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Pakistani Taliban behind failed New York attack: US


Nov 18, 2009
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WASHINGTON: The United States has evidence that the Pakistani Taliban was behind the failed attempt to detonate a car bomb in the heart of New York City, US Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday.

“We've now developed evidence that shows that the Pakistani Taliban was behind the attack,” Holder said on ABC television's Sunday current affairs talk show “This Week.”

"We know that they helped facilitate it. We know that they probably helped finance it, and that he was working at their direction,” he said.

Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani born US citizen, was pulled off a plane to Dubai and arrested Monday for allegedly leaving a sport utility vehicle rigged to explode in New York's Times Square just over a week ago.

Holder's comments came as the New York Times reported that the United States warned Pakistan it must crack down on Islamic extremists or face severe consequences.

General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, urged Pakistan's General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani in Islamabad on Friday to quickly begin a military offensive against the Pakistani Taliban and Al-Qaeda in North Waziristan.

John Brennan, the White House deputy national security adviser, echoed Holder's charges, pointing the finger at the Pakistani Taliban in an interview with CNN.

“It looks like he was working on behalf of the TTP, the Pakistani Taliban,” Brennan said. “This group is closely allied with Al Qaeda. This is something that we're taking very seriously.” -AFP
WASHINGTON: The United States has evidence that the Pakistani Taliban was behind the failed attempt to detonate a car bomb in the heart of New York City, US Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday.

“We've now developed evidence that shows that the Pakistani Taliban was behind the attack,” Holder said on ABC television's Sunday current affairs talk show “This Week.”

"We know that they helped facilitate it. We know that they probably helped finance it, and that he was working at their direction,” he said.

Faisal Shahzad, a Pakistani born US citizen, was pulled off a plane to Dubai and arrested Monday for allegedly leaving a sport utility vehicle rigged to explode in New York's Times Square just over a week ago.

Holder's comments came as the New York Times reported that the United States warned Pakistan it must crack down on Islamic extremists or face severe consequences.

General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, urged Pakistan's General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani in Islamabad on Friday to quickly begin a military offensive against the Pakistani Taliban and Al-Qaeda in North Waziristan.

John Brennan, the White House deputy national security adviser, echoed Holder's charges, pointing the finger at the Pakistani Taliban in an interview with CNN.

“It looks like he was working on behalf of the TTP, the Pakistani Taliban,” Brennan said. “This group is closely allied with Al Qaeda. This is something that we're taking very seriously.” -AFP

Guys! By and now we know that terrorism is well established in some pockets of Pakistan... How do you think that it can curbed and all the perperators adopts peace and gets in to mainstream civility...
Now, if the TTP did train him, why was he so stupid? He didn't even make a bomb, just something that would catch fire and die out soon enough. The TTP is not cavemen, unlike what the media tells you. If they can attack ISI buildings, they can make a basic car bomb.

This is propaganda against Pakistan. It means nothing. This 'evidence' hasn't even been made public, just them yelling it has to be them, those sand niggers all look alike!!!
finish pakistani taliban we will thankfull to you uncle sam
I think this should be a positive development. This will make US help Pakistan to finish TTP off. That and as soon as Indian influence in Afghanistan becomes lesser and TTP start having less funding and support from India, TTP will be history.
With S. Wazirstan, Orkzai Agency and Swat, I thought the TTP had lost most of its power. The only thing we have to worry about is N. Wazirstan, which has the Afghan Taliban.
General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, urged Pakistan's General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani in Islamabad on Friday to quickly begin a military offensive against the Pakistani Taliban and Al-Qaeda in North Waziristan.

The highlighted part says it all. It was expected as US was running out of options to pressurize Pakistan any further as Pakistan made it very clear no further operations and hence Another false flag operation by none other then the Yanks themselves.
I think this should be a positive development. This will make US help Pakistan to finish TTP off. That and as soon as Indian influence in Afghanistan becomes lesser and TTP start having less funding and support from India, TTP will be history.

Whatever makes you move against the TTP. We will thank you.
on this forum i have heard many times pak gives proof to u.s but u.s doesnt want to hurt india,so proof doesnt reaches to india.and many says ttp is sponsored by india,now how could u.s attack indian sentiments,if they dont want india hurt.this is simply my question...
on this forum i have heard many times pak gives proof to u.s but u.s doesnt want to hurt india,so proof doesnt reaches to india.and many says ttp is sponsored by india,now how could u.s attack indian sentiments,if they dont want india hurt.this is simply my question...

If US attacks Pakistan, TTP wont be on the menu rather it would be Haqqanis network. This is the same network US insists Pakistan to take action on.
Ah everything going according to script. First a fail bomb attack. Then a Pakistani. Then HakimUllah video. Now TTP. And then some ISI or Pakistani army individual involvement in the future. Don't americans think this story is very primitive. They should have created something better. Should have taken help from Hollywood.

Ah everything going according to script. First a fail bomb attack. Then a Pakistani. Then HakimUllah video. Now TTP. And then some ISI or Pakistani army individual involvement in the future. Don't americans think this story is very primitive. They should have created something better. Should have taken help from Hollywood.


Yup! This is going to be their next statement.

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