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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

They will suffer more if they kick out our labors as nobody works as hard as us. They have tried the Nepalese and everyone else. They need us to build all of their magnificent structures.
Perhaps thats why there are now more bengali, Indian and phillipino workers than Pakistani ones. Pakistanis have never gone beyond petty jobs. Indians now dominate the white collar jobs and business ventures. Begalis are known to work as much as normal laborer but at half of the price.
Iran is already supplying electricity. Go and check. I have been to the area, so I know. That 1000 MW was for future when Gwadar expands. Currently Iran provides something like 150 MW, because Gwadar is right now small. But at any rate, Gwadar already is connected to Iran's grid and the electricity there comes from Iran. Do a google search.
Danish bro, hope u don't mind me asking a personal question, are you from Pakistan or Iran cuz you have both flags under your username

Again : whats gonna happen buddy ?

You send your mighty forces which were not even able to secure their own country to fight some poor people in yemen and bomb the shizzam outta them ? well kudos to you .

Only if Iran would get shit crazy like all your countries and sent it's forces to open the gates of hell .

then we would have seen who was up for a battle . mentals
Buddy, this has been discussed to death, what Pakistan has achieved in a few years in WOT, US led coalition couldn't achieve it, its a success, again Pak won't go into Yemen to fight the Houthis, never, in future if Saudi territory is invaded then as a religious obligation Pak will intervene otherwise never.
and pakistan brothers are happy now !! shame on you
Pakistani parliament controlled by shia and liberal

Brother The Parliament Does Not Express The True Feelings Of Pakistani People We Are With You Adn Will Protect Harmain Kareemain At All Costs
Brother The Parliament Does Not Express The True Feelings Of Pakistani People We Are With You Adn Will Protect Harmain Kareemain At All Costs
From whom ? the only ones there are Al-Saud .
From whom ? the only ones there are Al-Saud .

From Those Houthi Mischief Mongers Who Are Constantly Making Provacative Speeches and Were Saying Their Next Target Is To Take Control of Makkah Mukarama and Madina Munawara
From whom ?

from the forces of 'chaos & destabilization'
You and I very well know they are doing that even now.... so what else can they do?

On the other hand think about this scenario.... we prove beyond any reasonable doubt that UAE and Qatar are sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan and we decide to blow up 26 towers in Dubai........ the repercussions to "Dubai model".... think about what will happen to "all so secure life" they are accustomed to...... furthermore, who will fvck with us? Uncle Sam, on behalf of Arabs? LOL. I don't think so!

Let Us Get Some Things Clear Some Parts Of The Tweet Are Being Purposefully Mistranslated Ahmed Quraishi Has Already Clarified That.Those Tweets Were Nothing More Than An Expression of Anger and Well Placed Anger I Should Add.GCC Countries Were Visibly Upset Over Our So Called 'Neutrality'

From Those Houthi Mischief Mongers Who Are Constantly Making Provacative Speeches and Were Saying Their Next Target Is To Take Control of Makkah Mukarama and Madina Munawara

Well you are partly correct . If the Houthis continued their advance south ward they were bound to conquer mecca and madina. After they conquered south pole and northern one

No ,KSA attacked because they could not see an independent Yemen.
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Capitalizing first character of each and every word doesn't make you a genius. It can be done with one simple command ucwords! :D

Now you made me upset.... I want some Arab to climb up your hiney and eat pakoras in there! :devil:

Let Us Get Some Things Clear Some Parts Of The Tweet Are Being Purposefully Mistranslated Ahmed Quraishi Has Already Clarified That.Those Tweets Were Nothing More Than An Expression of Anger and Well Placed Anger I Should Add.GCC Countries Were Visibly Upset Over Our So Called 'Neutrality'
Capitalizing first character of each and every word doesn't make you a genius. It can be done with one simple command ucwords! :D

Now you made me upset.... I want some Arab to climb up your hiney and eat pakoras in there! :devil:

I Am Pretty Sure Iranian Mullahs Do That To You All The Time That Is Why Your hiney is Sour:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Well you are partly correct . If the Houthis continued their advance south ward they were bound to conquer mecca and madina. After they conquered south pole and northern one

No ,KSA attacked because they could not see an independent Yemen.

Bro Have You Studied History In 317 Hijri These Houthis Attacked Makkah Mukarama Killing 1700 Haj Pilgrims Desecrating Baitullah Shareef and Taking Away Hijr e Aswad With Them.They Have Done This Once There Is Every Chance They Can Do This Again

Indeed they are, but we dont really have a choice of neutrility here. Iran is an important neighboring country but with GCCs we also have important military as well as economic interest. around 9 billion out of our 13 billion remittances came from GCC so far. Iran can hardly match the level of economic dependence we have on GCCs. Nutrility here will yield nothing as neither Iran nor GCC would be willing to back down. A fruitless effort in my openion. But even the neutrility will have its own costs. Arabs will think that we have betrayed them and Iran will think well we didn't help her the least. So being strictly neutral we will stand more to lose than gain anything significant.

