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Pakistani & There Status In Abroad

Shame on Pakistani Government and shame specifically on Punjab Government.

Shame on bloody azizi he did not mention or blame government but keeps on blaming others like fraud agents and parents and so on...It is the state that is responsible for this all. Spend more on shytty failed projects than on welfare of poor people.
don't know about Uk ..but here in eastern and central europe most of them are illegal and those who are not illegal are rich guys . Illegal ones live in a ghetto specially made by governments for illegals they have to report every 12 hour there ..most of them just in search of girl to marry and have papers. Other guys who are rich are mostly from Gulf , i mean their family is there. They open business in here and live good life. I meet a guy from pakistan and i was like what ..he said he lived in jail for 3 years as he was caught on border. Man that guy had some real kool stories about jail .He said Paksitani embassy never even came to see him or even process his paper so that he could be deported. Felt sorry for these guys. Its almost same story with Indians but not at this scale and our embassy here is much helpful .
Wow lot of motivation to go abroad, can sleep on highway eat for free and willing to go to jail.
don't know about Uk ..but here in eastern and central europe most of them are illegal and those who are not illegal are rich guys . Illegal ones live in a ghetto specially made by governments for illegals they have to report every 12 hour there ..most of them just in search of girl to marry and have papers. Other guys who are rich are mostly from Gulf , i mean their family is there. They open business in here and live good life. I meet a guy from pakistan and i was like what ..he said he lived in jail for 3 years as he was caught on border. Man that guy had some real kool stories about jail .

Yes, many more are indians and from sri lanka and followed by bangladeshi and Pakistanis.

Canadian Immigration Reform Blog: India, That Wonderful Land Of Fraud (and Canada's top source of immigrants).
Wow lot of motivation to go abroad, can sleep on highway eat for free and willing to go to jail.

Looks like ur favourite hobby is searching negative news from Pakistan.... these might be few idiots who went to UK for studies and got stuck... what abt these illegal indians in USA,KSA,UK etc:

240K illegal indians want us visas:


Huge spike in illegal indian traffic from mexico:


Arriving in doves:


60K illegal indians in KSA:


6K illegals deported from UK:


Young punjabi illegals desperate to return home from UK:


Illegals desperate to return from UK:


The plight of thousands of undocumented indians in UK....Watch the video:


Thousands more:


45000 illegals in UAE:

Pakistani & There Status In Abroad ! - YouTube

I saw this video on YouTube, is it really true. I mean not only these guys are sleeping under flyover but also do not have money for eating food.

Can someone from UK please confirm, does not seems realistic.

Well it has nothing to do with them being pakistani/indian/Afghani but few illegal immigrant and asylum seekers are struggling here because its hard for them to get jobs legally to afford living costs

Same is true for those who enter here as student or vistors but actual purpose of entry was finding work or earning pounds

I also watched many such videos about punjabi indian sikhs who are struggling here
The video is sensational bs... so called little punjab is full of indian punjabis... even tht clip in the video of susposedly Pakistanis are indians... see the video i posted specially at 15 minutes or so and you will see the host and the "indians" not Pakistanis!....:lol:
Can someone change "there" to "their in the title so that the title can be a little less confusing
Can someone change "there" to "their in the title so that the title can be a little less confusing

The clip showing "Pakistanis" sleeping under the flyovers are actually indians... forward this video to 15 minutes and you will see them ... as for little punjab... thts coz of indian punjabis... LOL @ indianbunny..


@ 15 mins..
These frauds have been going on for at least 40/50 years now and everyone knows the outcome. If people are stupid enough to spends hundreds of thousands to give to fraud agents to go to western countries using illegal means and without having any marketable skills, then they deserve the pain they caused on themselves. These are the people who can't earn a decent living in their own country and think they can somehow strike it big in western countries, well they should know money does not grow on trees in western countries. And why should government be blamed for their own wrong doings.

Shame on Pakistani Government and shame specifically on Punjab Government.

Shame on bloody azizi he did not mention or blame government but keeps on blaming others like fraud agents and parents and so on...It is the state that is responsible for this all. Spend more on shytty failed project than on welfare of poor people.

Care to watch the attached video, right in the beginning it mentions "india and indian Punjab" nothing to do with Pakistan.

Shame on Pakistani Government and shame specifically on Punjab Government.

Shame on bloody azizi he did not mention or blame government but keeps on blaming others like fraud agents and parents and so on...It is the state that is responsible for this all. Spend more on shytty failed project than on welfare of poor people.
It is the Pakistani channel claiming them to be Pakistani's.

:lol: they r bloody jokers.. these guys have made several such claims... which turned out to be bs... see the BBC video i posted...forward it to 15 mins n enjoy... rabit.. :lol:

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