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Pakistani scientist set to unveil world’s first eco-friendly aircraft engine

I find it hard to beleive but i also know pakistani pakistani people's potential so may this be the truth :pakistan:
Don't have any issue with her education or family background. What I am concerned about is the financial and structural aspect of the whole project. The promises made on the delivery in the video(2020), the feasibility and the price of the final product, also the way they did the promotional/introduction video, handling equipment with bare hands and a small electronic lab. Sure its in a prototype stage but these things matter. A bit of dust can ruin the findings of the initial tests. I don't know how their lab really looks like, but the video wasn't much assuring about the standards.

Also the airline companies are hell bent on reducing their costs(if it was upto them, they would have made people stand in planes to reduce their costs and have profit), the idea looks neat but will the companies really embed this into their systems if the its too costly. Do they really care about environment(plane companies)? So these were the questions on my mind and time will tell. For now I wish them the best but at the same time I want to have some skepticism, because to me thats fair.

Absolutely agree.

The skepticism I was referring to was very specific and poorly concluded (i.e. reducing the significance of her invention without knowing what it is and the impact it could have, etc.)

To your point about corporations caring about the environment in a cut-throat neo-liberal economic order --- of course not! But they do care about brand --- and the more pressure environment groups and "woke" millennials bring to bear. It's the same reason many brands have started incorporating CSR/eco-friendly missions in their branding (airlines or not); I agree with you that none of them really care --- it's just a means to an end (maximizing profit.)

I am not saying that this invention is real --- I am saying let's not judge without all the facts.
but would still be a major invention

catalytic converter for car exhaust is also considered a major innovation
i am not aware of the positive effects of this device and its use so i wont be the judge of anything ? i was talking with regards to the title that its an efficient engine its not its an addon to the engine.
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