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Pakistani Indian showdown inevitable in Afghanistan?

pakistan army (not pakistani people) is a problem for india,afghanistan,iran and for whole world's peace because its closest allies are l-e-t,taliban,and all sorts of maniacs,.
according to a latest survey conducted by some western agency, most the afghanis believe that India is doing constructive role and pakistan was voted as the most unfavored nation in afghanistan,
Any other argument against India's role in Afghanistan is insignificant .
If anyone hasn't caught up with the ultimate Indian plan to anhilate PAK-MIL before disintegrating PAK state, please read the folllowing news,

India willing to seek peace with Taliban

Sunday, January 31, 2010
NEW DELHI: India is willing to back efforts to seek peace with Taliban to stabilise Afghanistan, Foreign Minister SM Krishna said, indicating a softening of stand towards a group known to be close to Pakistan.

“We are willing to give it a try,” Krishna told the Times of India in an interview published on Saturday.

“If the Taliban meets the three conditions put forward — acceptance of the Afghan constitution, severing connections with al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups and renunciation of violence, and are accepted in the mainstream of Afghan politics and society, we could do business.”

“The international community has come out with a proposition to bring into the political mainstream those willing to function within the Afghan system,” he said.

The Economic Times quoted Krishna as saying the Taliban “should be given a second chance” and that military action was not the only way to counter their activity.

While accepting the reality of the new plan on the Taliban, Krishna made clear the Indian discomfort with the group, saying its fundamental assessment of the Taliban remained unchanged.

India willing to seek peace with Taliban

In one hand IND and war party have been using so-called TTPs to create "CREATIVE CHAOS" and on the other hand they have been using PAK-MIL to go after them. Planned, systematic ruination of a state have been going on ever since MUSH's hash-hash KARGIL adventure had taken place, where he had played on Indian hands. I hope GOP and PAK-MIL, outsmart IND and war party by quickly bringing all the internal warring parties on negotiation table, expelling all of war party shaitans from its soil and take the war to IND in Afghanistan and its soil ASAP otherwise more of BANGLADESHES are on the way (Hope it never happens though).
What makes you think Pakistan was behind this attack Sir. Do you or India have any proof or is this just another Indian stunt. Abit like the Mubai attack evidence presented....another Indian cloud
The Afghan officials have claimed that. Besides, the Afghan Taliban have never publicly declared that they will target Indians or their consulates. Historically they have spent more time targeting American and NATO security forces.

The Islamic way is based on the Shariah which is formed by way of governance whereby a very knowledgeable scholar will take the post of leader, not the rag tag politician with a degree in organized crime from the PyongYang crime institute.
Sorry but this is just rambling. There is no reason why a democratically elected govt. in Afghanistan can consist of 'very knowledgeable scholar/s"
and in the garb of 'sharia' rule a one party dictatorship of a rag tag militia men who would give fatwas to legitimize crimes like saying its OK to transport and trade in poppy and heroin as long as we don't "sell to Europeans and Americans" who are not Muslims.

Law and courts all follow this principle and this is the way of life these people want. They don;t want the western way of life, India does and it has accepted it, get for them, Pakistan still can;t make its mind up, whatever rocks their boat, Afghanistan doesn;t want it and there is a power struggle going on, let them decide.
You seem to be confused, democracy is not equal to "western way of life". It means ruling with consultation of the people. Its the people of Afghanistan who decide what they want.

So before, you go into a blame game where Indians do no wrong, please think again as I too can point to numerous examples of state sponsored terrorism from India whereby state actors are involved, Col Prohit in the train bombings in India is a big one, at least Pakistani officers are retired, unlike the Indians. So leave this where it is and lets discuss the topic at hand.

Not a blame game, I'm sure Indian agencies will be gathering intelligence info even with in Pakistan at present. Col. Purohit was involved in bomb attacks in Malegaon which were to be blamed on muslims living there. But again it happened IN INDIA. Not in Pakistan.

However, there are many instances were Pakistani nationals have crossed the border into India and even tried full out combat without even declaring war such as in Kargil.

