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Pakistani Sikh grateful that his elders stayed in Pakistan in 1947.

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---------- Post added at 02:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:10 PM ----------

After 25 years the Sikhs failed to get justice in masacare of Sikhs in 82 so whats the use of one or two sikhs chosen as mayors of PM even when they failed to do any justice to the community.
You don't know the speed of our Justice system?:lol::partay:

its like having Kalam as Muslim as president of India while the majority Muslims still in tatters and babri mosque is handed over to imaginary gods by Indian judicial system making mockery of "secularism" by giving verdict on belief of Hindus
You are not a qualified critic to criticize the verdict(and neither are we!)the judgement is not a testament to secularism!!the fact that both the parties did not go lynching at each other after the judgement proves this!
My answers in Green.:)
Sikhs made a huge mistake by siding with the Hindus in 1947. We would've had a united greater Punjab if Sikhs all chose Muslims of Punjab over Hindus. Punjab today would've stretched from Bahawalpur to Murree to Lahore to Amritsrar to Himachal Pradesh if Sikhs chose to side with the Muslims, and all Sikhs could've visited their religious sites in Pakistan any time they would want without having to go through process of getting a Pakistani visa to cross the Wagah Border. Punjab would've been the largest and most prosperous region in South Asia if it had been united and all been part of Pakistan.

Well, cuts both ways - if the Muslims of Punjab had sided with the Sikhs of India - whole of Punjab would have been a state of India from Murree to Amritsar and beyond.
imaginary gods??
you are talking about gods of lakhs of hindus in your country too...
and i am aware of fact that many ancient mosques in india are built after destroying temples..but thats not the topic here..
you clearly have shown how you treat minority in pakistan by calling names on their gods :)

True that!!....lol Imaginary gods??...lol...in that case all the gods are imaginary dont u think!!...its all jus the imagination of human beings. [my opinion]
You are wrong, Their land transformed into whole of India. What do you Sikhs in India live only in Punjab? Entire India is their country (not just Punjab). So you got to make that map at least 50 times bigger.
Well, cuts both ways - if the Muslims of Punjab had sided with the Sikhs of India - whole of Punjab would have been a state of India from Murree to Amritsar and beyond.

No thanks. We Punjabis make the majority in Pakistan and therefore make the majority in every field in Pakistan. Some say we are ruling Pakistan. While you Indian Punjabis make only 3% of your country's population we Pakistani Punjabis make 50% of our country's population with other ethnic groups sharing many similarities with Punjabis such as Hindko speaking Pashtuns of eastern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Pahari speaking people of Azad Kashmir. If you include these ethnic groups, about 60% of Pakistan's population is of Punjabi decent.
i don't think those videos and article give a complete picture. In my opinion and experience Indian Sikhs are living happily in India!

There are always rare cases of the contrary and we cannot use these to paint the full picture.
You rock dude.
True that!!....lol Imaginary gods??...lol...in that case all the gods are imaginary dont u think!!...its all jus the imagination of human beings. [my opinion]

i would have posted rameshwaram videos of floating rocks that lord rama used for building bridge :)
but that would be like giving too much importance her :)

---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

No thanks. We Punjabis make the majority in Pakistan and therefore make the majority in every field in Pakistan. Some say we are ruling Pakistan. While you Indian Punjabis make only 3% of your country's population we Pakistani Punjabis make 50% of our country's population with other ethnic groups sharing many similarities with Punjabis such as Hindko speaking Pashtuns of eastern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Pahari speaking people of Azad Kashmir. If you include these ethnic groups, about 60% of Pakistan's population is of Punjabi decent.

dude...this is about sikhs not punjabis.
Not again. Please read my reply to Shuntmaster.

And the Hind in Hind ki Chadar is a reference to Hindustan and not Hindus.

Hey Sikhs are not anti-Islamic. Yes they fought against the Mughals but that doesn't make anyone anti Islamic. Muslims, Sikhs and HIndus are all brothers. NO one is against anyone please. Peace for all.
True, Sikhs were killed in Delhi.

Indeed it is AQ and Taliban who have unleashed terror in Pakistan.

And I would not be surprised if some Pakistani will say they are not even Pakistan, or take up the lame refrain that it is against Islam, and what they do is not condoned by the scriptures!!

If it is not, then are the Pakistani is deep slumber and require US drones to clear this scourge from Pakistan?

And if the US does that, then why the whine?

And why are the Pakistanis not taking it up with themselves to clear the scourge and why are the Pakistanis lauding even the murders of their Governors and Ministers and not doing a sausage about the Governor's murder? Or justice for the thousands of Shias, Sufis and Ahmediyas killed?

Oh so the Skihs did not pay? Now that is news.

And anyway, most came to India.

so, in far as propaganda is concerned, check on which foot the one who claims so, is wearing!

Now, so the Sikhs were being bamboozled by terrorists\?

maybe this will refresh as to who abdicated their responsibility to the Terrorists

Pakistan's government has agreed to restore sharia, or Islamic law, in the Swat Valley and neighbouring areas of the country's northwest as part of a peace deal with local pro-Taliban fighters.

The agreement was reached after talks in Peshawar between members of Tahrik-e-Nafiz Shariat Muhammadi and officials of the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) government on Monday.
Pakistan to allow sharia in Swat - Central & South Asia - Al Jazeera English

Before being accused of 'propaganda' may I draw the attention to the fact that this is not from any western or Indian source, but from the mouthpiece of authentic Islamic land - Aljazeera.
After 25 years the Sikhs failed to get justice in masacare of Sikhs in 82 so whats the use of one or two sikhs chosen as mayors of PM even when they failed to do any justice to the community.

its like having Kalam as Muslim as president of India while the majority Muslims still in tatters and babri mosque is handed over to imaginary gods by Indian judicial system making mockery of "secularism" by giving verdict on belief of Hindus

Yes they didn't get justice. That is sad and we are not a perfect country but we are doing our best to become a perfect country. Don't worry Sikhs are many times better off in India than Pakistan. They are prosperous and hard working. I don't have to say that but they are patriotic( whether in India or Pakistan).
i would have posted rameshwaram videos of floating rocks that lord rama used for building bridge :)
but that would be like giving too much importance her :)

---------- Post added at 01:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

dude...this is about sikhs not punjabis.

lol....agreed!! :devil:
population of sikhs in india in just 1.6% of total..
still one sikh has managed to become our PM because he deserved it...
its not about number friend...and btw i am beating bush...i am just showing facts to those who say sikhs in pakistan have more freedom than muslims in pakistan..

1.6% of 1.5 billion is a huge number which by any mean cannot be compared with a mere population of two hundred thousand.. BTW there isn't any hindrance in pakistan as far as edcation and other properity options for non-muslims in pakistan are concerned. for example most of the good doctors in interior sind are hindus. one of our senior judge in supreme court was hindu. Sikhs are also now coming in the stream line and putting their efforts in the prosperty of the country.

Some ignorant people wanted to seek jazia from sikhs but those were forcefully stopped by the patriotoc forces and army of islamic republic of pakistan as sikhs have equal freedom as every other citizen of pakistan.
....And they say India needs to 'accept' Pakistan and stop being obsessed with it. :rolleyes:
Imagery Gods?

Now, in which religion has anyone seen God?

If one has not seen God, then atheist would claim that they are as exciting as Grimms!
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