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Pakistanis look beyond US

Well theres not many Pakistanis in the US to begin with not compared to indians here. There are about 200,000 Pakistanis in the US and I didnt hear of any new Pakistani families moving in my state in US. (I know pretty much all the Pakistani families in my state).

However theres more than 3 million indians here in the US and each day I hear of new indians moving in my state in the US. If this trend keeps continuing, then the entire east coast will become little india :tdown:

well too bad. maybe the Americans want the Indians there. thats why they are given visas and green cards to go there.

USA doesn't belong to you. you don't decide who goes there or not. if u have a problem with Indians in USA, either move somewhere else or just bite it down and suffer.

oh yeah and if u want, pray for india to grow faster and become a superpower. maybe then more indians will stay back in india and your precious east coast will be indian-free!:yahoo:
Pakistanis don't hate Americans but people do hate America. I am not an Anti American nor many people here. America is viewed as hostile country because of its policies but noone blames Americans for that.
It's not their fault just like it's not our fault that terrorists happen to come form our country.:cheers:

Terrorists don't come from Pakistan and go to U.S.A. only 1 time this has happened - Faisal Bignose Shahzad. Rest are the Arabs that do it to U.S.A.
Most pakistanis hate America but given a chance to live there they will readily jump the ship
Just like Indians, given the chance they would run away from their country.

Yes ofcourse, but atleast Indians dont curse and demean America living in america and Living of their dole.

Good to see you T-faz
Yes ofcourse, but atleast Indians dont curse and demean America living in america and Living of their dole.

Good to see you T-faz

How many Pakistani's living in US do you know to know what their opinion is, there are only a limited amount and I do not think you have even met a Pakistan, let alone a Pakistani living in US.

I guess indians in Australia also curse and demean it only because of a few handful incidents.

Its great to see you too, would be better if I saw you in real life though.
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Yes ofcourse, but atleast Indians dont curse and demean America living in america and Living of their dole.

Good to see you T-faz

No one is living of 'American dole' - people provide services and engage in commerce to earn that money, and these people earn that money because their skills are valued.

And living and earning in America (or any other country) does not prevent someone from criticizing what they see as flawed policies.
Most pakistanis hate America but given a chance to live there they will readily jump the ship

yeah right this article states otherwise out of 7+ million pakistanis living abroad only around 300,000 or so live in the U.S hardly a significant percentage.
america is not a safer place nowadays because of high security thing there, isnt it a big head ache living there, american police can enter your house if you are a muslim or pakistani with their dogs each day and search your home, it destroys peace of mind, pheewww.
No one is living of 'American dole' - people provide services and engage in commerce to earn that money, and these people earn that money because their skills are valued.

And living and earning in America (or any other country) does not prevent someone from criticizing what they see as flawed policies.

See criticising a particular is another thing - Rather saying Death to America and American soilders is another thing.

People with later type of sentiments should not be welcome.

Pakistan takes a lot of Aid from USA, but there is a sizable population in pakistan who comeout on the streets to say - DEATH TO AMERICA AND AMERICANS That's the Hipocracy.

Kahte hain na " Jis Thali mee Kathe hain usi me Muthe hain "
Great thought! America is not a bad country but some people in the USA dont want to see Muslims( i dont know why) Nor every one is good neither bad,. Good and Bad people can be found in every country.
Pakistani are good and they are very good nature. I think US should think that what changes they can bring in their Visa policy else they will be remain alone one day and they will beg to come and visit their country!

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