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Pakistani Doctor Mafia and forced C section

Doctors scare the sh!t out of expected ladies. That's why they go for C-section. Otherwise why would they want a C-section ? C-section have many after effects. It haunts the mother for atleast 2 years after operation.

Doctors actually prefer C-section because it's less complicated and take just 15 minutes. A normal delivery require hours.. some times a day or two.

An informed and educated public, that knows what to expect and knows their rights, keeps other people honest, including doctors. What you said has a lot of truth to it. The limited number of doctors, and the high costs, also creates an atmosphere of too much reverence for doctors, which can go to some people’s heads.

Training mid-level practitioners to assist Doctors is an excellent idea to offload some of the burden and maintain a second or third set of watchful eyes, when procedures are being carried out, so mistakes are minimized.

I won’t comment on this case, until more is known through this lawsuit.
Not a doctor, but still I have read before that the C-section rate in Pakistan is really high compared to other countries. I will try to find and look for the news sources.

One in five babies comes into the world by the cesarean section (C-Section) in Pakistan. The most recent report of Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) shows a rapid increase in the rates of C-Section deliveries, from 14% in 2012-13 to 22% in 2017-18. Is the C-Section rate too high in Pakistan? The answer would be a definite YES. World Health Organization, in its statement, recommends that C-Section rates higher than 10% are not associated with a reduction in maternal or neonatal mortality (WHO, 2015). Current rates exceed the World Health Organization recommendations, suggesting that Pakistan is part of a trend worldwide of having C-Sections for non-medical reasons.

A lot of maternity wards do C-sections as it stops beds being tied up with patients as there is no way to know when a baby is due, so rather then wait they come up with some issue and take the woman for C-section. They can therefore balance the "load" and prevent backlogs.
Unfortunately it's true. Mafia in each and every sector and there is no punishment, no writ of govt. India is even worst.
Warrant “Dandey Waali Sarkaar” ... which omission in the making some like it or not ...
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