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Pakistani Scientist Among 10 Global Thematic Icons of the Decade 2001-2010

Once again some of our jealous/insecure hindu members (IndianOptimist/stumper) showing their inferiorty complex towards Pakistanis.

These people really have no sense of shame and honour. :tdown:
Once again some of our jealous/insecure hindu members (IndianOptimist/stumper) showing their inferiorty complex towards Pakistanis.

These people really have no sense of shame and honour. :tdown:

Mate, for a moment, assume i'm one of yours. Now re-red what i wrote. Try to find more information about the gentleman in question. Read his CV (I belive its his) on his portal.

Dont assume i'm jealous because i question the validity of the post.
Once again some of our jealous/insecure hindu members (IndianOptimist/stumper) showing their inferiorty complex towards Pakistanis.

These people really have no sense of shame and honour. :tdown:

How questioning the authenticity of claims be jealousy/insecurity? I am skeptic because I did not find any independent source for his claim.
And what is this organization that declared him among top 10. Can somebody give any more info about the organization and the man, with some independent links.

Also, one has to "earn" jealousy. Have you done anything that worthy of jealousy.
Why a hindu like me will have inferiority complex wrt pakistanis, have you been better than us in any way.
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Stumper could you please provide actual evidence to back up your claims? I could not find anything to suggest he is fake. Keep in mind that scientists are not celebrities. I have worked with Professors holding many more PhDs and publications than him and I cant find their names online either. Scientists rarely get the celebrity treatment and often go unnoticed for their work. So if you are going to accuse someone of fraud you need to do better than that.

I dont know about that CV and I must admit it does seem strangely extensive but for all I know he didnt write it. What I did find was a lot of articles including Yahoo and middle eastern sources.

I would love to establish facts as well but try and be more objective.

An Epic–Breakthrough in Applied Research - Yahoo! News

Pakistani scientist wins international award | Pakistan & Sub-Continent

Nazaria-e-Pakistan Foundation: Ideology of Pakistan Foundation

Tsunami News
(It seems he is the chairman of some Tsunami organisation as stated on his CV)

Pakistani makes breakthrough in applied research

An Epic?Breakthrough in Applied Research

All the sites that you quoted link to the PRWeb article. PRWeb is a paid advertising agency

btw here is the Sovrano Ordine di Malta - sito ufficiale (Sovereign Military Order of Malta Site).It doesn't mention anything about the award.
Infact, it an order of Knights !! (they don't give awards)

Similarly the 'The Decade Merit Scrutinum' also does not exist. It only shows up on relation to this award !
OMG hes a Mullah , Terrorist , Terrorist , Terrorist... Whats a guantee that a man with such an outlook dosent have a softcorner for the terrorists or Taliban ... he looks prety much like a relative of Mullah Omer ...:lol:

i understand your sarcasm, but some times it is too much, A guy with a beard does not mean he is taliban sympathizer, why not let the indians do all the sarcasm and the usual bickering stuff :tdown:
OMG hes a Mullah , Terrorist , Terrorist , Terrorist... Whats a guantee that a man with such an outlook dosent have a softcorner for the terrorists or Taliban ... he looks prety much like a relative of Mullah Omer ...:lol:

if its not sarcasm

when u achieve what he has achieved then come again and open your big mouth, guess what its impossible for you to reach his calibre
Dont have any problem's that i cant zip myself. I was just trying to point out that the researcher looks /Null to me.

Why U want to zip your self, Mr Stumper Don't zip your self, I think your research looks Null to me,
come to me I'll fill your blanks & i will salve your problem, Don't worry I'll send to you my direction,
Yes but read the article, it specifically mentions

They've just sourced the news ! PRweb is a paid advertising agency

OK what i concluded from your comment upon pr web is that by tomorrow you can also pay to pr web & let them publish the news for being you the new president of Singapore; ....Is it so?
OK what i concluded from your comment upon pr web is that by tomorrow you can also pay to pr web & let them publish the news for being you the new president of Singapore; ....Is it so?

Your conclusion is erroneous and based on oversimplification of my statement.

btw Check this on the Express Tribune article. Fishy no ? :coffee:
Yousaf Khan
Jan 23, 2011 - 9:37PM

The man is a FRAUD. I just emailed them and got this response:

Dear Mr Khan,
Thank you very much for sending me this link.
As you correctly wrote, this has nothing to do with the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
We will take immediate action to understand who is behind this.
Thank you once again.
Best regards
Eugenio Ajroldi di Robbiate
Communications manager
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Via Condotti, 68 – 00187 Rome
Even most of the Pakistanis have dismissed him as fake in that article. Why do people just come up with such BS? Is it a practical joke?
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