The long term solution is that dialogue is the only way this will be solved because the last 20 year history has shown that, although both have suffered, Pakistan has suffered more from the confrontation policy than India.
There is 1 brigade indian regular army placed in Afghanistan.
At present they are involved in Afghan Army trainings and mostly doing RAW's work.
Source : MI

At present it seems Pakistan Army is letting India put some thing on ground in Afghanistan while keeping a check not to let it grow too much.

The strategy has roots in the belief that a third grave yard can be dug in Afghanistan.
There is 1 brigade indian regular army placed in Afghanistan.
At present they are involved in Afghan Army trainings and mostly doing RAW's work.
Source : MI

At present it seems Pakistan Army is letting India put some thing on ground in Afghanistan while keeping a check not to let it grow too much.

The strategy has roots in the belief that a third grave yard can be dug in Afghanistan.

Just curious young man how many men are there in a Brigade and where is this Indian Brigade located ?

Any idea what kind of Brigade is it?

The name of the Brigade Commander ?

I ask you this since you quote MI actually in your case it must be MUI?

Common boy step upto the plate and lets have some intelligent answers ?

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Indian role in Afghanistan needs to be spelt out: US

By Anwar Iqbal
Thursday, 28 Jan, 2010

In a report sent to the White House in September, Gen Stanley McChrystal, who commands US and Nato force in Afghanistan, warned that “increasing Indian influence in Afghanistan is likely to exacerbate regional tensions and encourage Pakistani counter measures.” - File photo

WASHINGTON: The United States urged India on Wednesday to be transparent with Pakistan about their activities in Afghanistan.

At a briefing at the Pentagon, spokesman Geoff Morrell also discounted Indian role in training Afghan security forces.

The Pentagon press secretary said that US Defence Secretary Robert Gates had discussed the Afghan situation with Indian leaders, including the issues that concerned Pakistan, when he visited New Delhi last week.

“We did discuss Afghanistan with the government in Delhi and discussed the need for the Indian government to be as transparent as they can be with the Pakistani government about their activities in Afghanistan,” he said.

Asked if the United States would like India to train Afghan security forces, Mr Morrell said that the international community was not contemplating any such role for India.

“They clearly have contributed much in the monetary sense, financial support to the government in Afghanistan and that is greatly appreciated by us, by the Afghans and, I think, by the international community,” said the Pentagon spokesman.

“But beyond that, I think, you saw him (Secretary Gates) speak to this talk of perhaps the Indians providing training to Afghan forces. And that is not something that we, that I think, anybody is pursuing at this point.”

Secretary Gates told reporters in New Delhi last week that India and Pakistan had deep suspicious about each other’s activities in Afghanistan and stressed the need for “full transparency”.

Pakistan complains that India is using its influence in Afghanistan to stir trouble in Balochistan and had also provided weapons and financial assistance to the militants in Fata.

Islamabad also sees India’s strong presence in Afghanistan as a threat to its own security, fearing that New Delhi is trying to bring pressure on Pakistan from both its eastern and western borders.

Initially, US policy-makers ignored Islamabad’s complaints. Instead, they continued to remind Pakistani officials that the militants, and not India, were their main enemy and they should focus on fighting the militants.

But attitudes in Washington began to change after a realisation that US efforts to persuade Pakistan to stop fearing India had not worked. In recent congressional hearings such senior US military officials as Admiral Mike Mullen and Gen David Petraeus admitted that Washington needed to be receptive to Islamabad’s concerns.

In a report sent to the White House in September, Gen Stanley McChrystal, who commands US and Nato force in Afghanistan, warned that “Indian political and economic influence is increasing in Afghanistan” and “the current Afghan government is perceived by Islamabad to be pro-Indian”.

The general also warned that “increasing Indian influence in Afghanistan is likely to exacerbate regional tensions and encourage Pakistani counter measures”.

The McChrystal report also noted: “Stability in Pakistan is essential, not only in its own right, but also to enable progress in Afghanistan. While the existence of safe havens in Pakistan doesn’t guarantee ISAF failure, Afghanistan does require Pakistani cooperation and action against violent militancy, particularly against those groups active in Afghanistan.”

