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Pakistani doctors to provide free healthcare service in Gaza


Feb 2, 2007
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KARACHI: A delegation of experienced Pakistani doctors and eye consultants will provide free trainings to doctors and medical staff in Gaza in an exclusive tour in partnership with Ministry of Health of Gaza. In a statement here on Tuesday, Dr Intizaar Hussain Butt said that doctors from various parts of Pakistan would departure for Gaza on February 20 for training the doctors and providing free treatments to patients affected from eye diseases. The delegation would visit Gaza under the supervision of Prevention of Blind (POB) Trust and Federation of Islamic Medical Association. The visit aims at providing better medical facilities and quality treatments to eye patients in Gaza, he added. staff report
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Great work by Pakistani Doctors , a true positive trend , infact Pakistani Military should open a outpost in Palestine

My friend you should think twice before saying serious statements like this, Pakistan has got nothing to do with this Jewish-Arab conflict. Israel had supplied weapons to Pakistan in 1980's for Afghan war which were further handed over to Afghan Mujahideen by ISI. According to wikileaks ISI chief Shuja Pasha was in direct contact with the Israelis, and even informed them of impending danger and threat to their citizens in India. Recently PAF also purchased refueling trucks for F-16s from Israel indirectly via Turkey.
Forgodsake, don't paint an Arab-Jewish conflict as a religious conflict. Yasir Arafat never supported Pak on Kashmir stance, Saddam Hussain was always pro India, Egypt stopped a ship carrying arms to Pakistan during the 1971 war when we direly needed them. So please, enough of this one sided Muslim brotherhood, Pakistan's interests should come first.

How about providing free healthcare to your own people first??
Exactly, when the recent attacks on Gaza happened, around a hundred palestinians were killed, every Pakistani on facebook posted about it and was condemning it while no one even bothered to condemn the killings of pakistani shias across, the same week as gaza, in which more pakistanis died in that week than those killed in Gaza,...not even one pakistani on facebook condemned it cuz they were too busy following the Gaza crisis...this is shameful..and pathetic !!!
How about instead of going to Gaza, give free healthcare to people who need it in KP & Kashmir?

@MadDog you are absolutely write.. Pakistanis care more about other countries than ourselves.. Even though Arab countries treat us like crap, we still go running after like them servants
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How about instead of going to Gaza, give free healthcare to people who need it in KP & Kashmir?

@MadDog you are absolutely write.. Pakistanis care more about other countries than ourselves.. Even though Arab countries treat us like crap, we still go running after like them servants

Brother, I absolutely agree with you...the problem is this mindset comes because of the education system in Pakistan, we need to change this education system, this theory that Pakistan is the "Fort of Islam" was never there before 1980s..it came in Zia's era....and his regime made a new curriculam which has affected us till now..Instead of starting from the rich history and civilizations of Gandhara, Mehrgarh, Indus Valley...who were the people of this land...the pak studies books started from Muhammad Bin Qasim. I am in no way ridiculing the guy...he is definitely a hero and spread Islam in Sindh and Punjab ( in Baluchistan Islam came during the Rashidun Caliphate) but it is the right of our young generation to learn about the rich history of this land, so that they have pride in their country ...and don't follow a delusional mindset !!!
Iranians converted, Turks converted, Afghans converted, North African Berber people converted, Egyptians converted, Syrians converted to Islam but none of them gave up their rich history...It is so ironic that in our case...we gave up everything we should have been proud of...ask the children in Pakistan..what is Gandhara civilization or what is Mehrghar..they won't know..it is really sad !!!
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How about providing free healthcare to your own people first??

These are eye doctors and they do this every where including pakistan please so you have no right to question it. If some one from pakistan is doing Good for Humanity lets celebrate instead of started questioning it as we don't really get this kind of news so often. Plus IMA is also helping in other African countries.
These are eye doctors and they do this every where including pakistan please so you have no right to question it. If some one from pakistan is doing Good for Humanity lets celebrate instead of started questioning it as we don't really get this kind of news so often. Plus IMA is also helping in other African countries.

Eye doctors are a specialty, they can perform other duties that a common doctor can perform as well. And I don't think anyone can question the fact that many many people in Pakistan need medical care be it common/ eye related or something else for free since they cant afford the fees.

Its admirable that they want to uphold their oaths to help humanity but like its said "Charity begins at home"
seriously guys?

you think that by not sending a few doctors to Gaza we can save enough money to fix our healthcare system?
you are guys must be high on that Afghan opium. There is nothing wrong with a good will measure like this, it helps our image and increases love for our people abroad. Do Pakistani people care about Argentina? NO! Why? because they have no interaction with us. Do we care about China? you bet! becuase China is always helping us with something or another so there is good will in Pakistan for China.

Of course there are many Pakistanis who don't understand this concept, they live by the law of the jungle and trust me when I say this, Pakistan will always remain a sh!t hole until we get rid of such jahiliah.

It's disgusting and sad to see uncivilized people even have a problem with this small measure that Pakistan is taking.
People in Baluchistan and Fata are in much more need of free health care.
Pallys can get superb training from Israeli doctors.

Shame on these doctors they should be regarded as traitors!

I personally think we should establish full diplomatic relation ship with Israel.

yes we should
Both arguments are correct in their own right, but I've always seen Pakistan as a nation who is very ready to help. Internally, the matters are not that easy. You face corruption, nepotism, feudal lords etc, so to fix issues within is not a poor doctor's handywork.
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