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Pakistani Taliban announce month-long ceasefire

@Leader @Jazzbot and all others

interesting video uploaded with a commentary

sorry I stopped listening, the guy lacks manners, if you dont respect your enemy, instead present the argument that how can you talk with pahari janwar, soar kay bachay etc, and also try to satisfy your political agenda, then I dont like to waste my time.. I have better things to read and listen.
Correct. Better things such as negotiations with TTP (alias JI/JUI), a faceless enemy. Sorry to bother you. Keep us posted. Though we are regularly getting updates from TTP through very loud and clear bomb blasts, but still.
sorry I stopped listening, the guy lacks manners, if you dont respect your enemy, instead present the argument that how can you talk with pahari janwar, soar kay bachay etc, and also try to satisfy your political agenda, then I dont like to waste my time.. I have better things to read and listen.
fair point

have you seen how taliban have presented themselves? why so keen to talk to these rapists and butchers?

I agree with his sentiment though. if someone behaves like a dog he deserves to be treated like a dog.

Hazreat Usman R.A tried to reason and talk with them before his martyrdom, these savages spilled the blood of Sahabah & Ahl Baith and many many Muslims through out history

if Irfan Sadique thinks he can reason with them and has more capability than our Khulfa Rashidneen then all the best.
fair point

have you seen how taliban have presented themselves? why so keen to talk to these rapists and butchers?

I agree with his sentiment though. if someone behaves like a dog he deserves to be treated like a dog.

Hazreat Usman R.A tried to reason and talk with them before his martyrdom, these savages spilled the blood of Sahabah & Ahl Baith and many many Muslims through out history

if Irfan Sadique thinks he can reason with them and has more capability than our Khulfa Rashidneen then all the best.

A human life is a human life, in my opinion, any analogy to describe them as dogs or pigs or anything is just our mental satisfaction...

Yes, if we cannot reason out with them, fair enough, lets have commando action, but not bombing and artillery. its our own land & tribal our own people, after all, just like Karachites..
A human life is a human life, in my opinion, any analogy to describe them as dogs or pigs or anything is just our mental satisfaction...

Yes, if we cannot reason out with them, fair enough, lets have commando action, but not bombing and artillery. its our own land & tribal our own people, after all, just like Karachites..
& karachities dont play footballs with heads of our soilders?
so keep up ur support to these terrorists tribals against the state of pakistan & pakistanis?
dont just trun & twsist your words like your foolish , & selfish leader IK?
be a man, & go join them, if they are so innocents?
A human life is a human life, in my opinion, any analogy to describe them as dogs or pigs or anything is just our mental satisfaction...

Yes, if we cannot reason out with them, fair enough, lets have commando action, but not bombing and artillery. its our own land & tribal our own people, after all, just like Karachites..

Artillery is not for killing but area denial. Which is very important to push them back. Bombing is the best option, very expensive, to put the fear of striking anywhere anytime. Land operation only comes after these, otherwise it's massive massive troop casualties without air-cover. Just like the first operation, no air cover and we took huge casualties. You cannot just wish for offensives to work without the required, needed basic military tactics. This only makes the troops jumpy and kill anything that moves.

Tribal or Karachites, the TTP isnt taking over and spreading Sharia over in Khi. They are in FATA. Their bases are there, their factories there, ammo dumps there, HQ there. That is why we need to push them away from our land. This takes away their operating bases. Commando action might work in movies, with state of art machinery. We have neither of these. So my dea friend, these arent the times of swords and arrows. It's suicide bombs vs jets.

No matter what you do, you can only avoid civil casualties to the minimum but not completely. It is sad but in the end, the SWAT operation was just that, an operation. They didnt run away because of commandos, but the pre emptive strikes and artillery battery overloads they suffered. Then came the commandos followed by infantry. It's not as easy as you say. Nor is it as possible you make it out to be.

Such is war, it makes you evil. Do you know about their atrocities? The shit they did to Shia pilgrims? They cut the thrats of kids infront of the parents. Stoned and caved in their faces for being of a different sect. Do you think they will mend their way after negotiations? If you study history, these kinds, wherever they have been, Roman Empire, Greek Empires, Arab Empires, Islamic Empires, they always reverted back to their old ways. And were only done with after complete wipeouts.