Source: DAWN.COM | Front Page | Indian role in Afghanistan needs to be spelt out: US
The Afghan officials have claimed that. Besides, the Afghan Taliban have never publicly declared that they will target Indians or their consulates. Historically they have spent more time targeting American and NATO security forces.

Oh well, if the Afhan officaials claimed it then well, it must be correct then........Please go buy yourself a loaded pistol, put the barrel in your mouth and pull the trigger..........For crying out loud, how stupid does one have to be......Do you have evidence of ISI involvement, answer= no, ok good, lets move on.

Sorry but this is just rambling. There is no reason why a democratically elected govt. in Afghanistan can consist of 'very knowledgeable scholar/s"
and in the garb of 'sharia' rule a one party dictatorship of a rag tag militia men who would give fatwas to legitimize crimes like saying its OK to transport and trade in poppy and heroin as long as we don't "sell to Europeans and Americans" who are not Muslims.

Why can you not understand clearly, they don't want your way of life, how clear do the Afghans need to be.....I say Afghan, as no Taliban would have survived had they not been supported by locals....none. They want an Islamic Shariah system, fine by me, if that is what suits them then so be it, but for you go then say in other words that a Shariah system gives them a green light to legalise drugs trafficking, then Sir, I request you watch your mouth, as insults will start to come in thick and fast from members here.It is a recorded fact in the media before the war and 9/11 that the Taliban had destroyed 90% of the drug trade in the land which they governed, only to justify the war and discredit the Taliban did the media do an about turn and claim taliban ran the trade.

link -------------> Afghanistan, Opium and the Taliban <------------ link

So please get your points in order and not talk out your rear end.

You seem to be confused, democracy is not equal to "western way of life". It means ruling with consultation of the people. Its the people of Afghanistan who decide what they want.

Exactly, the people of Afghanistan, so what makes you think they want democracy, has India asks or held a referendum, with all ints inhabitants, including the Taliban........NO....

They have always resisted outside interference, that Sir, includes India. Democracy is fitting in other countries yes, but not there, as they will choose their own path......nad anyway, Deocracy always only goes with the majority, that does not mean it is equal or right, it is just a system which can be altered or amended.

Not a blame game, I'm sure Indian agencies will be gathering intelligence info even with in Pakistan at present. Col. Purohit was involved in bomb attacks in Malegaon which were to be blamed on muslims living there. But again it happened IN INDIA. Not in Pakistan.

However, there are many instances were Pakistani nationals have crossed the border into India and even tried full out combat without even declaring war such as in Kargil.

The long term solution is that dialogue is the only way this will be solved because the last 20 year history has shown that, although both have suffered, Pakistan has suffered more from the confrontation policy than India.

You fail to get the point, Col Prohit, is a SERVING Indian officer, let me repeat that SERVING........how many other cases are there where the Indian military has staged attacks in the hope of blaming Muslims, as was the case with Col Prohit before he got caught.

You evidence provided during 26/11 was nothing short of laughable....even I saw on TV how Indian officers were handing over exhibits in bags to one another and bags left unattended. What kind of continuity is left in that, there is no authticity in those exhibits at all. Any court here in the UK will throw them out and never allow them to be tendered in evidence. There are numerous examples one can go with, but another argument for another thread........

Point to come back to.......proof. By the Indian media screaming a thousand times that these attacks are under the supervision of the ISI or LeT doesn't mean that is the case and doesn't become true......

Kargil is already in front of everyone, they were Pakistani soldiers and Pakistan and India are on the LOC, not the Internatinal border, the LOC. It is disputed territory and like India who think they can justify Siachen, so too can Pakistan, whether India likes it or not, that is one way to bring Kashmir to the International arena and it worked up until 9/11 came ahead, this changed alot for the worse with regards to the Kashmir struggle, hence we are the loosers in many ways here also and trying to recover where we can.
Just curious young man how many men are there in a Brigade and where is this Indian Brigade located ?

Any idea what kind of Brigade is it?

The name of the Brigade Commander ?

I ask you this since you quote MI actually in your case it must be MUI?

Common boy step upto the plate and lets have some intelligent answers ?


Meee Boy .... oh Joy !
You can choose to take the information for what is worth
or choose to ignore it, completely the reader's prerogative.

you know I can not answer any of your questions.
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