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This is what i am trying to say every time. These internet warriors are spoiling, defaming India name.
If any one reads thread posted here will never think that Hindus are peaceful.
But reality on the ground different. I wish that they wont fall in trap of these people

Wow, you have been defending the acts of fanatics in this and other threads are concerned about Internet warriors!! you do not feel bad when innocent get killed in the blasts due to bombs planted by people of your ilk but then you are concerned about the comments on internet and their impact on defaming India's name. Nice!!
when they decided to stay back, it was not an Islamic republic, the name got changed in 1956 or something. Also, what is your problem with 30 million illegal Bangladeshis? I thought u guyz were friends, u helped them to get their independence from you know whom ;).. now show them who their true friends are by allowing to stay them in India. :D

The highlighted portion is the problem. As for the second highlighted portion, that is your thought process. Here is mine - it was a win-win situation for both Bangladesh and India back then. And remember there are no friends in geopolitics.
don't lie mostly muslim are chamaar ,dhobi ,mechanic ,small buissnesmen and kasai .only some muslims are successful .(read saccher commitee report ).and mostly muslim family have vary big family .they are also expert in crime .

lovely i see you must be a bajrang dal or rss member from your great post!
reason for samjhota was that these guys were sick of ilm terror from pak and wanted to show that indians can also retaliate, misuided but thats fact. if you guys did not interfere in india with trror samjota would never have happened.
now give me reason for 26/11
If they did so, they should have announced it that they did. why dint they do so?
Reason is they wanted 2 fruits in one sword. Killing of muslims and naming it on muslims. This is not the first and last time they did so.
1. Like i said earlier, They hosted pak flag in karnataka (sindagi) and tried to incite riot there. But they were caught.
2. People like Pramod mutalik were ready to create communal riots for money. caught in infamous "rent a riot" video.
3. Many times fake mail was sent by name of some muslim terror groups by non-muslims.

To be honest wast majority of Indian muslims think that IM is surly not a muslim org.
hindus dont and never did ethnic cleanising. rioting is not equal to EC. you guys tried to kill all BD hindus.
now you are torturing a suppressing pak hindus that is real cleansing. in kashmir you guys chased away all pandits. that is cleansing. in india at independence mslim pp was 8% today is 14% .no way that is cleansing.

most pak mslims esp panjabis were hindus and mostly lower caste with some kshatrityas . i hear that even pashtuns were orig hindus but not too sure.

Are you sure about that? What is you definition of lower caste?

Here is how average girls from UPPER PUNJAB look like

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and here is your average Indian from Bihar and U.P. looks like...

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Pashtuns and Balochis are Iranic people, so don't let us start on them. They have nothing to do with India and Indians.
i only post picture because 'doublemaster ' try to tell muslim christen are friend in india but i personally know christen are more islamophobic than hindus(ask any mangloren christen)
And i posted pic coz you posted that pic.
Hinduism is a religion, not a race or ethnic group. Even if our ancestors were Hindus, nothing wrong with that. But racially (northwestern states i.e. Pakistan) are quite different from the present day Peninsular India.
Wow, you have been defending the acts of fanatics in this and other threads are concerned about Internet warriors!! you do not feel bad when innocent get killed in the blasts due to bombs planted by people of your ilk but then you are concerned about the comments on internet and their impact on defaming India's name. Nice!!
I am concerned about these blasts. In fact muslims are more concerned about these blasts than any other. Because before these things happened they used to preach islam very easily.
If they did so, they should have announced it that they did. why dint they do so?
Reason is they wanted 2 fruits in one sword. Killing of muslims and naming it on muslims. This is not the first and last time they did so.
1. Like i said earlier, They hosted pak flag in karnataka (sindagi) and tried to incite riot there. But they were caught.
2. People like Pramod mutalik were ready to create communal riots for money. caught in infamous "rent a riot" video.
3. Many times fake mail was sent by name of some muslim terror groups by non-muslims.

To be honest wast majority of Indian muslims think that IM is surly not a muslim org.
why should they announce.. 26/11 guys announced?
secondly, this is all in retaliation for since 1989 pak has been doing it with indian help. mutalik was by tehelka, so dubious source. obvviuosly indian mslims will say that about IM.
but still root source was all evenets emanating from Pak. also number of instances done by indians pales to insignificance compared to pak
but there were enough of that evern before gujarat. why?
India had attack for all prevoious ones too.forget the mumbai after babari demolition and then the bombblast by dawood gang.
second why does pak poke its nose in india;s affair. does india poke its nose in pak;s affair?
If you sau Guj is the reason you are sending these kind of activities then you are committing a crime.
If you think india never poked nose in pakistan's internal matters then i must say you were the most naive person.
lovely i see you must be a bajrang dal or rss member from your great post!
buddy i only told truth and i am not belong to hindu community .but i know value of hinduism in india .by the way mostly muslim literate are only panchvi paas . u hardly find muslim in higher engg. collages or medical collages .
yes, but this is the first time I am seeing an Indian Hindu defending his own Indian Muslim fellowmen... which is an anomaly. Either u r that rare unheard breed of Indian Hindus who sympathisizes with Indian Muslims or u r Indian Muslim urself.. which one is it?

When u come out to from describing indians as (indian-hindu) and (indian-muslim) rather that Just Indian u will not reaslise the fact and always remain blind folded with ur unethical ideology ... Internet hindu-bashers do not represent the whole hindu population neither the Internet Jihadis do . In most of the cases hindus have always backed up muslims and other minorities in india extremist elements do exist among them an even in bunch of muslims in india too which creates havoc in india .but most the hindu-muslims co-exist in peace and harmony in india . i my self live in a hindu majority area and almost 90% of my friends are hindus whom i love and always backed me up when ever i need them this is how it goes in most of the places in India. but always ignored in pakistan as it will lead them to embarresment so they always bring gujrath and sachar commitee posters to show that india is not a secular country and bla bla,
Are you sure about that? What is you definition of lower caste?

Here is how average girls from UPPER PUNJAB look like

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and here is your average Indian from Bihar and U.P. looks like...

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Pashtuns and Balochis are Iranic people, so don't let us start on them. They have nothing to do with India and Indians.
take ur rasical superiority urself mostly so called balochi and iranic people are tribal people and illiterate.:coffee: and mostly converts are low caste hindus .
Are you sure about that? What is you definition of lower caste?

Here is how average girls from UPPER PUNJAB look like

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and here is your average Indian from Bihar and U.P. looks like...

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Pashtuns and Balochis are Iranic people, so don't let us start on them. They have nothing to do with India and Indians.
the current pak were hindus forced to interbreed with invaders and hence the looks which are more white . the current indians were brave enough not to be forced and hence purer.
but my point is just that the cnverts were mostly lower class and jatts (who are classified as backward caste in india) hindus. so you are more likely a cross of central asian and lower caste hindu
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