Does it pain to lose civilians? YES. Bhai hain hamare. if you worry about casualties and hath pe hath dhare karke baht jaein you'll only see more bombing like the one in Isloo. Same aims, under a different banner. This doesnt absolve the TTP, if they cannot control their alliances then it is their fault. What IK is failing to realise they will not back down until Sharia they want. Be it in NWA or anyplace else. A bombing here and there during talks resulted in them being bombed and they cease fire. Not for the right reasons, but to assimilate and regroup. Remake channels of supplies, stores. This is guerrilla warfare 101.
& karachities dont play footballs with heads of our soilders?
so keep up ur support to these terrorists tribals against the state of pakistan & pakistanis?
dont just trun & twsist your words like your foolish , & selfish leader IK?
be a man, & go join them, if they are so innocents?

Not Karachites but mafias groups did so.. and secondly you are bigot and disgusting fellow. bug off.
Artillery is not for killing but area denial. Which is very important to push them back. Bombing is the best option, very expensive, to put the fear of striking anywhere anytime. Land operation only comes after these, otherwise it's massive massive troop casualties without air-cover. Just like the first operation, no air cover and we took huge casualties. You cannot just wish for offensives to work without the required, needed basic military tactics. This only makes the troops jumpy and kill anything that moves.

Tribal or Karachites, the TTP isnt taking over and spreading Sharia over in Khi. They are in FATA. Their bases are there, their factories there, ammo dumps there, HQ there. That is why we need to push them away from our land. This takes away their operating bases. Commando action might work in movies, with state of art machinery. We have neither of these. So my dea friend, these arent the times of swords and arrows. It's suicide bombs vs jets.

No matter what you do, you can only avoid civil casualties to the minimum but not completely. It is sad but in the end, the SWAT operation was just that, an operation. They didnt run away because of commandos, but the pre emptive strikes and artillery battery overloads they suffered. Then came the commandos followed by infantry. It's not as easy as you say. Nor is it as possible you make it out to be.

Such is war, it makes you evil. Do you know about their atrocities? The shit they did to Shia pilgrims? They cut the thrats of kids infront of the parents. Stoned and caved in their faces for being of a different sect. Do you think they will mend their way after negotiations? If you study history, these kinds, wherever they have been, Roman Empire, Greek Empires, Arab Empires, Islamic Empires, they always reverted back to their old ways. And were only done with after complete wipeouts.

Does it pain to lose civilians? YES. Bhai hain hamare. if you worry about casualties and hath pe hath dhare karke baht jaein you'll only see more bombing like the one in Isloo. Same aims, under a different banner. This doesnt absolve the TTP, if they cannot control their alliances then it is their fault. What IK is failing to realise they will not back down until Sharia they want. Be it in NWA or anyplace else. A bombing here and there during talks resulted in them being bombed and they cease fire. Not for the right reasons, but to assimilate and regroup. Remake channels of supplies, stores. This is guerrilla warfare 101.

this, you said all about 7 lac people in NW, but moved on without giving them the chance to life, while your fellow war supporter calls all tribal as terrorists working against the State of Pakistan.

and Yes ttp is a problem, need not to unit them by sending in our army at this time, lets first divide them into groups and see the potential targets, Afghanistan is going to host them for sure, which will start endless insurgency, with anti-peace forces supporting them to keep pakistan destabilized, like Syria.. this is what we should calculate, let rationale take over emotions.

and for your information, Ahrar-e-Hind is a city-based terror group, and I also heard they spoke punjabi while they were doing the killing...
A human life is a human life, in my opinion, any analogy to describe them as dogs or pigs or anything is just our mental satisfaction...

wish you could have told that to Prophet Muhammad PBUH when he called them "dogs of hellfire"
he might have listens to you quietly but not sure if Hazrat Omar r.a would have taken your gesture very lightly

but you might disagree because they have only killed 50,000 Pakistanis and only played football with the skulls of our soldiers once and beheading and dismembering men and women is no big deal right?

well fine I pray to Allah that these Dogs of Hell and their apologists face the same and equal fate at the day of Judgement

wish you could have told that to Prophet Muhammad PBUH when he called them "dogs of hellfire"
he might have listens to you quietly but not sure if Hazrat Omar r.a would have taken your gesture very lightly

but you might disagree because they have only killed 50,000 Pakistanis and only played football with the skulls of our soldiers once and beheading and dismembering men and women is no big deal right?

well fine I pray to Allah that these Dogs of Hell and their apologists face the same and equal fate at the day of Judgement


who did he call? I never heard of it...

this is shameful allegation on me for not caring for my people.. :tdown:

Sum Amen !
who did he call? I never heard of it...


