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Pakistani makes drones for peaceful use

already posted in mil-forum section. mods pls merge if u have the time





One would be if that was true. Atm its just laughable.

agreed but us it self accepts the fact that PAK have supplied it with UAVs to protect it border with mexico and go to wired .com an if that is not convencing enough than leave the forum
we have been discussing this thousand times of same topics, nothing is achieved yet.
Integrated Dynamics is an exporter of border monitoring drone called border eagle to united states, Mexico and other south American countries and effectively being used in war against drugs . Larger drones are exported to Middle east, Asia, eastern europe and south america as well. Its a shame that we fail to utilize the tech we are exporting to millitary powerhouse like USA.

yeah USA importing arms from Pakistan ! lol

And ammunition to British police despite shameless propaganda by Indian government and media.

One would be if that was true. Atm its just laughable.

And the most laughable is the illiterate by choice who refuses read news.
SAME WAY only switzerland is peaceful country according to ur theory the rest are not as all of the rest got armed forces and armed forces are meant for war not peace


Switzerland does have an army. having police or army doesnt mean you dont want peace. it is actually a protection from a walk over from enemy
I agree with you an armed policeman is not a war monger but keeping the peace in the town.
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