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Pakistani Democracy Has Drowned In The Floods


Mar 10, 2010
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These politicians have no idea how to solve the problems of the country. Moreover, these secular democrats have no popular domestic support and are dependent upon the patronage of their Western masters


ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—It is abundantly clear that the so-called democrats of Pakistan are totally clueless as to how to look after the affairs of the people. Whether it is external military aggression, a diplomatic slur, a natural disaster or providing a working infrastructure for the people, none of these politicians has any clue what to do. When Musharraf was in power these very same people said the problem was dictatorship and that democracy would solve the problems of the nation. They were deaf, dumb and blind to any other suggestion. Now they have their democracy, yet what have they done?

Is Zardari’s disregard for the plight of the common man due to a lack of democracy in the country? If this were a dictatorship then one could simply blame Zardari and say the man is rotten. However, Pakistan is a democracy and as such it is not just Zardari who is at fault. Where are the other political parties and ‘democratic’ institutions and ‘rights’ groups holding the government to account? Where are the great ‘checks and balances’ of democracy?

Is the impotence of the democratic parties in issuing a robust rebuttal to David Cameron’s remarks, or their inability to effectively contribute to disaster management of the floods, due to a lack of democracy? Where is our judiciary in holding these people to account?

Why is Zardari, Gilani, Sharif or any other of the so-called big shots of Pakistani politics unable to articulate a coherent defense of the country or a response to the floods to help the people?

Why has this and previous governments, dictatorial and democratic, not invested in early warning systems and strategic stores of medicines, food, water, tents and other supplies in robust warehouses across the country? Why they are not able to build contingency plans as part of disaster management for an event that is not unlikely given that the sub-continent has been famous for its monsoon rains for centuries?

How can our leaders afford lavish overseas trips with visits to 5-star hotels and restaurants in Paris and London and yet beg for aid from the whole world? Why are the politicians sitting comfortably in their sumptuous mansions whilst the people have lost their homes, their livestock and their property, have no food or clean water and are now being faced with the specter of cholera and other disease? What is the point of these secular democrats when all they know is how to beg everyone in the world, and then loot whatever is given?

The answer is simple: these politicians have no idea as to how to solve the problems of the country. Moreover, these secular democrats have no popular domestic support and are dependent upon the patronage of their Western masters.
Can Daily.pk please come forth with the list of politicians still in Islamabad and not in their constituencies?
I think we are better off with Military rule , or organized rule under retired generals

These political leaders with no degrees are incompetent

Building vast amount of real estate in Britain while Pakistan is under flood
Pak democracy drowned in floods and Military a proved their worth. They not only swam but also saved the people:pakistan:
It's such a sweeping statement. 'Democracy drowning in floods'. The failure of a government should not be painted as the failure of democracy.
about time the americans will realize all this time they did nothing but filled pockets of Zardari..imagine all these millitants were present under mushraff too but her has a co-ordinated effort of controlling them down tactically without launching full scale offense. Slow but sure way of eradicating these terrorist without going into full scale war.
Democracy will not work in Pakistan - we need to make a decision

Democracy will not work because our population 60-70% can't make a correct political choice

Democracy will not work becasue we can't decide on simple thing like Kalabagh damn

What we need is a "long dictatorship" 20-30 years long

If we have such a rule we will be fine

Also when our population's education level is only 30% going to schools or higher educaion , Democracy will not work

Democracy only works when population's education level is 80% +

I think Democracy has Failed

If I am given a choice between Bilawal/Zardari clan ship vs Nawaz clanship vs religious fanatics

I think I will go with Army - at least that person will be educated , and also serving the nation

And we need to demolish the parliment house or make it into a food storage place at least the Tones of wheat will not be lost each year let all the Fat politicans work for a change for their living instead of daily $$$ from treasury

And confiscate all fram lands from feudal lords who got these from britain
take 100% lands back just like Chavez did

Can't even build a canal or dams, good for nothing politicians just eager to talk to Indian diplomats or go visit britain on luxury planes
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Controlling terrorists under Gen. (r) Musharraf's regime? I'd really, really like to know as to when did that happen? Have you followed the timeline of events in the valley of Swat and exactly how and why did the **** hit the fan there?
No democracy suits Pakistan I am of the view that PM or President of State would be the one who no one can blame; no party,bank,judge or whatsoever

& that one is AQ KHAN
democracy demands time to get mature. ur only 2-3 yrs old democracy. have patience, give it time. dictatorship is not a solution for sure. the mess in which pakistan is can put any time of governance into corner. suppose if you have a dictator right now, you surely won't get so much aids. education and awareness among the masses is the key. if u dont have these two nobody will save anyone. well all the best.
Not really, democracy is peoples power if we vote for the right person we shall stand stronger otherwise the three A's bless us.
Democracy will not work in Pakistan - we need to make a decision

Democracy will not work because our population 60-70% can't make a correct political choice

Democracy will not work becasue we can't decide on simple thing like Kalabagh damn

What we need is a "long dictatorship" 20-30 years long

If we have such a rule we will be fine

Also when our population's education level is only 30% going to schools or higher educaion , Democracy will not work

Democracy only works when population's education level is 80% +

I think Democracy has Failed

If I am given a choice between Bilawal/Zardari clan ship vs Nawaz clanship vs religious fanatics

I think I will go with Army - at least that person will be educated , and also serving the nation

And we need to demolish the parliment house or make it into a food storage place at least the Tones of wheat will not be lost each year let all the Fat politicans work for a change for their living instead of daily $$$ from treasury

And confiscate all fram lands from feudal lords who got these from britain
take 100% lands back just like Chavez did

Can't even build a canal or dams, good for nothing politicians just eager to talk to Indian diplomats or go visit britain on luxury planes
Democracy can't work here atleast until our literacy rates improves alot but I think a military ruler who also gives us free Media and holds himself accountable to courts is the urgent need of the hour.
Democracy can't work here atleast until our literacy rates improves alot but I think a military ruler who also gives us free Media and holds himself accountable to courts is the urgent need of the hour.

By the Fall of 2007, a sitting Army Chief cum President of Pakistan was reduced to sitting in his 'presidency bunker' because the security situation--under his watch of 8 years of absolute rule--had deteriorated to an extreme degree; the year culminated in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto on top of the start of Lawyer's Movement (March 2007) and Lal Masjid operation (summer of 2007). Pakistan's economy and its security situation has been on a downhill track since sometime in 2007; this was months before any cursed 'democrats' came to power. Mr. Musharraf kept denying that there were militants present in the north west of Pakistan after 9/11--all the while these fanatics were entrenching themselves. Lies. Lies and more lies from the blogspace.

Perhaps you guys continue to believe in your propaganda against democracy but someone needs to correct the record. That Musharraf decided to finally leave was not because of goodness of his heart: It was a realization that he had become the most hated person in Pakistan--a bunker president who cobbled together corrupt Chowdries and turn-coats from other parties to perpetuate his rule.

He was not an Ata Turk.

He finally left Pakistan in a dire situation right along the time when the global economy was also tanking. Don't give me numbers about 'foreign reserves' or 'stock exchange' because they too had started a slide downward because of a culmination of various events in 2007.

So much for the love of 'strong men'.

I will now find articles about where the govt. and NGOs are doing their part in the flood relief. This is Pakistan's Noah's Flood where about 10% of the population is affected in a country already affected with so much misery, terrorism, and poor infrastructure. Don't forget what happened for days/weeks in New Orleans because of Katrina even though NO had a great infrastructure in the richest country in the world. That was just one city. Here, there are millions of acres of lands in a very poor country.

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