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Pakistani laws don’t apply upon us, says US nationals

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Oct 18, 2009
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Pakistani laws don’t apply upon us, says US nationals

The Lahore police stopped a US Consulate car carrying Americans at a check post for checking at Egerton road, Dunya News reported on Saturday.
However, the Americans did not allow police to check their car and threatened them to resort to firing. The police let the car go after the US Consulate’s interference.
The police told reporters that they stopped a tinted glass car bearing Islamabd number plate of American Consulate for checking but they refused to do so saying that Pakistan’s laws do not apply upon them. They also threatened policemen to resot to firing if insisted for checking.
On the other hand, the American terror suspects who were nabbed from Sargodha on Wednesday would be deported to US, an American TV channel quoted the Pakistani investigation team as saying.
One of the suspects regularly used to watch videos about attacks on the US troops, according to Punjab Police report. Ahmed Abdullah, 20, got acquainted with Safiullah on YouTube but later employed such a way to contact him that was not being detected by security agencies.
The alleged terrorists planned to go to Afghanistan but were later sent back by some Jihadi outfits​
Iftikhar ch. has his own interpertation of Pakistan law, if it is fine with him than it will be true.
After all US helped him to get his job back and salaries of all those months for which he was not working!
My concern is what the hell these americans are doing in Lahore? specially when a bomb blast has occured few days ago! and mostly those americans are found doing recce of security officers! Are they preparing some sort of master plan of Lahore?
Sure, Americans should be interrogated more thoroughly than any other National because Americans are suspected to carry activities which are against our National Interests. If they refuse to comply, hit them right at their brain because this is the area where they are the weakest. In case they survive, they would have only lost their body part that they use the least.
Every single thread regardless of its topic automatically turns into an Indo-Pak war, hence deprives everyone of some useful information and a chance to add something to his/her knowledge.
This forum is for adults so start behaving like adults and take your childish rants somewhere else.

Geneva conventions apply. But their weapons should be taken. If they flee checkpoints or find other ways to evade our police, authorization to open fire must be granted. Interior ministry should hire minders to monitor their activity. This is basic protocol being neglected. Patience is wearing very thin.
Ans so the Afghan and American law not apply on Afghan mujahideen.
They pretty much said the same when we arrested their spies hanging around, on our side of the border! But now they're begging us... irony!
Well, U got to respect the Laws of the country u r in.
When u enter the country its The Responsibility of the Locan Administration to look after u, How can Pakistani Police work acording to US Laws ?

Can a Pakistani Arrive in US and say US laws dont apply on Him ?
IMO, Its more of a deliberate attempt to invite trouble.
And the U.S laws apply on the whole world, how Ironic.

Pakistani laws don’t apply upon us, says US nationals

The Lahore police stopped a US Consulate car carrying Americans at a check post for checking at Egerton road, Dunya News reported on Saturday.
However, the Americans did not allow police to check their car and threatened them to resort to firing. The police let the car go after the US Consulate’s interference.
The police told reporters that they stopped a tinted glass car bearing Islamabd number plate of American Consulate for checking but they refused to do so saying that Pakistan’s laws do not apply upon them. They also threatened policemen to resot to firing if insisted for checking.
On the other hand, the American terror suspects who were nabbed from Sargodha on Wednesday would be deported to US, an American TV channel quoted the Pakistani investigation team as saying.
One of the suspects regularly used to watch videos about attacks on the US troops, according to Punjab Police report. Ahmed Abdullah, 20, got acquainted with Safiullah on YouTube but later employed such a way to contact him that was not being detected by security agencies.
The alleged terrorists planned to go to Afghanistan but were later sent back by some Jihadi outfits​
News agencies should really abstain from this. Why add fuel to the fire? Just looking at the heading it is quite clear what is being tried here (and looking at the comments above, they have achieved their goals). Cheap, characterless, sensationalist, pathetic media.

No foreign diplomats would ever threaten a gunfight with the Police for being stopped. Do you know how stupid that sounds? That is just pure fabrication, as no source has been quoted or reported at all. Also, I haven't heard anything about the deportation of the American terror suspect, I await a more reliable source on this. This news report lacks even slight credibility in my eyes.

The most likely scenario is that they would have been stopped and asked to produce identification. They will have showed their documentation, and once it had been cleared that they were officials, and hence could claim diplomatic immunity, would have been let go without being throughly checked. That in itself is outrageious, but it's not as bad as "Dunya News" makes it sound. Pathetic reporting, really.
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There are a great many foreign diplomats stationed in the USA. Many consulates, embassies and the United Nations in New York. Thousands of foreign nationals and their family members in the USA have diplomatic immunity. They have built up hundreds of thousands of parking and traffic violation citations which are not enforced because of their immunity to the laws of the USA. If serious crimes are committed, the US asks the foreign government involved to wave diplomatic immunity and accept US Court adjudication. Usually this is granted by the foreign Government if the guilt of their diplomat is crystal clear, except in the case of nations that are hostile to the US. In the days of the Cold War, Soviet diplomats could kill people while driving drunk in Washington or New York and not face any charges. The only recourse the host nation has is to expel (deport) the offending diplomat. This is what Pakistan should be doing if Americans are violating Pakistani laws.
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