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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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You're distorting again.

There are fates worse than death or imprisonment: among these is the death of human-loving ideals. The good doctor had them; you do not.

Yes , I am ... Go ahead , use your grey matter and try to compare both cases ...

Why wasn't your spy released ? :azn:

Zionist should never talk of " peace " , " morals " or " human loving " because they do not know the meaning of these words nor themselves abide by it ...
Be on topic , do not derail the thread ... Seriously , not interested in reading what a certain PM of your's said because we aren't discussing it ...
Dude, it was on topic, if you read my arguments and the to one who the post was meant to be, you are quoting off-topic and trolling, go back to your cave.. I have not interest in telling it to kid like u..
Dude, it was on topic, if you read my arguments and the to one who the post was meant to be, you are quoting off-topic and trolling, go back to your cave.. I have not interest in telling it to kid like u..

I am quoting off topic but the post you were replying to was the reply to another troll post from one of your lot , kiddo ... It is the ungovernable impulse of your likes to bring off topic crap things and derail threads ... What can one do about it ? :azn: ... Are we discussing the origin of Talibans here ? Yeah , I would rather go to the cave rather than treating a traitor as " god " as some Indians are doing here ...

See.. West may want to make a hero out of him, purely to spite Pakistan...

By all means , they can go ahead ... I wish them good luck and godspeed !

Again , it will result in a surge in anti-American sentiments in Pakistan and further non-co operation by my country in the WOT ... You want to make your life hell , please proceed ! :tup:
America should see to it that this guy gets his due. A Nobel Prize wouldn't be too out of order. After all, not many have the guts to do what this great man did.

At least some kind of international recognition should be given to him to acknowledge his efforts.

If i were a mod , I would have moved this post to " Funny Section "

Let US make Pakistan open the supply routes first or else NATO troops will keep shitting in their pants without adequate pampers

The desperation of Indians to treat him like " god " thing and somehow workship him is there for all to see - they want him out at any cost ... :rofl:

Last time I heard , Nobel prize wasn't granted on the greed and temptation of Green cards and $ nor on betrayal to your country ... Was it ? :azn:
I am quoting off topic but the post you were replying to was the reply to another troll post from one of your lot , kiddo ... It is the ungovernable impulse of your likes to bring off topic crap things and derail threads ... What can one do about it ? :azn: ... Are we discussing the origin of Talibans here ? Yeah , I would rather go to the cave rather than treating a traitor as " god " as some Indians are doing here ...
Go now, do us a favour, be in denial but please go back to your cave.

God or not he did a good thing whatever be his motive, unless you recognise that you are in denial. Maybe not him, but history is ripe with examples where individuals have been punished but have been commended by people as they have done a good deed. If you cannot understand that fact, please do go to your cage.. Also, to show you a video of how OBL was revered in your country

what does it tell you?
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Go now, do us a favour, be in denial but please go back to your cave.

God or not he did a good thing whatever be his motive, unless you recognise that you are in denial. Maybe not him, but history is ripe with examples where individuals have been punished but have been commended by people as they have done a good deed. If you cannot understand that fact, please do go to your cage.. Also, to show you a video of how OBL was revered in your country

what does it tell you?

Denial of what ? :azn: Your trolling abilities ? :lol: ... I am sure of that , do not worry

Ok so what does it tell me , reminds me of " freedom of speech " ... Each person is allowed to express his views , organize rallies and arrange peaceful protest in a democratic country ... Something which you guys are always moaning about ...

So , why are you bothered by it now ? :azn:

Every individual has different views and I am sure they do not represent the views of the majority ... After all , Osama wasn't even remotely close to the number of people killed by US in all those meaningless wars ...

Yeah , great people " betraying " their country , indeed ... What else is your lot offering him besides recommending him for a nobel prize as posted earlier ? :azn:

Using childish words like " cage " and " cave " aren't going to help you in an argument ... :P You have my firm assurance :D

watch from 18:00

Nice attempt Jayron , but Najam Sethi is a well known anti-Army speaker who's views aren't of interest to many ...

You are free to believe him , however :)
Pakistani doctor jailed for helping CIA find Osama bin Laden - The Times of India

PESHAWAR: A Pakistani doctor accused of helping the CIA find Osama bin Laden has been jailed for 33 years for treason, television channels and a local government official said.

The official said Shakil Afridi was accused of running a fake vaccination campaign believed to have helped the American intelligence agency track bin Laden in a Pakistani town, where he was killed in a US special forces raid last May.

The imprisonment is likely to anger ally Washington at a sensitive time, with both sides engaged in difficult talks over re-opening NATO supply routes to US-led troops in Afghanistan.

