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Pakistani parliament says no to US drones

That would violate Pakistan's binding sovereign obligation under international law as established by the UN Security Council's post-9/11 Resolutions and probably result in a near-automatic classification of Pakistan as a terror state.
Which UN resolution states Pakistan to allow drone attacks on its soil and against its citizens? Moreover the UN is of secondary importance to Pakistanis and its nation-state comes first. The word of the Parliament is the word of God to the government and it must be followed.

I don't see why everyone here shouldn't treat parliament's declaration with the supreme disdain it deserves: while U.S. and Pakistani forces are out there battling terrorists Pakistani parliamentarians refuse to take open political risks even as Wikileaks demonstrated that the drones operate with their secret acquiescence and within the limits the civilian and military leadership prescribe.
If that happens then those violators in Pakistan need to be thrown in jail, and then stop the drone attacks. Stoppage of the drone attacks does not get affected if one COAS and one President decided to allow it. The Parliament is supreme.

That means Pakistan's national honor is just about zero, yes? It must be a bitter thing to be an ordinary Pakistani soldier or policeman, knowing that you may be betrayed by your leadership at any moment, sent into battle as cannon fodder rather than to seek victory, or arresting terrorists only to have them released back to the street...
The soldier has our sympathy, not the generals. We want the soldier to fight in the right battles for Pakistan not battles for America. Right now whats happening is that they are being sent into useless warzones to be spent for American interests.

They should be attacking Bagram and Kandahar air bases for its continued attacks on Pakistan.

Don't you get it? Pakistan can't bring suit in any court because in this regard it has no standing as a sovereign state!

Parliament of Pakistan does not need to fight its case in a court of law. If at day time its majority vote states its night, then for Pakistan its night. That is the concept of a democracy is it not?

The orders are clear for the government - shoot down drones.
That's what they have been saying all these years...more words for the mango man.
Which UN resolution states Pakistan to allow drone attacks on its soil and against its citizens?
UNSCR 1373, which invokes Chapter VII of the charter, making the resolution binding on all UN members:

"every State has the duty to refrain from organizing, instigating, assisting or participating in terrorist acts in another State or acquiescing in organized activities within its territory directed towards the commission of such acts"

Thus a State that demonstrably doesn't do that loses its sovereign status in this regard. Very explicitly under Chapter VII the Resolution continues, "all States shall: Prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts...[and] Take the necessary steps to prevent the commission of terrorist acts" - not only on their national territories.

Put the two together and the U.N. Security Council has indeed authorized drone strikes against Pakistani citizens in Pakistan who commit, plan, or train terrorists whether or not the government of Pakistan authorizes it or not.

Moreover the UN is of secondary importance to Pakistanis and its nation-state comes first.
Pakistan is also supposed to incorporate these provisions into its domestic laws.

There is a great deal more in this Resolution which Pakistan doesn't comply with. You might want to look it up: link

The word of the Parliament is the word of God to the government and it must be followed...Parliament of Pakistan does not need to fight its case in a court of law.
I wonder what the SC has to say about that, don't you?
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