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Pakistani Islamists outraged by paintings

Painting nudes or gay art is not considered "progressive thought" in civilized world.
I have to agree to that..these civilized people need an opportunity to mock other's sentiments.
Don't these idiots know that these things do create outrage and stay away from it!?
To them maybe you are one of silly people- :whistle:-
Last time such a peaceful protest ended up in police using water cannon-
Not so long ago another protest resulted in a riot and a ban on social media-
Maybe your bechmark is the australian embassy while rest didnt bother you much-

May be,You are assuming way too many things,Did any of these people told you that.And India never banned any social media,they tried to,but then we pointed out its been done by countries like Pakistan,so they immediately dropped it.:lol:
No,we Indians non violent protests,even the Maoists are not as virulent as they could have been.One only need to see the insurgency in Pakistan to see the difference.:lol:
Why are Pakistanis finding this offensive? i remember u guys supporting M.F. Hussain for his paintings of nude pictures of Indian Goddesses.. ? where was the outrage then?
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