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Pakistani-Americans Second Fastest Growing Asian Community in America

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Oct 31, 2009
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United States
There are now more Asians migrating to the United States than Hispanics, reflecting a decline in illegal immigration as American employers increase their demand for high-skilled workers. About 430,000 Asians, or 36 percent of all new immigrants, arrived in the U.S. in 2010, according to the latest census data. That's higher than 370,000, or 31 percent, who were Hispanic.

A study published by the Pew Research Center details what it describes as "the rise of Asian-Americans", a highly diverse and fast-growing group making up roughly 5 percent of the U.S. population. Mostly foreign-born and naturalized citizens, their numbers have been boosted by increases in visas granted to specialized workers and to wealthy investors as the U.S. economy becomes driven less by manufacturing and more by technology.

The Pew survey is based on an analysis of census data as well as interviews with 3,511 Asian adults living in the U.S., conducted by cell phone or landline from Jan. 3 to March 27. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percentage points for all respondents, higher for subgroups.


Pakistani-Americans (pop: 409,163) are the seventh largest community among Asian-Americans, behind Chinese (3.8 million), Filipinos (3.4 million), Indians (3.2 million), Vietnamese (1.74 million), Koreans (1.7 million) and Japanese (1.3 million), according to Asian-American Center For Advancing Justice . They are still a miniscule fraction of the overall US population. However, their numbers have more than doubled in the last decade due to increased immigration, according to US Census 2010 data. With 100% increase since 2000, Pakistanis are the second fastest growing Asian immigrant group in the United States. With median household income of $63,000, Pakistani-Americans also earn more than an average American household. The most common jobs of Pakistani-Americans include doctors, engineers, accountants, salespersons, administrators/managers and financial analysts, and 55 per cent hold at least a bachelor’s degree which is higher than 49% of all Asian-Americans and almost twice the 28% of overall American population with college degrees.


Here are some of the highlights of Pakistani-American data from US Census 2010 as gleaned from a report titled "A Community of Contrasts Asian Americans in the United States: 2011" published by Asian-American Center For Advancing Justice:

1. There are 409,163 Pakistani-Americans in 2010, the 7th largest Asian-American community in America.

2. Pakistani-American population doubled from 2000 (204,309) to 2010 (409,163), the second largest percentage increase after Bangladeshis' 157% increase in the same period.

3. The median household income of Pakistani-American families is nearly $63,000 versus $51,369 average for all Americans.

4. 55% of Pakistanis have a bachelor's degree or higher.

5. 55% of Pakistanis own their own homes.

6. 6% of Pakistani-American population is mixed race.

7. 65% of Pakistanis in America are foreign-born. 57% of foreign-born Pakistani-American population is made up of naturalized citizens.

8. There are 120,000 Pakistani legal permanent residents of which 42% are eligible to naturalize.

9. There were 69,202 immigrant visas issued to Pakistanis from 2001 to 2010, the 5th highest among Asian nations.

10. 28% of Pakistanis have limited English proficiency.

11. 15% of Pakistanis are classified as poor; only 1% of them are on public assistance.

12. 8% of Pakistanis are unemployed, a figure lower than the general population of Americans.

13. Median age of Pakistanis in America is only 29 years, lower than most of the Asian groups and the national median age of 36.8 years.

Pakistani-American community is still relatively young when compared with other immigrant groups. More of the Pakistanis in America are college educated than the general population of whites and various immigrant groups. The youthful energy and higher education levels of Pakistani-Americans are opening doors for them to rise and shine in America, in spite of the current economic difficulties in their adopted land of opportunities.

Haq's Musings: Pakistani-American Population Growth Second Fastest Among Asian-Americans
They should provide info about birth rates among ethnic groups as well . Gives more insight .
Pakistanis are always hardworking & especially in US they are well off most of the Pakistanis are in white collar jobs & highly skilled & really help each others thts why only 1% are on public assistance...

thts how US attract talent ....
Pakistanis are always hardworking & especially in US they are well off most of the Pakistanis are in white collar jobs & highly skilled & really help each others thts why only 1% are on public assistance...

thts how US attract talent ....

BULLSH!!!!T!!! Trust me, i know from experience how much Pakistanis backstab, oops, i mean "help" each other.

Though i would agree that Pakistani Americans are well off compared to their British counterparts.

EDIT: deleted
But indians are pouring in by the millions. You see less and less white people and more and more indians with their bellies hanging out of their bright red, orange, and yellow sarees, not to mention the extreme odor. No wonder White folks don't take the public buses anymore, even i stopped taking the public buses and now walk, but hey walking is good for you.

lol the frustration is oh-so-evident. :lol:
But indians are pouring in by the millions. You see less and less white people and more and more indians with their bellies hanging out of their bright red, orange, and yellow sarees, not to mention the extreme odor. No wonder White folks don't take the public buses anymore, even i stopped taking the public buses and now walk, but hey walking is good for you.

Americans call it urban blight don't they?
BULLSH!!!!T!!! Trust me, i know from experience how much Pakistanis backstab, oops, i mean "help" each other.

Though i would agree that Pakistani Americans are well off compared to their British counterparts.

But indians are pouring in by the millions. You see less and less white people and more and more indians with their bellies hanging out of their bright red, orange, and yellow sarees, not to mention the extreme odor. No wonder White folks don't take the public buses anymore, even i stopped taking the public buses and now walk, but hey walking is good for you.

Say what you might, no one in our country goes around planting bombs and doing Jihad in Times Square like your countrymen :pakistan:
Why Indians leave superpower India?

Not more than how many Pakistanis leave superpower Pakistan. :lol:

lol did you know that for every Indian who leaves India, there are 40 :-)woot:) Pakistanis who leave Pakistan!

Heck, you guys have now started seeking asylum in India. India!


Not at all. Unlike you i don't need smileys to prove that i'm not "frustrated", the smiley is a sign of insecurity on your part.

Insecurity from Pakistanis.

BULLSH!!!!T!!! Trust me, i know from experience how much Pakistanis backstab, oops, i mean "help" each other.
Though i would agree that Pakistani Americans are well off compared to their British counterparts.

There is no unity with the expatiates. Your by yourself if you dont have family.
Thankfully the student population thinks differently.
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