US officials had hoped Pakistan, a recipient of billions of dollars in American aid, would release Afridi, detained after the unilateral operation which killed bin Laden and strained ties with Islamabad.

In January, US defense secretary Leon Panetta said in a television interview that Afridi and his team had been key in finding bin Laden, describing him as helpful and insisting the doctor had not committed treason or harmed Pakistan.

Forget 33 years, he should come out in a Box. I am surprised he was not shot in the head for being a traitor. Then again it is better to prolong his agony with a slow painful death.
Let us put the shoe on the other foot. What would happen to a US citizen who, under some circumstances, collaborated with, say Russian intelligence, in killing a dissident Chechen who was living in the US and wearing a ''different hat''

this US citizen was promised in exchange for his ''services'' a monetary reward and some other incentive from the foreign entity...

American might say, ''that would be different because Putin is a bad guy, while Americans are defending the world from terrorism, authoritarian government, and male dominance.''

As Madeline Albright put it, “We’re Americans; we see farther.”

Unfortunately, farsighted people cannot see very clearly what is close at hand, and all Obama and his band of marxist twits are strutting and boasting about human rights and democracy, all these talks of “truth, justice, and the American way” turn out to be hollow platitudes concocted to disguise the naked reality of an 'empire' that rests on the ability to project force to every country on every continent around the globe.

to go back to my example, we already know what would happen to that US citizen.....he'd not be much better off than Pvt. Manning who is facing the fury of Washington over his contribution to wiki-leaks.
Denial of what ? :azn: Your trolling abilities ? :lol: ... I am sure of that , do not worry

Ok so what does it tell me , reminds me of " freedom of speech " ... Each person is allowed to express his views , organize rallies and arrange peaceful protest in a democratic country ... Something which you guys are always moaning about ...

So , why are you bothered by it now ? :azn:

Every individual has different views and I am sure they do not represent the views of the majority ... After all , Osama wasn't even remotely close to the number of people killed by US in all those meaningless wars ...

Yeah , great people " betraying " their country , indeed ... What else is your lot offering him besides recommending him for a nobel prize as posted earlier ? :azn:

Using childish words like " cage " and " cave " aren't going to help you in an argument ... :P You have my firm assurance :D

Nice attempt Jayron , but Najam Sethi is a well known anti-Army speaker who's views aren't of interest to many ...

You are free to believe him , however :)
Lengthy diatribe and meaning of it, zilch.. keep going on, there is no limit to your buffoonery!
His punishment is enough for his part in deceiving his own nation, but i still think he should be hanged till death for putting innocent kids at risk with this fake polio thing he did...

How does he endanger the kids when he needed the blood of Osama's family.
Let us put the shoe on the other foot. What would happen to a US citizen who, under some circumstances, collaborated with, say Russian intelligence, in killing a dissident Chechen who was living in the US and wearing a ''different hat''

this US citizen was promised in exchange for his ''services'' a monetary reward and some other incentive from the foreign entity...

American might say, ''that would be different because Putin is a bad guy, while Americans are defending the world from terrorism, authoritarian government, and male dominance.''

As Madeline Albright put it, “We’re Americans; we see farther.”

Unfortunately, farsighted people cannot see very clearly what is close at hand, and all Obama and his band of marxist twits are strutting and boasting about human rights and democracy, all these talks of “truth, justice, and the American way” turn out to be hollow platitudes concocted to disguise the naked reality of an 'empire' that rests on the ability to project force to every country on every continent around the globe.

to go back to my example, we already know what would happen to that US citizen.....he'd not be much better off than Pvt. Manning who is facing the fury of Washington over his contribution to wiki-leaks.
Yeah but personally there are many who respect and appreciate his work on bringing out the black face of US diplomacy and many secrets..
You're distorting again.

There are fates worse than death or imprisonment: among these is the death of human-loving ideals. The good doctor had them; you do not.

Those words " Human loving ideals " sound somewhat empty words coming from a mouth of a ZIONIST.
In my view he was put in jailed not because of treason but because of killing an important ally of Pakistan which was Osama Bin Laden. If I was Pakistan that was protecting Osama I definitely be mad. Especially those who helped killed him. And the Pro-Taliban and Al Qaeda populace.
By this definition I could not see how Dr.Afridi has committed treason.

Actually if you think about it, ISI and GoP claim that it was because of their work that US was able to catch OBL. Dr.Afridi did the same thing. So did ISI and GoP commit treason ?

Dude, are you an airhead or something? :lol: ISI and GoP committing treason? That's like saying US government can commit treason. Do you not see the obvious logic and factual hole in your argument?
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