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Pakistani Umpire Asad Rauf accused of Sexual exploitation by indian model

This girls a Gold Digger man (the girl is less than half the man's age), now that she aint becoming his wife, she is taking him to court to make his life hell :hang2: Gotta feel bad for Rauf, his profeesional life and personal life is completely over

She knew he was married with two kids but still hitched along.......one word.....Blond. :lol:
I once read the story of a man who had the hen which used to give a golden egg daily and one day in greed he killed the hen to get all the eggs.Asad rauf did the same.....now you can figure out which is the hen which gives golden egg.

................:cheesy: dont go off topic :D
Next time keep your opinion to yourself...

Being a model doesn't help her case either- am just saying-
These things will be put into consideration- if ever rauf decides to appear in court-
opening the thread now

please be mindful and dont post sexist or racist comments
Asad Rauf can be arrested on the charges of rape under indian law if this lady files FIR .Indulging in sex after promising to marry is counted as Rape under Indian law.

if true then this is exploitation. I totally agree its nothing but rape, deception and violation both physically and emotionally.

I hope the charges are actually filed
our Hadood ordinance is anti victim and normally the accused walks free with a smug smile

I dont want to be a judge here. the accusation is very serious.

There is no such law only man will get punished for making false promise of marriage.

he is referring to Islamic law which doesnt apply to this Indian lady because the sexual relation was consensual (but under wrong pretence) so the accused should be tried.


time and again I have having to replace the words like fraudster, cheat and culprit with the word accused. because the court has not decided yet

Being a model doesn't help her case either- am just saying-
These things will be put into consideration- if ever rauf decides to appear in court-

wrong my dear

just because she is a model and free to have sexual relationships doesnt mean that people have the right to exploit her. her basic human rights and rights as a citizen cant be taken away because of her life style.

This girls a Gold Digger man (the girl is less than half the man's age), now that she aint becoming his wife, she is taking him to court to make his life hell :hang2: Gotta feel bad for Rauf, his profeesional life and personal life is completely over

now thats the other side of the story and maybe used as a defence
the guy's lawyer can argue that there was no such understanding of tying a knot after sexual relation.

A friend of mine told me few years back that someone he used to work with in UK had a girl friend who was living with him for 6 months and one day they broke up and she "decided" that she was raped and abused throughout the relationship, he is serving his time now.. what didnt help him was that girl was 15 .. :hang2:

only woman's word is required under indian law and FIR he can go into jail for 7 yrs

hmm that might be unfair

what if they were only having a sexual relationship without any permanent future together in mind?
and then either they fell and now woman is playing victim?
fake rape/ exploitation claims are not uncommon & mostly result in conviction fo the defendant but in some cases the truth comes out
so the judges have to be careful and not get carried away by sentiments and emotions
Student spared jail after making false rape claim in bid to try and get her boyfriend back | Mail Online
:blink:Well if all the arguments u guys put here are tried in court....
:drag:Its gonna take a hell lot of time for the court to give a verdict....
They should try for a settlement outside court...just my say....:drag:
I honestly feel bad and hate for the guy and the girl....:pop:
If you don't accept Indian law, I can't change your view.

Even in India, if a couple, both below 18, have consensual sex, it will be considered rape....no matter they both took the decision.


I stand corrected then

then what is NOT rape? a sexual relation after marriage or at a higher age?

but the boy will be treated as minor no? its getting a bit off-topic here

at least in this case the age is not an issue

I stand corrected then

then what is NOT rape? a sexual relation after marriage or at a higher age?

but the boy will be treated as minor no? its getting a bit off-topic here

at least in this case the age is not an issue

Here is the details

ection 375 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) defines rape. Rape (from Latin rapio, to carry off, to overcome) means an unlawful intercourse done by a man with a woman without her valid consent. In certain cases, when consent is taken by fraudulent means or by misrepresentation, the act is still ûquite rightly- taken as rape. A rapist, for instance can put a gun at his victim's head and obtain consent. Still better, he could ask one of his goons to put a gun on her husband's head and tell her that the gun would go off if she did not relent. Consent could also be had fraudulently by giving her intoxicating or stupefying substances ( Cannabis is just one of the many stupefying drugs which can be given to achieve this). Another way of getting consent by fraudulent means is by impersonation. A rapist may slip into the bed of an unsuspecting woman in the thick of night, when the woman, taking him to be her husband not only does not resist, but actively participates in the act. These cases are rare but do occur occasionally. Finally the consent of a woman of unsound mind and of a girl below 16 are not taken to be lawful consent because it is presumed that these women are not in a position to truly understand the nature and gravity of sexual intercourse.

I stand corrected then

then what is NOT rape? a sexual relation after marriage or at a higher age?

but the boy will be treated as minor no? its getting a bit off-topic here

at least in this case the age is not an issue
Sir this ruling came after few incidents where honor killing and other crimes brought these aspects....the reason was to avoid having the culture of Teenage mothers and support to acts like child marriage and expecting kid before a girl turns 18. I know its bit odd for boy POV as he should be treated like minor.....but the reason of min age of 18 for voting is similar to age to have sexual relationship as they haven't matured enough to take such step where our society is more strict about it.....

I know its off topic, just wanted to let you know the law that has to be passed to decrease many crimes.....I rest my case.....
poor indians crying after being rapped ,
well without joke ........
if he has done it and DNA proofs are there then he need to be punished morally .
and if it is a false allegation with motives to defame him then indians need to be slapped by International cricket council ,
well all cricketers and officials enjoy indian girls during IPL etc , is an open secrete
poor indians crying after being rapped ,
well without joke ........
if he has done it and DNA proofs are there then he need to be punished morally .
and if it is a false allegation with motives to defame him then indians need to be slapped by International cricket council ,
well all cricketers and officials enjoy indian girls during IPL etc , is an open secrete
your post is fine but I don't like your first and last line....but its up to you..
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