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Pakistani Fashion

Milla Jovovich-Resident Evil

what part of favourite PAKISTANI model did you not understand?? :hitwall::hitwall:
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Somewhere in America, a woman is raped every 2 minutes, according to the U.S. Department of Justice.

you are right, we can't say that same about eastern countries.

If you started seeing rape and physical abuse of women being reported in muslim countries, you would hide your face in shame instead of talking about the US statistics here. All sorts of shame the victims have to go through in Pakistan. Hardly something to be proud of.
This is the age old debate between conservatism and liberalism. Neither of them bad in themselves.

But I think that conservatives should realize that if they wish for internally driven sustainable progress - education for everyone, economic growth, social equity, better quality of life - it naturally translates into more freedom of expression.

Which means freedom of expression for women. More choices for women. Because that's the way it is.
Just a lighthearted thread to tell your favourite pak celebraties I think most pak actresses/models are mostly rubbish but one i like is probably neha who's yours ?

Whats the point of posting pictures of woman dressed obscenely?

you are from Pakistan, and there is a high chance that you are muslim.

As a Muslim, we treat woman with respect and dignity, not as some sex object.

You should know better.

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