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Pakistanis hold anti-terrorism rally in Lahore

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terrorism in Pakistan is because of india
Very well said. All incumbent Pakistani problems are mostly because of India.
Decades of animosity with a much larger neighbor is bound to put such a strain on Pakistan that the chinks have begun to show now ( no pun).

The everlasting fear of war has robbed Pakistani people from having true control over the country's own resources. The military has always been the foremost institution in getting resources.

As far as the topic is concerned, I think Saudi Arabia needs Pakistan more than Pakistan will ever need Saudia.
1. Western world, especially America is moving away from Saudi Oil in light of strained relations and shale gas discoveries
2. Pakistan is one of the most militarily experienced state. Has nukes.
3. Pakistan has south asian ethos. Better work ethic, better treated women resulting in a larger talent pool.

Saudi Arabia will always have problems in growing beyond oil. A country that treats women like universal laggards, misses on 50% of the human capital.

P.s:- My first post in years! A lot has changed.

Great posts from the beginning to the end bro. You know what you are talking about I see unlike some other well-known ignorants.:enjoy:

The Saudis would marry filthy brown people? Surprises :woot:

Well, I'm kidding. But last I checked no foreign beast could ask their fair, pure ladies' hands in marriage?


Please ignore the retard. He seems to have some huge complexes and some other problems.

Yeah, that was one fine troll post! :rolleyes:

Still, it's true that your ladies are off limits to foreigners, or am I just misinformed?

Is that not the case with all women from country x or y? Nobody likes to marry of their daughters, sisters etc. to foreigners in general.

But it's apparently not as bad as your probable prejudice tells you.

Foreigners married over 13,000 Saudi women last year | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
It did not stop Arabs from what is now modern day KSA to create 3 of the 11 largest empires the world has seen (more than any other ethnic group in the top 15) and among the greatest empires and countless of scientists, scholars, clerics, rulers, military generals. Aside from founding hundreds of cities, many of them illustrious on a world scale for centuries on 3 continents and initiating the Golden Age of Islam.

In any case an Saudi Arabian or an other Arab must have beat you up when you failed to clean his toilette properly.
Did not stop Arabs from what is now modern day KSA to create 3 of the 11 largest empires in the world and among the greatest empires the world had seen and countless of scientists, scholars, clerics, rulers, military generals, founding hundreds of cities on 3 continents and initiating the Golden Age of Islam.

In any case an Saudi Arabian or other Arab must have beat you up when you failed to clean his toilette properly.

So hard for your tiny brain to understand that we are not living in the seventh century any longer ,??? my brainless racist camel jockey !! :lol:
In any case an Saudi Arabian or an other Arab must have beat you up when you failed to clean his toilette properly.

Did you just attempt an insult? :rolleyes:

So hard for your tiny brain to understand that it is not the seventh century any more ,??? my brainless racist camel jockey !! :lol:

You need to stop with your racist remarks; they're getting over repetitive!

By the way, you're right. Around the 8th-9th centuries, the Persians and other ethnic groups started to become dominant in the world of the Muslims; and have been since.
Yeah, that was one fine troll post! :rolleyes:

Still, it's true that your ladies are off limits to foreigners, or am I just misinformed?

Al hasani is an arab supremist, he's being two-faced on this thread on the syrian thread you should see what he says about pakistanis.
So hard for your tiny brain to understand that it is not the seventh century any more ,??? my brainless racist camel jockey !! :lol:

Well the history speaks for itself and you might look at the reality as well today. I don't think that we have anything to envy your likes.

Says the clown who started his unmotivated racist insults. The toilette comment was well-deserved and that's the only language your likes will ever understand.
Besides why are you that focused on camels who are not even originally from the Arab world or only found in the Arab world? I consider camels as I consider horses excellent animals that have served humans for thousands of years. They are surely more useful than you are.
In fact Australia has by far the highest number of wild camels while Somalia has the highest number of domesticated camels. To make matters worse for you then there are plenty of camels in Pakistan too. In fact camels were the most prestigious animals of transport that you could have before cars, trains etc. were invented outside of horses. And speaking about horses I only have to mention Arabian horses.
BTW Arabs used either Bedouins or foreigners as camel jockeys. To this day that occupation is often held by Afro-Arabs or foreigners so don't get ahead of yourself my little ignorant friend.
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