ali, Chairman Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
Prof. Dr. Shahid Hussain Bokhari, prominent computer engineer and aerospace scientist
Salimuzzaman Siddiqui Ph.D in Organic Chemistry.
Prof. Dr. Javaid Laghari, well-known aerospace scientist, present Chairman of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC Pakistan).
Datuk Rahman Anwar Syed, renowned entomologist responsible for discovering the biological method of oil palm pollination
Anwar Naseem, Advisor Science COMSTECH, Chairman National Commission on Biotechnology Pakistan, Founding president FABA[4]
Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rahman, Ph.D in Organic Chemistry, awarded a Doctorate of Science by University of Cambridge in 1987.[3]
Umar Saif, prominent Computer Scientist, Ph.D. University of Cambridge, 2001.

Several world cup winners in squash,tennis,hockey etc.... people like Edhi etc etc.
wohooo that's news of the day, if true!

Indeed there is abundance of Talent in Pakistan. Children's like Arfa Karim or Ali Nawazish special. They are not born everyday
simple pakistan has nothing to show and has not proved their intelligence

Simple, you cannot reply to post and that's why you are posting nonsense.
Pakistanis in usa n canada are one of the highest earning ethnic group... as for what we have done.. we have done alot... Virus was created by 2 Pakistani engs... the most urbanised and wired country in south asia... the first country in south asia to send a rocket in space.... One of the best international banks BCCI,Prof. Dr. Ayub K. Ommaya, Professor of neurosurgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the inventor of the Ommaya reservoir. The reservoir is used to provide chemotherapy directly to the tumor site for brain tumors. Ommaya was also a leading expert in traumatic brain injuries.
Dr. AJ Khan, Principal of Ayub Medical College, Bolan Medical College, Frontier Medical College, Former Minister of Population
Dr. Hasnat Khan, leading heart surgeon, head of Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. Also worked in Chelsea, London.
Dr. Arif Alvi, Chairman of Pakistan Dental Federation[1]
Neurosurgeon Prof.Shahzad Shams Head of The Department of Neurosurgery FJMC[2]
Mohammad Abdul Ahed
A. R. Hye
Nayyar Ali Dada
Yasmeen Lari
Scientists and technologists
Professor Dr. Abdus Salam, Nobel Laureate in Physics 1979, science advisor to Government of Pakistan (1960–1974), founding director of Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission(SUPARCO),received the Sitara-e-Pakistan for contribution to science in Pakistan (1959) and founded the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy which was renamed as The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics in the honour of Salam in 1997.
Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, Nuclear Scientist, and the Father of Pakistan's gas-centrifuge program.
Mr.Munir Ahmad Khan, Nuclear Engineer, Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, 1972–1991, Chairman, IAEA Board of Governors, 1986–87, chief architect of Pakistan's nuclear program.
Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, well-known Nuclear Physicist and former Chairman of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC).
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Suhail Zubairy, Ph.D., Internationally renowned Laser Physicist.
Prof. Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, prominent atomic physicist.
Dr. Abdullah Sadiq, prominent ICTP Laureate Nuclear Physicist and one of the pioneers of Pakistan's nuclear program.
Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Nuclear Scientist, Chairman, National Engineering and Scientific Commission.
Anwar Ali, Chairman Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)
Prof. Dr. Shahid Hussain Bokhari, prominent computer engineer and aerospace scientist
Salimuzzaman Siddiqui Ph.D in Organic Chemistry.
Prof. Dr. Javaid Laghari, well-known aerospace scientist, present Chairman of Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC Pakistan).
Datuk Rahman Anwar Syed, renowned entomologist responsible for discovering the biological method of oil palm pollination
Anwar Naseem, Advisor Science COMSTECH, Chairman National Commission on Biotechnology Pakistan, Founding president FABA[4]
Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rahman, Ph.D in Organic Chemistry, awarded a Doctorate of Science by University of Cambridge in 1987.[3]
Umar Saif, prominent Computer Scientist, Ph.D. University of Cambridge, 2001.

Several world cup winners in squash,tennis,hockey etc.... people like Edhi etc etc.

dont tell me we were the first to launch the rocket and so this and that. the list of scientists is not i want. tell me the products they have produced and what the world thinks abt them. with links. how hard it is to understand. plzz dont come up with nuclear missiles. tell me what advances have pak made in heart research.

