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Pakistani & Indian Artillery

Pakistan is locally producing them at HIT...currently, we have only 57 ...It will take some time to manufacture them...and then they are ready to bang India's remaining FH-77 Bofors, which are dwindling quite fast..Say 410 in 1991 to 200 in 2012....:pakistan:

he he he well you can dream but the reality is we have revived the bofors gun force to its orignal level with israili help and have converted owr old 130 mm guns to 155 mm with Israili slotams help and desi bofors and the TATA Gun both are under trails dont worry we are makin a few as we speak there is a indian phylosophy of Jugar ever heared about it ;)
he he he well you can dream but the reality is we have revived the bofors gun force to its orignal level with israili help and have converted owr old 130 mm guns to 155 mm with Israili slotams help and desi bofors and the TATA Gun both are under trails dont worry we are makin a few as we speak there is a indian phylosophy of Jugar ever heared about it ;)

Jugar kaa tou pataa nahiii paaar aaap kooo Jugaaat mariii jaaa saktiiii haiiii agar aaap kahainn ! :D
I guess you are dreaming too much....An Article in Defense Industry Daily this month stated FH-77 Bofors stock has fell to 200 with no upgrade possible till now.

the same mentions of Bhim's failure,

TATA gun...I think it will follow the same trend as Bhim as despite two prototypes made, IA has shown no interst to procure it..

Well, M777 proposal too has been delayed....You should know, the effects of 14,000 Crore INR defense budget cuts...

Also, to your unpleasant surprise, I also read that the plan to manufacture Bofors in India has been cancelled..

Correct me if I am wrong...:P
Its fully confirmed ...taken from a reliable source...Pakistan has 250 M109A2 & 300 A4's ..Global security puts A2 number at 200...Well about upgrade, i don't know...
I guess you are dreaming too much....An Article in Defense Industry Daily this month stated FH-77 Bofors stock has fell to 200 with no upgrade possible till now.

the same mentions of Bhim's failure,

TATA gun...I think it will follow the same trend as Bhim as despite two prototypes made, IA has shown no interst to procure it..

Well, M777 proposal too has been delayed....You should know, the effects of 14,000 Crore INR defense budget cuts...

Also, to your unpleasant surprise, I also read that the plan to manufacture Bofors in India has been cancelled..

Correct me if I am wrong...:P
well sir i know quite a few contacts in MOD and as per my info i told you well Bofors are there in big no's so are the russian guns ugraded by Slotam of israel in equalli huge no's if not more the 777's are soelli for the China border now about Bhim well dont uncork your bubbli as of yet as the decission about it is still in the works my guess is that the surplus 130mm Guns ugraded to 155mm will be fitted on T72 chasis as we have infra to support it as the arjun chassis is bit too heavy for IA's needs + its already in works and youl be seeing it very soon so dont worry for the wheeled ones French are given priority and for the tracked ones talks are on with polish and Israelies my guess it that israelies will take the cake rest is up to Mod to take the final call and as for defence cuts well as they say hathi ke daant dikhane ke aur khane ke aur we will still have enof to do the job as these things will take at least 3 if not five years so enjoy:cheers:
How much will this change when MH 777 is introduced and field testing of newly two guns will be carried out this year. These two guns totalling about 300 will change something.


no future planning please....:sick:
both the countries are almost even in artilleries .

but we are better placed deu to latest tech and UAV and Sat cover and the israeli & russian periodikk inputs and it did work wonders in kargill what do you think the heads in Arty deptt. are on opium all these years we even have the very own gaggan coming very soon :cheers:
If you find any article/news disputing my claims , well do inform me......I know of 130 mm gun upgrade by Israelis

Adding to what I read on Defense Industry Daily, cancellation by GoI in artillery trails...I also states the fifth one is round the corner..They just don't believe in this Arjun/T-72 kind of crap...just like the BHIM SPH which has disappointed them a lot...
Why just 57? Panter is a very advanced towed artillery piece, it can replace many older systems in Pakistani Army.

it's present numbers being produced and under service till that source...
Pakistan will have it around 200+ in future and PA will replace older with Panther and all 155mm towed artillery needs of PA will be fullfilled with this system...coz we are locally producing it...:coffee:
sorry guys have a questions whats the technical difference between

Self Propelled Artillery Inventory and Towed howitzer Inventory ?

Self propelled artillery guns r basically the one which can move from one place to another(in kms) on their own, these r of 2 types, 1.mounted on trucks(wheeled) or 2.tank format(tracked),

whereas Towed guns r normal artillery guns like bofers.

Even though Self propelled guns offer easy in mobility but towed r still most preferred round the globe for their effectiveness....:)
As far as Indian 155mm artillery is concerned :

1. 144 Improvised 155mm 45 caliber OFB Guns(Bofer) r currently on order while 52 caliber version is under development.

2. 145 M-777 Ultra light howitzers 155mm 39 caliber r on order.

3. Self Propelled Guns r also under evalution by IA n various international companies have formed JVs with Indian companies for it.

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