The GCC Countries Never Really Asked For Us To Fight In Yemen.All They Wanted Was Token Support(e.g Station Some Of Our Forces At Makkah or Madina,Or The Saudi Oil Installations or Naval Blockade of Aden Port To Block Weapons Supplies To Houthis)

Typical jihadi words :lol:

Dr. M.J.zarif is a dog yeah :

At age 17, he left Iran for the United States. Zarif attended Drew College Preparatory School, a private college-preparatory high school located in San Francisco, California.[5] He went on to study at San Francisco State University, from which he gained a BA in International Relations in 1981 and an MA in the same subject in 1982.[6] Following this, Zarif continued his studies at the Graduate School of International Studies (now named the Josef Korbel School of International Studies) at the University of Denver, from which he obtained a second MA in International Relations in 1984 and this was followed by a PhD in International Law and Policy in 1988.[7][8] His thesis was entitled: "Self-Defense in International Law and Policy"

this guy is a human : Nawaz Sharif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So It Is Ok To Get Education And Learn From The Great Satan :woot::woot::woot:

That is why you should be careful. I have traveled the world and I have seen many people from different countries. Real people not some internet trolls.

Let me tell you a story. Once in an international exhibition, I saw the stall of SUPARCO and so I went up there, and these Pakistani engineers started explaining their organization and showing off their models to me. Then as you know me, I trolled them :D. I asked them how come Iran has a satellite launcher and Pakistan does not. The poor guys fell silent for a while and in very serious tone and with a serious face, said, because Iran is an independent country with Ahmadinejad at the helm of affairs (it was before Rouhani's election). Their appreciation for Iran, was deep. And I mean really deep.

Don't let a few low lives, define your world view.

Brother I Am Glad You Know The Love And Respect We Have For You Now You Realise That Balancing Iran and Arabs Is Nightmare For Us.That Stupid Parliamentary Resolution Was An Attempt To Please Everyone And Ended Up Pleasing No One Even A Big Section Of Our Country Is Unhappy With The Resolution
Capitalizing first character of each and every word doesn't make you a genius. It can be done with one simple command ucwords! :D

Now you made me upset.... I want some Arab to climb up your hiney and eat pakoras in there! :devil:
I like the little imaginary world you made yourself to get back at Arabs who abused you. Enjoy it buddy..:laughcry:
Bro Have You Studied History In 317 Hijri These Houthis Attacked Makkah Mukarama Killing 1700 Haj Pilgrims Desecrating Baitullah Shareef and Taking Away Hijr e Aswad With Them.They Have Done This Once There Is Every Chance They Can Do This Again

The GCC Countries Never Really Asked For Us To Fight In Yemen.All They Wanted Was Token Support(e.g Station Some Of Our Forces At Makkah or Madina,Or The Saudi Oil Installations or Naval Blockade of Aden Port To Block Weapons Supplies To Houthis)

So It Is Ok To Get Education And Learn From The Great Satan :woot::woot::woot:

Brother I Am Glad You Know The Love And Respect We Have For You Now You Realise That Balancing Iran and Arabs Is Nightmare For Us.That Stupid Parliamentary Resolution Was An Attempt To Please Everyone And Ended Up Pleasing No One Even A Big Section Of Our Country Is Unhappy With The Resolution
It's good to knew that this war is all about one 1100 years old grudge.
Reminds me of camel grudge .
By the way Houthis for 900 year were ruler of Yemen .If they wanted they could go and destroy mecca and madina in those years
It's good to knew that this war is all about one 1100 years old grudge.
Reminds me of camel grudge .
By the way Houthis for 900 year were ruler of Yemen .If they wanted they could go and destroy mecca and madina in those years

Well For The Past 100 Years They Were Busy Fighting Communism Bathism and Nasserism And Saudi Arabia Was Actually Helping Them In This Fight and Before That The Greater Portion of The Arabian Peninsula Including Harmain Kareemain and Yemen Was Under Ottoman Turk Influence So Houthis Would Not Dare
Well For The Past 100 Years They Were Busy Fighting Communism Bathism and Nasserism And Saudi Arabia Was Actually Helping Them In This Fight and Before That The Greater Portion of The Arabian Peninsula Including Harmain Kareemain and Yemen Was Under Ottoman Turk Influence So Houthis Would Not Dare
No matter what your proof that KSA was in danger were 1100 years old incident
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