HE .. being the Prophet of Allah .. is talking about Kharjites

here is the Hadith with full sanat.. narrated from Sunan Ibn Majah

(Tirmidhi; Ibn Majah; Ahmad; Ibn Asim, as-Sunnah; Abdullah ibn Ahmad b Hanbal, as-Sunnah and from Abu Uthman al-Bahili by Tirmidhi, Abdurrazzaq, al-Musannaf; ibn Abi Shaybah, Musannaf; Tabarani, Mujamul Kabeer; Tabarani, al-Awsat; Tabarari, as-Sagher; Hakim, Mustadrak; Bayhaqi, as-Sunanul Kubra).

On the authority of Abu Umamah that he said: “The most evil of people to be slayed beneath the sky/on the face of the earth, and those whom they slay are the best of people, the dogs of the hellfire. They used to be Muslims and became kuffar.” I said: “O Abu Umamah! How can you say such a thing?" He said: “Rather I heard it from the RasulAllah (sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam).” (Ibn Majah; Hasan hadith.)

Imam Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and al-Hakim recorded a Ḥadith from Ibn Abi Awfa, and Ahmad and al-Hakim also recorded it from Abu Umamah that the Prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam) said:

The Khawaarij are the dogs of Hell.
this, you said all about 7 lac people in NW, but moved on without giving them the chance to life, while your fellow war supporter calls all tribal as terrorists working against the State of Pakistan.

and Yes ttp is a problem, need not to unit them by sending in our army at this time, lets first divide them into groups and see the potential targets, Afghanistan is going to host them for sure, which will start endless insurgency, with anti-peace forces supporting them to keep pakistan destabilized, like Syria.. this is what we should calculate, let rationale take over emotions.

and for your information, Ahrar-e-Hind is a city-based terror group, and I also heard they spoke punjabi while they were doing the killing...

When did I propose to not let the Tribals leave their land and give them a chance? My point is it is better to do such a thing sooner than give them the TTP time to regroup and coordinate with other groups.

If fellow members are jaded by the tribals, then they are wrong but look at the reason for their disgust. Their continuous support and complete lack of responsibility to the state is what bewilders them. Most of the tribals are tired of them but cannot do it on their own.

Ahrar al Hind can speak Hebrew for all i care, does it change anything they spoke Punjabi? Extremists are extremists. Be they moderate, English speaking, or whatever. Kill them Punjabis if it makes you at ease. Mera kya, humari bhalai.
Not Karachites but mafias groups did so.. and secondly you are bigot and disgusting fellow. bug off.
shyt head, try some sencesses!
will you?
with no experinces about COINS, you are just trying to tow the goddamd lines of ur goddamd stupid foolish leader?
mafias do exists in the world, even in london even in japan, even in USA but no TTp, none of them playing footballs with dead humman biengs heads?
you shyt head? can u digg that, sukker?

When did I propose to not let the Tribals leave their land and give them a chance? My point is it is better to do such a thing sooner than give them the TTP time to regroup and coordinate with other groups.

If fellow members are jaded by the tribals, then they are wrong but look at the reason for their disgust. Their continuous support and complete lack of responsibility to the state is what bewilders them. Most of the tribals are tired of them but cannot do it on their own.

Ahrar al Hind can speak Hebrew for all i care, does it change anything they spoke Punjabi? Extremists are extremists. Be they moderate, English speaking, or whatever. Kill them Punjabis if it makes you at ease. Mera kya, humari bhalai.
didnt you mean IMRAN & GOLDSMITHS.?lolzzz
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