Simple, you cannot reply to post and that's why you are posting nonsense.
then show me some real products invented by pakistanis like indians did usb, sixth sence device and something like this:
Indian scientist discovers drug for Alzheimer
dont tell me we were the first to launch the rocket and so this and that. the list of scientists is not i want. tell me the products they have produced and what the world thinks abt them. with links. how hard it is to understand. plzz dont come up with nuclear missiles. tell me what advances have pak made in heart research.

You know what son... it was 2 Pakistanis who created BRAIN the worlds first internet virus... as for your rant.. well kiddo... i accept defeated... Bhainse k agay bien bajanay ka koi faida nahin...

Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.
Benjamin Franklin
dont tell me we were the first to launch the rocket and so this and that. the list of scientists is not i want. tell me the products they have produced and what the world thinks abt them. with links. how hard it is to understand. plzz dont come up with nuclear missiles. tell me what advances have pak made in heart research.

then show me some real products invented by pakistanis like indians did usb, sixth sence device and something like this:
Indian scientist discovers drug for Alzheimer

Kid, I know you are in high school you still don't have common sense, but no one will do your kathir dhaari for you... Go put those scientist names in Google and search it yourself, this is not your homework that you want to know about everything.
then show me some real products invented by pakistanis like indians did usb, sixth sence device and something like this:
Indian scientist discovers drug for Alzheimer
Dr. Naweed Syed, a specialist in the field of biomedical engineering and member of the medicine faculty at the University of Calgary, became the first scientist who managed to "connect brain cells to a silicon chip". The discovery is a major step in the research of integrating computers with human brains to help people control artificial limbs, monitor people's vital signs, correct memory loss or impaired vision.[23]
Development of the world's first workable plastic magnet at room temperature by organic chemist and polymer scientist Naveed Zaidi.[24][25][26]
Discovery of electroweak interaction by Abdus Salam, along with two Americans Sheldon Lee Glashow and Steven Weinberg. The discovery led them to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics.[27]
Development of the SMB probe to detect heavy water leaks in nuclear power plants by Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood[28]
The Ommaya reservoir - a system for the delivery of drugs (e.g. chemotherapy) into the cerebrospinal fluid for treatment of patients with brain tumours - was developed by Ayub K. Ommaya, a Pakistani neurosurgeon.[29]
A non-invasive technology for monitoring intracranial pressure (ICP) - developed by Faisal Kashif.[30]
A boot sector computer virus dubbed (c)Brain, one of the first computer viruses in history,[31] was created in 1986 by the Farooq Alvi Brothers in Lahore, Pakistan, reportedly to deter piracy of the software they had written.[32][33]
A Software simulation based on blast forensics designed by Pakistani computer scientist, Zeeshan-ul-Hassan Usmani, that can reduce deaths by 12 per cent and injuries by seven per cent on average just by changing the way a crowd of people stand near an expected suicide bomber.[34]
The Sagar Veena, a string instrument designed for use in classical music, was developed entirely in Pakistan over the last 40 years at the Sanjannagar Institute in Lahore by Raza Kazim.[35][36]
The Human Development Index was devised by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990 and had the explicit purpose "to shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people centered policies".[37][38]

This enough?
So the mods come here, clean up the thread but keep it open which is based on a link that doesn't even work :rolleyes:
Pakistani's: We are the 4th most intelligent people globally.
Indian's: No you are not, we are.

Pakistani's: We are.
Indians: No you are not.

Pakistani's: We are.
Indians: No you are not.

Pakistani's: We are.
Indians: No you are not.

Pakistani's: We are.
Indians: No you are not.

Pakistani's: We are.
Indians: No you are not.

Pakistani's: We are.
Indians: No you are not.

This will never stop.:rolleyes:
oh no... source of the thread is taken down!! looks like evil RAW is at it again!:P

That was pointed out as early as in the 9th post of the thread...still everyone's arguing about it :rofl:

I think the source published a false news and later realized and deleted it. The website of "Institute of European Business Administration" doesn't have any information of any such surveys.
oh no... source of the thread is taken down!! looks like evil RAW is at it again!:P

Look like RAW meat has been kept in the freezer too long, now it's spoiled.
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