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Pakistani Hindus | All Discussions

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What do you want Pakistani Hindus to do? Start burning properties in Pakistan, burn trains, blast themselves off.. Can you expect them to do all this? Truth is that can only be done by followers of a particular religion and something Hindus can not even think of..
I wonder who was the person who killed Gandhi..ofcourse he was not from religion of peace.
Who are the people who blasted samjauta express ,ajmer,malegaon,mecca masjid sure they were not from religion of peace.And who were the people who kill christaians and muslims in riots in gujarat and odisa ..they too were not from religion of peace....who was dara singh who burnt staines and his sons in his car he too was not from religion of peace.

By the way i would like pakistani hindus go the way shia went in pakistan.to save your home and community you have to fight off the attackers.
what's the process for this? Do we have to send this Pak-hindus list (who's willing to migrate to India) and get "NO Objection" from PAK? Or we just gave them citizenship on the fly... :blink:
Though your tone may be offensive to some, you have hit the nail on the head. Here is a similar one I posted in another thread(before the Assam riots started)

India has for long sacrificed the interests of many citizens/non-citizens who are/can be more patriotic than many living in India due to the geo politics.(edited certain portions for convenience of reading)

1. In Assam and Bengal illegal Bangladesh immigrants changing the demographics of certain regions and India keeping quiet as a policy of appeasement
2. Kashmiri Pandits thrown out of Kashmir and India has more or less forgotten about this as they do not want to add to the dissatification of the separatists.
3. India illegally handing over Katchatheevu without the ratification of two houses of parliament and some Indian official deeming it illegal for TN fishermen to fish near Katchatheevu and Tamilnadu fishermen getting killed/arrested by SL Navy and Indian government not doing a squat lest it will offend SL.

4. People(read it as hindus mostly except in case of SL) from Pakistan/Bangladesh/SL whose interests are sacrificed by Indian government.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...y-all-parties-tamil-nadu-2.html#ixzz23JIFGuUf
About Kashmir pandits: Are these are the only people killed by Anti-India militants? Much more proportionate muslims got killed there by militants (un-fortunatly they were many times being targeted by army also). But why muslims in Kashmir are still living there? Why only pandits left? They should have lived there.
Fact is pandits did not want these "mess" and left kashmir for some of the benefits provided by governments relocate.
Even if you make kashmir safe to them they will not return. Few might just show off protesting here and there.
Now situation is kashmir improved a lot. still why pandits not returning?

I wonder who was the person who killed Gandhi..ofcourse he was not from religion of peace.
Who are the people who blasted samjauta express ,ajmer,malegaon,mecca masjid sure they were not from religion of peace.And who were the people who kill christaians and muslims in riots in gujarat and odisa ..they too were not from religion of peace....who was dara singh who burnt staines and his sons in his car he too was not from religion of peace.

By the way i would like pakistani hindus go the way shia went in pakistan.to save your home and community you have to fight off the attackers.
right said dude.
Just come to Karnataka (or Assam) and see how these people vandalize churches. Earlier they used to say only muslims are problem. Now they are targeting christians also.
So u are still in ur delusional world of racial superiority??????OMG I thought more than 60 years of independence had put back atleast some sanity into ur head but alas. . . . .!!!!

This primitive thought process comes from a severe lack of identity.

Such people are beneath contempt. Our racists think of them at the very bottom of the race pyramid (if there is a race pyramid), the lowest of the low.

They try to suck up to Iranians, North Indians and others and get only contempt and tiraskaar and be-izzati.

If they relate to us as fellow human beings, they are welcome.

They try to suck up due to race and ethnicity, they get only contempt.

We are Indians first and foremost, race and ethnicity are secondary.

And they are Muslims, the part of Ummah, the fort of Islam.

They share more with a Somalian pirate on the sea than a Punjabi non Muslim across the border.

That was the logic of partition and there is no going back.

