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Pakistani man gets sexually harassed by girls in Karachi, blogs about the ordeal

i was actually pretty close at at least 3 occasions when i was like 11-12. i did like what i saw and how it felt but resisted and made the woman back off mainly because i was a super religious kid and had read on major and minor sins in islamic studies book.

Or maybe she backed off when she saw what she couldn't see from far away...
You = Misogynist for lashing out against me and spring onion over something so dumb. If you wanted a discussion than we could have done that in a civil way but you lost it for some reason.
1. That doesn't make someone a misogynist. You'd be advised to research the subject. You seem to be resorting to personal attacks here in order to fend off counter arguments.
2. Why is it so dumb? You are using the laughing emoji over this incident. It's not dumb to say "I expected better from you".
plz do make some argument so I can also learn from you.

I already did. Read the following posts:


Most people on this thread clearly have no idea how to make logical arguments, although that's expected. But I'd have expected better from you.
For vast majority of men.

Nope, not in my experience.

Are you saying he first was OK with it then complained about it later? Are you just speculating here?

Yes and yes. Why? Do you have a video of the event?

Not sure what you mean here.
Re-read your sentence that I quoted.

It doesn't have to be the same threat for us to take the problem seriously -- the problem being female on male crime being downplayed and even laughed off.

Exactly, downplayed because less likely and laughed at half since less relevant and half due to machismo.

Going soon, good convo until later, Tay.
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LOL.. stop trolling. You don't know me, so fall back!
Online threats are laughable :-) probably its time to ignore.
You = Misogynist for lashing out against me and spring onion over something so dumb. If you wanted a discussion than we could have done that in a civil way but you lost it for some reason.
"Misogynist =a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women."

If you missed my original post, along with you and spring onion, there just happened to be a list of 11 DUDES who were at the receiving end of some harsh words as well for their pathetic responses on the thread.

Secondly don't blame me for criticizing your post, because if I'd leave a comment such as ":D :D" without quoting anyone, it is by default interpreted as intended at the OP, which literally talked about a victim of a sexual assault.
Nope, not in my experience.

In your experience most men can overpower multiple women at once?

Yes and yes. Why? Do you have a video fo the event?

It sounds like you have the video? You seem to indulging in victim shaming here, if anything.

Re-read your sentence that I quoted.

I asked you because your sentence contained a grammar error and I could not make out what you were trying to say, and I still can't.

Exactly, downplayed because less likely and laughed at half since less relevant and half due to machismo.

Going soon, good convo until later, Tay.

Downplayed because people have different standards for male and female problems. For female problems, literally any small uncomfort for women is a big deal. While men must suck it up and "act like a man". Or that, if they don't want it, they must be gay or some other BS like that. Look how this plays out in divorce courts, family courts, domestic violence cases, etc. All those bigger problems are manifestations of these kinds of problems at smaller level.
Fact: Guys/boys love anything woman near their little dude. They don't give crap about molestation and stuff (not saying that they shouldn't). Anyone who says otherwise is only bullshitting.

Females getting molested/harassed is NOT the same thing as boys/guys getting molested/harassed by women.
Just a little list of such great posters. BTW These are just posts from the first 4 pages alone.

haha second time that post being quoted.. i can bet you, most f members would like to be in that situation..
Fact: Guys/boys love anything woman near their little dude. They don't give crap about molestation and stuff (not saying that they shouldn't). Anyone who says otherwise is only bullshitting.

Females getting molested/harassed is NOT the same thing as boys/guys getting molested/harassed by women.

Fact: You are speaking for all men when you clearly cannot. The man in the OP especially. If he didn't want it, it's irrelevant what you think about men wanting it or not. The concept of consent seems to be lost on you here that you keep making these irrelevant arguments.

Also fact: If a man didn't want the advances made towards him, he can file a complaint in most countries to get the woman charged with harassment.

haha second time that post being quoted.. i can bet you, most f members would like to be in that situation..

Most members here seem to thurkis of the highest order to want to receive female attention in this particular way.
You guys are all farigh....
Fact: Guys/boys love anything woman near their little dude. They don't give crap about molestation and stuff (not saying that they shouldn't). Anyone who says otherwise is only bullshitting.

Females getting molested/harassed is NOT the same thing as boys/guys getting molested/harassed by women.

How is it not the same ... Both involve forced/ UNWANTED sexual contact. If your line of argument is that "most men want it" then like I've stated before, research literature is present that states the same for women ...

However, somehow rationality prevails in the case of women where we recognize them as victims of heinous crimes instead of laughing at them, making fun of them etc. when they are not the right gender
How is it not the same ... Both involve forced/ UNWANTED sexual contact. If your line of argument is that "most men want it" then like I've stated before, research literature is present that states the same for women ...

Most people here cannot grasp the simple fact that even if "most men want it" line were true, it doesn't matter because the man in question didn't want it. It's like the concept of consent is lost on them when it comes to female on male harassment. They keep making irrelevant arguments.
Fact: Guys/boys love anything woman near their little dude. They don't give crap about molestation and stuff (not saying that they shouldn't). Anyone who says otherwise is only bullshitting.

Females getting molested/harassed is NOT the same thing as boys/guys getting molested/harassed by women.

I get that for a woman it is more difficult to cope than man in our patriarchal society. But to say that most boys enjoy is repulsive to think.

Sexual attraction (among heterosexual men) for opposite gender is different than some random girl down the road trying to grab my ... It firstly embarrassing to say the least and to suggest that I would enjoy it even more illogical.

I admit that I may crave female attention but that does not mean I am going to enjoy being grabbed by a girl on Tariq Road in public. Sick if it comes that.
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