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Pakistanis freak out over Islamabad U exhibit showing Israeli culture

Yes there are several ways to learn about Zionist culture, for instance weeks long indiscriminate bombing on Ghaza , razing schools and hospitals down to ground, complete blockade and turning Ghaza into worlds largest prison. This is not enough for education or more is needed?

People around the world, especially in the West, have been brainwashed from birth to confuse Zionism with Judaism, and to think that criticism of one is same as criticism of the other.

South Africa's policies of racial supremacy were abhorrent, Nazi Germany's ideology was abhorrent, and Israel's Zionism is just as repugnant.
Western world and its liberal fascist supporter's double standards are amazing.

There is no need to respect sycophants who suffer from an inferiority complex and will parrot Zionist propaganda just to feel accepted into the dominant Western culture.

One can only feel pity for these sad souls who are so desperate for validation.

If one applies rigorous intellectual honesty, there is no way to justify Israel's existence and ideology -- any more than one can defend South Africa's apartheid or any colonialist conquests.
It's not about Islam; it's about opposing a state that represents a racist ideology.

Students in the West were opposing South Africa during apartheid and this is no different.

Sir, it is about the environment of fear being created in educational institutions within Pakistan, not about anything else. If it is not this excuse, it is another. That is the point.
Sir, it is about the environment of fear being created in educational institutions within Pakistan, not about anything else. If it is not this excuse, it is another. That is the point.

Promoters of racism and colonialism should be told in no uncertain terms that their agenda is not welcome.

Perhaps they should follow the Western model of declaring anything objectionable as "terrorism" or "anti-Semitism" and quashing it by force of law?
Promoters of racism and colonialism should be told in no uncertain terms that their agenda is not welcome.

Perhaps they should follow the Western model of declaring anything objectionable as "terrorism" or "anti-Semitism" and quashing it by force of law?

Sir, again you are side-stepping the main point, which is the atmosphere of fear and intimidation created within Pakistani educational institutions that destroys the spirit of inquiry within the students. These proxies of right wing religious parties use excuses such as the present one to impose their own agendas. If it were the local administration removing the display, then it would be proper, but the way these lady ghundas did so is the problem.
Sir, again you are side-stepping the main point, which is the atmosphere of fear and intimidation created within Pakistani educational institutions that destroys the spirit of inquiry within the students. These proxies of right wing religious parties use excuses such as the present one to impose their own agendas. If it were the local administration removing the display, then it would be proper, but the way these lady ghundas did so is the problem.

The stall was erected without permission.

The only "threat" was the thread to protest which is fine.

Once again, South Africa was excluded from many venues around the world to make a statement against racism and apartheid. Israel is no different.
The stall was erected without permission.

Once again, South Africa was excluded from many venues around the world to make a statement against racism and apartheid. Israel is no different.

If the stall was erected without permission, then it is the administration that need to take action, not these lady ghundas, Sir.
If the stall was erected without permission, then it is the administration that need to take action, not these lady ghundas, Sir.

The administration did take action.
The students did not tear down the stall -- all they did was convey their intention to protest a racist promotion.

This is no different from what happens around the world except that, since this is Pakistanis against Israel, you are applying your biased agenda to the situation.
When people say India they are referring to North and Western India, that is the India the world sees as unfortunate for Southerners as that may be.
North India - Yes
West India - No - West India is Gujarat and Maharashtra

And the reason North is more popular in tourist eyes is because GoI is based in Delhi.
Had GoI been based in Trivandrum/Kerala, that region would have been identified with India.
The administration did take action.
The students did not tear down the stall -- all they did was convey their intention to protest a racist promotion.

This is no different from what happens around the world except that, since this is Pakistanis against Israel, you are applying your biased agenda to the situation.

According to eye witnesses, this is what happened Sir:

QUOTE: “They attacked the Israel stall and smashed everything, everybody was running out of the hall, it was so scary,” the student said.
If one applies rigorous intellectual honesty, there is no way to justify Israel's existence and ideology -- any more than one can defend South Africa's apartheid or any colonialist conquests.
There is every way to justify Israel's existence Sir.

What is not justifiable is Israel's periodic expansion drives.
"If it were the local administration removing the display, then it would be proper, but the way these lady ghundas did so is the problem".

I bet this poster and liberal fascists of his kind would still have problem, for anything that is even REMOTELY related to Islam/Muslim/Pakistan is indigestible for them. Their stance on everything from allowance (no compulsion) of 4 marriages to covering oneself modestly is testament of their immense hatred and INTOLERANCE towards Isalm.

Religious fascism (and I literally hate Jamaat Islami for her role in introducing it) is indeed a problem but the liberal fascists have their fair share in the nurturing of intolerance in Pakistan and elsewhere. Deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians/Kashmiris, their everyday sufferings, abduction of their lands, denial of even the basic human rights etc everything is fine for them but resistance towards these injustices becomes terrorism for them. Truly Abominable attitude.
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