There is no difference between them watching our movies or an African in Egypt or a Peruvian in Latam as far as we are concerned, only difference is some of them don't need subtitles. ;)

Such people get contempt both is their own country and of course from foreigners like us and even Iranians. We think of them the same way the Parsis of India look at the current crop of Iranians. ;)
I wonder who was the person who killed Gandhi..ofcourse he was not from religion of peace.
Who are the people who blasted samjauta express ,ajmer,malegaon,mecca masjid sure they were not from religion of peace.And who were the people who kill christaians and muslims in riots in gujarat and odisa ..they too were not from religion of peace....who was dara singh who burnt staines and his sons in his car he too was not from religion of peace.

By the way i would like pakistani hindus go the way shia went in pakistan.to save your home and community you have to fight off the attackers.
the question to ask is.. why did samjhauta and mecca happen.
Only to ow that the other side acan also retaliate. so thats aweak argument. you have created 100s of attacks and can only keep pointing to 2 or 3 retaliatory ones. too bad . doesnt fly.
hindus are too few and too poor and too dispersed. they dont have resources
I'm already out so you need not to shed your crocodile's tears on plight of Pakistani hindus.

That's a good news.

Now start working for the Shia and Ahmedi and Sufis and sundry others in your own country and stop worrying about India.

India and you have both nothing to do with each other.

Don't remain darmiyan, go the whole hog. ;)
Though your tone may be offensive to some, you have hit the nail on the head. Here is a similar one I posted in another thread(before the Assam riots started)

India has for long sacrificed the interests of many citizens/non-citizens who are/can be more patriotic than many living in India due to the geo politics.(edited certain portions for convenience of reading)

1. In Assam and Bengal illegal Bangladesh immigrants changing the demographics of certain regions and India keeping quiet as a policy of appeasement
2. Kashmiri Pandits thrown out of Kashmir and India has more or less forgotten about this as they do not want to add to the dissatification of the separatists.
3. India illegally handing over Katchatheevu without the ratification of two houses of parliament and some Indian official deeming it illegal for TN fishermen to fish near Katchatheevu and Tamilnadu fishermen getting killed/arrested by SL Navy and Indian government not doing a squat lest it will offend SL.

4. People(read it as hindus mostly except in case of SL) from Pakistan/Bangladesh/SL whose interests are sacrificed by Indian government.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...y-all-parties-tamil-nadu-2.html#ixzz23JIFGuUf
There is reason for all those.when country lack the national vision it goes down and lets down its citezen be it letting down of pundits in kashmir or letting down of muslims in gujarat or letting down of tribal in maoist hit areas or even letting down of bodos in assam.
There was never a national vision for india or if one ever was drafted ever.Indians just try to shout nehru vision etc but i must say nehru was most confused and indecisive leader world would have ever seen.
Loksabha polls should be fought on national issues not on the local level issues.let state assembly deal with local issues.
So u are still in ur delusional world of racial superiority??????OMG I thought more than 60 years of independence had put back atleast some sanity into ur head but alas. . . . .!!!!

Nope, you have to blame the present day technology of google [images], facebook, youtube etc for corrupting my mind with those thoughts. :D

@ajitr. Most of the time our views matches.

Are YOU Indian Muslim?
There are no laws against minorities in India. No blasphemy law, No anti Ahmadiyya laws where as such things are existing in other parts of south asia so please do not even compare India with others..
Yes it wasnt exist, thats why India was great and will be. Thats why we do have respect all over the world. I can proudly tell every where i am Indian and i do get respect every where.

But many people like you started changing. They post thread here for blasphemy laws and making India hindu country keeping muslims christian out of India. This will get the same fate as others getting now
yes of course U will be happy at every light skinned moving to India whether it is Kashmiri Pandits, Punjabi Hindus and Sindhi Hindus. :D

See post#66 for my thoughts on you and your ilk.

But I must say, nobody who passes the Walmart checkout counter would guess the naughty brain lying behind that burqa. ;)
right said dude.
Just come to Karnataka (or Assam) and see how these people vandalize churches. Earlier they used to say only muslims are problem. Now they are targeting christians also.
oh really thats y 40% criminal in the jail are muslim and they are only 14% in india .because they are peaceful people .

'Sacked prof's a victim of Talibanisation' - India News - IBNLive
Nope, you have to blame the present day technology of google [images], facebook, youtube etc for corrupting my mind with those thoughts. :D

There is a simpler explanation. ;)

Who wants to have that in detail?

Promise me you will take it positively. ;)
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